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Rolling Power Outages Outrage!

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Trevalius Guyus, Feb 15, 2021.

  1. Jeff Elohim

    Jeff Elohim Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2020
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    Six years old ? Grow up. IF possible, Seek and Learn the difference between the spam of the "big boys" ("in the news for a century") ("causing outrage finally today")
    and the truth that can set you free from their continual deception.
  2. Trevalius Guyus

    Trevalius Guyus Veteran Member

    Jan 22, 2020
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    We have not had any water, at all, for about ten hours. Electricity has been on since 1 AM, today. It went off, once, for a few minutes, at 3 AM, but it's on now. We have lots of stored water. The grocery store, today, was OK. We got what we needed.
  3. Faye Fox

    Faye Fox Veteran Member

    Aug 31, 2019
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    The Federal program that pushed wind energy and punished electric production by fossil fuels or even hydro, is the basic reason Texas is in this mess. Had snow and cold not hit and the wind kept blowing all would be great, but that is Green New Deal dreaming and not reality. The other problem lies in the fact that Texas is increasing in population rapidly because of the insane governing of California.

    So when you depend on a system that doesn't provide 24/7 constant AC feed into the grid and the draw exceeds the output of the grid, some area is going to get shut off. Nearly everything these days depends on the production of AC electricity. As we see in Texas, the decrease in water pressure might be partly from broken lines, but mostly from the lack of electricity required to pump it.

    So how can such disasters be avoided in the future? There is only one answer and that is hydro or fossil fuel-driven AC generators. Solar fails because of inefficiency. To make solar usable 24/7 requires the use of massive batteries (that have to be replaced every few years) that are made from elements that are mined using huge diesel burning equipment. Solar is also very inefficient. To make it usable to feed the grid requires an inverter which increases inefficiency, then this voltage has to be stepped up using a transformer which again adds to losses.

    Alternative energy is great on a small scale, but still expensive and inefficient and depends on fossil fuels to manufacture. The only hope for Texas is to build more dependable 24/7 AC generating plants which would be hydro or fossil fuel or nuclear. Also, tax all moving from California a high tax that would fund more power without burdening the long-time residents.

    I would like to see the Federal government have less control over the grid and states and residents decide what kind of electric generation they want in their area and state.
    Frank Sanoica likes this.
  4. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    Not to get too off-topic here, but, I don't know about the California-to-Texas people , but do know that Colorado was getting flooded with California people when we left Colorado in Oct. 2007. And then, when we lived in Jacksonville, Florida, we seen a lot of Houston Texan NFL fans there.

    Sometimes I just wonder how many originals live in each state in the U.S.. So many people are still moving around, state-to-state, these days.
  5. Trevalius Guyus

    Trevalius Guyus Veteran Member

    Jan 22, 2020
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    You are wrong about wind energy, but don't let that stop your agenda-driven narrative. What continued reliance on fossil fuels will do, and here there is no debate possible, is further the pollution of our already dirty air, increase the greenhouse effect and its concomitant global warming, which paradoxically, will also increase the southern creep of polar winds and freezing winters where there were never many stretches of the same. The info is out there on science-based sites, not those with a political bent.
  6. Peter Renfro

    Peter Renfro Veteran Member

    Sep 13, 2018
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    New Green Deal, does not exist. Plain and simple Does not exist! It may exist someday but right now it is an idea.
    Texas get 18% of it power from wind. During the winter, a low wind period about 13%. The turbines froze because the owners did a cost/return study and gambled that the better built winterized ones weren't cost effective.
    The natural gas plants were hamstrung because the wellheads which were not insulated froze while the power plants had trouble with frozen water.

    Faye the exact reason Texas is where it is at is because they demanded local control over their grid. If they had been tied to the (admittedly crappy)Eastern or Western grid they would have been able to import power.

    Beth I feel bad for your situation, but truth is not hate. Nothing I have posted is hateful in any way.
    Tom Galty likes this.
  7. Faye Fox

    Faye Fox Veteran Member

    Aug 31, 2019
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    @Trevalius Guyus I don't get where you read what I wrote out of my personal knowledge and experience is a political agenda. You rebut with ideas that you say came from science-based sites. How do you know they are science-based? Can you explain to me where all the elements necessary to make Texas less dependant on fossil fuels are going to come from? Do you have any idea or knowledge of what it takes to produce batteries, inverters, wind turbines, solar cells, etc.? Do you have knowledge of how basic electricity works? Do you understand the difference between AC and DC? Why long-distance power lines are very high voltage?

    Explain to me in detail how I am wrong about wind energy? I live off the grid using wind, solar, and hydro for 15 years. Explain to me why there is no debate about the claims made that fossil fuels are the major cause of climate change?

    What are you willing to give up to do your part in "saving the planet"? Can you live like the American Indians of 400 years ago? Are you willing to shut down hospitals because of their high dependency on 24/7 electricity including running massive diesel generators in times of blackouts?

    The wind doesn't blow 24/7 everywhere and is not reliable. The environmental damage done manufacturing these massive turbines that are done by plants depending on fossil fuels is many times over the benefit they provide to "saving the planet". Look at the diesel trucks hauling their massive props 80 feet long. The emission from the plants manufacturing the props alone is causing more damage than a natural gas-powered generating plant in the same operating window.

    The sites you refer to as science are nothing more than political agenda sites. I have no political agenda and I am concerned with real science which is based on experience and the ability to use my eyes and see what is really happening. Look at how all the so-called scientists and politicians that promote this "green" renewable energy and how they live. They don't believe one thing they say or they would be living very simple and using all their riches to make actual changes instead of flying around the world spouting their ideas that could never work.

    Electricity has to be generated and a 24/7 system is necessary to sustain modern society. You see, talking about producing electricity and doing it are two different things. The sites you are reading are not science, but theories and speculation with minimal scientific backing. The problems we see in Texas and California with blackouts are because the demand is exceeding the supply.

    California prides itself on having the world's best environmental scientist and engineers that have been working on the black-out problem for years, yet they still have to administer rolling blackouts. WHY? Why can they not resolve this in their own state if they have the solution for the world? The reason is simple because they are trying to do it with alternative electrical production and such is not possible.

    If you know how the world's electrical needs can be met with alternative environmentally safe sources that can be made with minimal environmental damage, then let us all know. For every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction. Everything comes at a cost. The name of the game for producing grid reliable electricity is efficiency and dependability. Wind turbines provide neither.
  8. Jeff Elohim

    Jeff Elohim Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2020
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    Is this a rhetorical question (i.e. you already know the answer?) ?
  9. Faye Fox

    Faye Fox Veteran Member

    Aug 31, 2019
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    Was it posted like a rhetorical question? No, it was not. It was a question posted for Mr. Guyus.
  10. Hedi Mitchell

    Hedi Mitchell Supreme Member

    Mar 18, 2017
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    Hello all my fellow freinds and countrymem..um people.
    We came home yesterday afternoon and thank goodness no busted pipes for us. Heat and water are wonderful luxuries in a winter crisis for sure.
    However water is off this morning only because maintance is reapring pipes and etc.
    Was great sleeping in our beds and having tv back to watch.
    Mark is very good in driving in snow and ice but this round had even him worried. I am a problem in trying to walk even to auto in this ice. My legs and arms are still very weak and this affects my balance as well. But due to his help we made it just fine.
    Thank goodness our friends had a warm toasty home for us to stay at.
    Oddly enough they only live maybe three miles fronm us - yet their heat and water never wavered.
    That is excatly why so many are pissed off- one house is okay another is not.
    I could get mad and debate the issue but a waste of time and I got lots of things to do right now.
    I see tension is still rumning amuck hrre on the forum front. I decided a few weeks instead of leaving the forum-- to which I love and rely on - I just pick my topics according to what wont rise my BP .
    @Beth Gallagher ..thank you wondering about my welfare. Once I get time will catch up on you and others.
    At least the sun is out bright today and yea it's 32 degrees !
  11. Al Amoling

    Al Amoling Veteran Member

    Aug 20, 2016
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    What you cited as a question is not aquestion rhetorical or not.
  12. Jeff Elohim

    Jeff Elohim Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2020
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    Depending on the context, a rhetorical question may be punctuated by a question mark (?), full stop (.), or exclamation mark (!),[6] but some sources argue that it is required to use a question mark for any question, rhetorical or not.[7]

    In the 1580s, English printer Henry Denham invented a "rhetorical question mark" (⸮) for use at the end of a rhetorical question; however, it fell out of use in the 17th century. It was the reverse of an ordinary question mark, so that instead of the main opening pointing back into the sentence, it opened away from it.[8]"

    Note that the safe and inexpensive and inexhaustible energy and all the electricity ever needed for all the households, businesses, utilities and so forth was offered by Tesla over a hundred years ago. (and many methods, many times since then)

    Because of the greed of the people, corporations, and governments, it was quashed.
  13. Faye Fox

    Faye Fox Veteran Member

    Aug 31, 2019
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    @Gloria Mitchell Glad you are back home and no broken pipes. Nothing like home. I sure hope your temperatures start rising soon.
    Hedi Mitchell and Frank Sanoica like this.
  14. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    Glad to hear you are safe and sound (and warm) in your own place, Gloria. This week has been something else! Our water is back on, though very low stream and we're under the "boil water" alert. My husband went up into the attic to light the water heater so hopefully we can have showers in a little while.

    I'm so glad I keep a stockpile of food and necessities. I feel bad for people scrambling to find food and water in the cold.
    Hedi Mitchell and Faye Fox like this.
  15. Al Amoling

    Al Amoling Veteran Member

    Aug 20, 2016
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    this is what you asked about
    Faye Fox said:
    If you know how the world's electrical needs can be met with alternative environmentally safe sources that can be made with minimal environmental damage, then let us all know.

    Then you asked
    Is this a rhetorical question (i.e. you already know the answer?) ?

    Jeff Elohim, 27 minutes ago

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