It's the same here. I don't mention politics on Facebook but many do and many unfriend people because of that. I don't. I'm not going to not be your friend because if who you are voting for.
I remember this poster from the other forum. I'm not 100% sure if she was someone I liked or not but I'm leaning toward the memory of liking her. I guess her story isn't believe-able? I find the rubber fetus going far. However Google 'rubber fetuses in schools' and see what comes up. Apparently it's happened.
You probably liked her....she's an animal lover which is good but she posts some other stuff that I don't agree with. I won't mention it on here though because it's not about politics or trump but her personal life. Also many on there have posted negatively about this forum and have even mentioned names so I don't feel bad about posting about something I saw on there. I should have cropped her username out of the screenshot but I forgot.
No problem Chrissy. I didn't know they were talking negative over there about this forum. But then people post negatively about that forum here. Myself included, but with good reason in many cases. There were some nice people over there but it was also kind of weird with too much bragging. And they are mentioning names. I'm sure it's probably worse on their part. Sorry to say. I liked the lady with that big house she inherited with all the antiques. All of which she couldn't seem to rid herself of. I felt really bad for her.
No problem Kitty and I really shouldn't be doing this type of thing but I just get frustrated because I'm banned there and can't respond in person. It's therapeutic for me to be able to post it here. I'll try not doing it's really not nice of me and then I'm no better than they are. Yes, the lady with the cat in her avatar....I also feel for her. She's been trying to sell her mother's antiques without success for years now. I would love an old Style house like hers but I can imagine the headache and the cost of repairs. My house is fairly new and a headache!
Chrissy, I didn't know you were banned there. That's too bad. But from my understanding you are not the only one. I still go to this ultra liberal forum sometimes. I consider myself a liberal but they are nuts. Every white male is super privileged etc etc. They put others down while telling themselves how hip and cool they are. It's an unhealthy environment for me but I go in case they ever attack someone like they did me. I want to stick up for that person so I pop in on occasion. It was so bad it could be damaging to the wrong person. Classic cyber bulling. I should stop but I seem to need to know what they are saying over there. It's never very good.
Yes, there's quite a few banned members on here. I'm a moderate, so sometimes I don't fit in here either. Makes it difficult sometimes. I also despise cyber bullying and cliques and when I see that going on elsewhere I get upset.
Now I'm still reading the misinformation that was blasted by the media the other day when they misquoted Trump As calling vets with PTSD as weak. Are these people so desperate that they have to keep lying even after Snopes said Trump didn't say that. Jeez, how biased and unprofessional!!!