Afternoon everyone! Two days ago, we had the fireplace, the double wall furnace, and the bathroom heater blasting out the heat. Today it was 78* by noon. For some reason I woke up this morning thinking of the first place Michael and I bought our first bed. We had gone to an actual mattress factory back in '67, but this morning I couldn't remember the name of the place. The more I thought about it, I was able to remember where the factory was located. So I drug Bobert and Izzy out the front door, and off we went to a place I hadn't been to in 50 years. I didn't tell Bobert where we were going because I didn't want to have a conversation about a place I hadn't even seen in so long. I couldn't believe it but, it was still there! We had checked 6 or 7 mattress stores over the holidays hoping for a good sale, but even a small full size mattress set was well over a $1200., and that didn't include anything else. This morning we purchased a full size Temperpedic box spring with pillow top mattress, plus a bed frame, and they will deliver it, all for $431. So I had a good morning, and I hope all of you did as well.
OMgosh, I wish I could find something like that up here Ina!! I have this second hand bed, but if I can find a good buy, it's going to be a new mattress like you found
@Denise Happyfeet look for a mattress factory in your area. Our's is actually called The Mattress Maker. We were able to watch as they built the box frames and the mattresses. A big reason they are cheaper is that there isn't the large overhead of having a fancy building, and utilities to use as a showing area. Those fancy places buy there beds from the factory just as I did.
It's a wet morning here at 7:00 am and more rain though no snow is forecast for later, I don't need to go anywhere so will stay indoors in the warm ..... I didn't get enough sleep last night so unlike yesterday I am not full of beans, (kidney or otherwise) I think it will take an extra cup of coffee to get me going today ... Have a good Thursday.....
LOL I do use them a lot in chilli casseroles and I hear they are good for your kidneys, @Patsy Faye but have never dreamt about them before ...
Well Terry, at least the kidney beans weren't chasing after you, I seen a carrot on the TV ad and that carrot was running around with a big smile on its face, so anything's possible And, you've put a smile on my face which I didn't think possible for today another terrible night and feeling very fed up - but I aim to change that feeling, wish me luck ! @Terry Page
Mornin'. Cooler and only partly cloudy here in quaint Buttonville, located on Iowa's east coast. We have 21 degrees and enough wind to make it feel like 11 degrees at 6 am. So, Ike. Wut ya gonna do today? Finish wut I started yesterday. Wut ya start yesterday? Nuttin. I see on a local news site that my towns city council is about to remove our mayor. So far, no reasons given. A bit of research shows the council doesn't like the mayor's choice of appointees. Big time politics, right here in riverville. Lots of people are starting to get seed catalogs already. I could never get into gardening. Maybe because I had to help my gramps with his and my dad with his. I didn't mind working alongside my gramps in his gardens. Dad however, was different. He would just hand me the spade and say, "dig up that whole side of the back yard. And break up the clods, then rake it all smooth". Then came the planting and weeding. I preferred working in God's garden. I didn't have to dig or plant anything. Just harvest. God's garden provided meat, nuts, berries, mushrooms, fish, fire wood, edible greens, the list is endless. So, rather than seed catalogs, I got catalogs from Corcoran's, L.L. Bean, Evinrude and other companies who sold harvesting equipment, (guns, boats, fishing rods). Speaking of L.L. Bean, I see they are being boycotted by a bunch of butt hurt liberals. Seems Bean always gave the 'crat's money for campaign's. This time, they gave it to the Republicans.
I'm with you Ike, me and gardening don't see eye to eye, although I did try Once I planted me plants and admit I'm heavy handed and Fabs says to me 'They're gonna need muscles to push up from the earth !' @Ike Willis
Bad sleep huh? Here's a little trick that I've passed around along the way and it has some pretty good responses from the ones that tried it. If you have a special poem that you have memorized (especially the 23rd Psalm), try to mentally repeat the poem when you are all settled in and trying to sleep. It not only helps relax you but it also negates any stressful thoughts that might prohibit a good night's sleep. I do not recall any responses from people in the missions I have taught in reporting that they got through the 23rd Psalm over twice before they went to sleep. But, on a more secular note, if all else fails I see no harm in pounding down a couple of glasses of a good sherry before bed!
Thanks Bobby - I do as you suggest every night and have done for many years and yes, it works The problem is the nerve damage, causes red hot pins and needles which then wake me up Its getting harder to get comfortable too I can't have alcohol no more, used to like a glass of sherry before bed, now it's a pain killer that lasts all of 20 minutes So yes, your remedy really does work. There's another strange one for 'waking' up - say you want to wake up at 6am, as you settle into bed, tap your forehead 6 times - amazingly this works ! Handy if yer clock packs up @Bobby Cole
Morning everyone, been up for awhile, but just not a lot of ambition today. Maybe once I'm finished my coffee. Hope you all have a great day Denise