Thanks Holly. FIL is better than we expected. His heart is being monitored daily and he has some diarrhea. If the doc gives him the all clear today he is looking forward to going home in a couple of days. I hear you yourself have not been well. Hope you are also in good recovery mode.
Ugh, what a day. My husband recently broke a bridge in his teeth and is having it replaced with implants. So today was the oral surgeon for 4 FREAKIN' HOURS. Their waiting room was designed for short wait times with the furniture from hell, so to say I am grumpy is putting it mildly. They wouldn't call in his prescriptions so we went by Walgreens on the way home to drop them off. I'll have to get back in the car and drive to pick those up in a little while. We got out of there in time for rush hour which was the frosting on the cake. We finally got home, exhausted and $6,000 poorer (and that doesn't include the two caps that will fit on the implanted posts. ) I need a hot bath and a cold beer.
@Beth Gallagher Holy Crap!!!! You and your Hubby certainly had a very, very bad day. I guess looking at it this way... he's worth $6000.00 more than he did yesterday...dentists, big money pits. Enjoy your hot bath, and cold beer..
Thanks, Micki. I'm just glad it's over for him and I hope it heals well. I skipped the beer but I did buy myself a Hershey bar with almonds when I picked up his meds.
Pit yesterday) hospital all day for another procedure Peak:... all went well... although still more to come sadly... Today Pit:.... feel sore and verrrry tired after yesterday... but hubs had pre-arranged electrical contractors to come and remove older, and fit new meters, and they're arriving any minute now. They'll be here for around 3 hours, ( last thing in the world I need )... thankfully hubs has taken the day off so he can oversee the work., and as the utilities will be turned off, I'm going back to bed and taking my ipad and laptop with me.. might even sleep... Peak; Hubs made me a cuppa tea... Sorry about your o/h's mouth and the flippin' costs @Beth Gallagher .....there's always sumthing as we age isn't there?
Good Day to all.First I hope all of you are well or at least on the road to recovery. Second, I am feeling very defeated today after seeing a another doctor who has no answers. This was a vascular doctor. He is going to have me do a C t scan . I If that shows nothing then a neurologist. Very exhausting been puffed up like Whale and in pain just to keep going from doctor to doctor. I still remind myself could be worse but that cherry note is starting to wane. They do know I have blockage up under the collar bone- however normally they do not mess with that- unless there are symptoms. Helllo i am a walking symptom here. I just wanted to be able to brush my hair, take a shower and do normal everyday things without swelling or pain...And have mobility. I have lost much of the mobility in my arms. So this is my Pit for the day ,and I am still in search of my Peak.
@Gloria Mitchell have the doctors ruled out what it can't be to at least give you some peace of mind?
@Gloria Mitchell - this is bloomin terrible news Went through the same years ago and after endless visits to hospital, finally got an MRI scan that revealed the problem. So hopefully Gloria the scan will do the same for you, hope it will be soon coming x
Kidney heart no blockage in blood clots found in arms..chest xrsu showed nothing...blood work ok.thyroid test done twice...etc etc
I know it took years before I was diagnosed with endometriosis.from the laproscropy. Praying the doctors find out soon what's going on.