I get up Go pee In summer nothing to put on Get Pickles off the bed Go to kitchen and turn on coffee pot which is ready to go, can't be fumbling with coffee grounds in the morning. Let Pickles out and fill his water at the same time. Get his treat ready and my coffee Let him in and we both come in my recliner room and I drink my coffee and get on my iPad. Later I'll go and make myself breakfast or grab a bar.
Wow, what a neat name for a town, Pearl City And button factories, love your story Ike! Sorry about your grandson, hope his hand gets the chance to heal.
Yes on having the coffee ready to go, lol If I forget I usually end up flipping coffee all over, or turning the pot on with no water in it, or no coffee, LOL! Had a few pots of hot water in my time
LOL Patsy!! Well, you aren't alone in that "boat"! The other day I was getting all dressed after my shower. Put on some clothes, put on my socks and tennies. Stood up rarin to go and realized I forgot to put my jeans on before my shoes
@Denise Happyfeet I have looked like that in the morning before! Anyway, Good Morning everyone! I think I finally figured out what was causing the muscles in my neck to be sore. I have had the clock in my room at a strange angle, and have been twisting my neck to look at it!! Silly me! I was thinking I would have to go to the doctor for an inflamation or something. Now, that the clock has been adjusted, I think I will have no more trouble. My mom was emailing me that my dad got his new mower was whizzing around on it and looked like a kid on a thrill ride! He said he had never been on one before!
Glad you may have found the issue with your neck, and hopefully not a permanent thing @K E Gordon and I can't agree more with @Chrissy Page about your dad, how neat
Actually, the name of my town is Muscatine. It's taken from an Indian name that sounds similar. Pearl city is just a nick name.
@K E Gordon - Ah love the story of your Dad You're right about your neck, definitely the clock position - happened to me
I remember you said something about it being "what they used" to call the town Muscatine, that I've never heard of I'll have to Google it now so I can see what it looks like in your neck of the woods Oh this is cool!! Lots of neat pics I found, and history!!