We have to pay "out-of-pocket" $700 for a small cap on small tooth that chipped in my wife's mouth. Her dental insurance will be pay $500. And, later we have to pay a total of $500 for our second Shingles shot. So, that will mean $1000 total for both of us for two shots each for shingles vaccine. Next will be my laser cataract surgery that will be $1,900 for each eye and that is all "out-of-pocket" for us. Medicare doesn't pay for laser surgery. Later will be a colonoscopy for each of us. Don't know how much Medicare and supplement will pay for that. IOW, it will be the slimmest Christmas we've ever had, but will have our medical stuff done before we make our move. The Peak: Having this stuff done before our move and I'll be able to FULLY SEE again.
I have the dentist tomorrow... I've had toothache in one of my front lower teeth, for the last couple of weeks. In reality the dentist has been 'saving it' for the last 10 years but I have a horrible feeling we may have come to the end of the road with it and I might have to have it out tomorrow!!
@Holly Saunders If it comes to that, I truly wish you an uneventful extraction. Mine several months ago involved one and one-half hours in the Dentist's chair. I wouldn't wish such an experience on an enemy! On the bright side, FWIW, front teeth have only 1 root; molars more, "Wisdom" teeth often 4 or 5. Makes removal even more difficult. Frank
Add insult to injury....vets office called...they left off one of Radars meds...must pick up tomorrow...another $30! Smh
Thank goodness yesterday is gone. Felt like I was in the Twlight Zone. Am ready for a better day today
A pretty neat thing happened yesterday. I was up on a ladder doing some repair work on the siding of a house. This time the work I was doing shouldn’t have had to be done if the person who did the initial work had done it properly and between thee and me, repairing someone else’s mess-ups isn’t one of my mental strong points. To reveal what I was silently calling said gentleman would not be the proper thing to do but I can write that my brain was spending more time fussing than thinking about the repairs. Somewhere in the middle of my self imposed stress, a butterfly landed on my bare shoulder and just sat there whilst slowly moving it’s wings for show. It wasn’t the most beautiful butterfly by any means but still, it just sat there for a few moments and then proceeded to walk around, inspecting it’s landing area. I thought it was pretty cool so I struck up a conversation with it whilst I completed my work and as luck would have it, the butterfly was a fantastic listener for I received no condemning or condoning remarks but just a wave or two from it’s wings. Eventually, I came down from the ladder and started another project. My new found friend was still there, taking it’s time walking from one shoulder, around the back of my neck to the other shoulder seemingly watching my work and listening to me chatting away, again with nothing to say in return but a wave or two. It went on that way for the period of about 45 minutes and then, almost in tune with my lowered stress level and nothing left to say, it flew away. Say what you must, I have never had a better stress relief than that simple butterfly. People can talk about their dogs and cats and even their pet ostriches for their therapeutic uses but I for one, now prefer butterflies. A therapist costs a bunch per hour, a pet has to have vet bills and feeding whilst “Butterflies are Free”!
Pit : had dentist this afternoon and she had to take X-rays because she couldn't see a problem enough to cause the pain peak : No need to have a tooth out, no cavity, no plaque build up..no inflammation that she could see .. so she smeared a fluoride paste on my gums.. and gave me a script for 3 tubes more to try for a week to see if it settles down... Pit again :.. my tooth still hurts, and if it doesn't settle in a week or 2, then the nerve will have to come out..*yikes* Peak... left the dentist surgery, and walked over to the store and bought myself a new Black and white Pinstrip Blazer..to cheer myself up..
Before @Frank Sanoica or some other guy says it: My, buying a new car seems a tad drastic, but if it makes you happy, so be it!
It is a Chevy SUV. Here is a picture. It is not quite a pinstriped one; but you will get the basic idea, @Holly Saunders .
Carpet removers did not get here until 11:30. After all we moved still mot enough..hv to move fridge and stove but the guys are found that. It will take me a few days to get things in order and back up and runing. Nasty place right now...up since four am ..getting pooped
At least you are able to put on a smiley face Gloria. Things will surely look up soon with that kind of attitude!!
Dust everywhere...am stuck outside with the flies...cant handle the dust inside. I going to redecorate once I get everything in order. Seems Mark is not thrilled with oyr current cheap artifacts