@Von Jones Is this a photo of where you live. Awesome. Can i come help with decorations and enjoy the beautiful scenery..
Aww thanks for wanting to join me, Micki. No it's not where I live but the sun is definitely shining this morning.
Afternoon all... very cold here today but no ice like yesterday.. We had a Huge Sonic Boom at 4.20am this morning, so loud that most of my county thought there was a bomb or an earthquake, it shook everything, houses, windows shook or shattered , set off car alarms etc . Turned out to be.. 2 RAF Eurofighter typhoons which were scrambled to intercept a Boeing 767-300 from Tel Aviv which had lost contact with air traffic control at 3.50am, and 10 minutes later at 4am, the RAF fighter planes took off in hot pursuit, but all was well and the Plane safely went on it's way ( A little info) Depending on the aircraft's altitude, a sonic boom will be heard at ground level two to 60 seconds after it breaks the speed of sound. The distance from which the boom can be heard is approximately one mile per 1,000 feet of altitude. Therefore a supersonic aircraft travelling at an altitude of 30,000 miles would cause a lateral boom of about 30 miles. Anyway..twitter and the media was alight with people woken and wondering what had happened.. and especially so after the terrorist attack on London Bridge day before yesterday. In the meantime, my daughter is flight side right now having a drink and waiting to board her flight back home.. it was such a short visit, but I hope she's energised by it after our lovely day yesterday all of us ..and ready for a very hard working December and Christmas for her. Have a Good start of December everyone..hope it continues in a good way for everyone...
@Holly Saunders So happy about your quality time with your daughter, i'm sure you both wanted the time to be longer. . WOW...A sonic boom, i think i would have hidden when that was heard, and never come out. Can't imagine. .
I'm really missing a lot of stuff not logging in during the morning hours! My scheduled time on here is somewhere between 4 ish - 7 ish p.m. Because I'm so ridiculously OCD, I rarely change my schedule.