Women do that Ken, I am better now and didn't go to dr. for any meds like Marie did, I did take a little of the inhaler she got from them though, and I hope you do feel better quick, Ken.
Try a small glass of Bourbon and some honey with a dash of lemon. If that don't help throw out the honey and lemon and try that.
That was my remedy for my kids when they were young and momma gave it to us, all cough syrup has alcohol in it.
I'm feeling better, but not over it yet. I felt good last night and I felt good when I got up this morning, but that was the Nyquil. Dayquil doesn't do anything for me. A few hours after getting up, the cough and the headache have returned, but (so far) not nearly as bad as yesterday or the day before. I haven't been eating or drinking a lot because I'm not hungry and almost nothing tastes good. I have some cappuccino that tastes good while I'm drinking it, but it makes me feel sick afterward. In the last couple of pots of coffee I made, I barely drank one cup.
Glad to hear that, Ken. I tried what Thomas said, a shot of Crown Royal, lemon, and honey, then off to bed, it seem to work, for me because I do feel better now.
You know sugar salt and water is used to revitalize young infants that are dehydrated and near death, that is in 3rd world countries like Africa where World healthcare workers treat so many young for starvation and dehydration. It is a cheap spin off of a regular IV fluid, so I read years ago. It does take a balanced mix of course but it makes if easy to help the dying and usually brings them out of the certain death mode. The body fluids are replenished.
That's good to know, I think at one time I had heard they were using sugar salt, and water for the children in Africa, but it was a while back when I had heard that. Nowadays mostly you hear, stay away from sugar, and salt and be careful of the water you drink, which may be contaminated. We live in such different times now, I almost feel like I moved away.
I think a small bag of IV would be great to save a life of an infant. Everyone tries to make a name for themselves suggesting everything in our world is toxic or deadly. I really got p ssed off to see they banned sassafras tea saying it caused cancer. I've never met anyone that had a family member die from drinking the tea. Regular tea is not healthy as they say, in WWII the Brits were contributing to their own death if they had a stomach wound and had drank tea before they received the wound, it would poison their stomach and in many cases killed them.
That's something, never heard tea would kill you if drank before a stomach wound. Something new I have learned today. That's right about people trying to make a name for themselves and most don't care who it hurts in the process either.
Even for adults, now, they recommend Pedialyte instead of Gatorade to replenish fluids and electrolytes.
In my witchy practice there are lots of teas that I have used on humans as well as animals (mostly horses) Herbs contain lots of important medicinals. That is where most early medicines came from. They are banned because they 'cannot be' patented. Then they could compete with costly drugs. The FDA testing is costly and what can be cooked up in the kitchen can't pay for the tests is all.
I think I have written in the past about a pediatrician I knew who treated very sick infants. He was Seventh Day Adventist and did not drink himself, but would put a few drops of whiskey into the pacifiers of preemies who were having breathing difficulties and it would fix them up in about 90% of cases. I devised a method of treating the flu myself that was based on old "hyperthermic treatments". Step into a warm shower and slowly turn up the heat until you reach the point at which you cannot stand it any longer. Rotate yourself in the water stream for 20-30 minutes, increasing the temperature as you can bear it. At the end of 20-30 minutes, slowly decrease the temperature until you fell your muscles release. If you do it correctly, you may find it difficult to stand and walk so it is handy to have someone around (although I could always walk with no difficulty). Climb immediately into bed and sleep until you naturally wake up. It has worked to "cure" flu for me for decades.