This Coronavirus Problem

Discussion in 'Viruses' started by Thomas Stearn, Feb 26, 2020.

  1. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Everything is falling right into place. If only we had a one-world government...
  2. Thomas Stearn

    Thomas Stearn Veteran Member

    Apr 21, 2018
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    Yes, I definitely will when buying food the next time. I regret not having worn one the last time when a man approached me all of a sudden and talked to me at too close a distance before I was able to react. Now I've been having a terrible waiting time of two weeks to find out whether I got infected or not. I hate that.

    Meanwhile, masks are being recommended by our leading virologists but they should ideally be self-made in order to avoid a run on pharmacies and the like. Yet masks of any sort haven't been available in any shops for weeks and months anyway. Manufacturing instructions are available on the internet and elsewhere. There are also vest with imprints "Keep a safe distance" available.

    I won't be wearing single-use gloves, though, since I'm still wearing normal leather gloves which I put in quarantine for some days before I use them again. We usually clean our hands with disinfectants once we're in the car again. When we get home the first thing we do is wash our hands properly the first time before unloading the car. After I stored everything I wash them again for 30s and before I eat something a third time.

    Since we try to keep the virus off our home through the procedure described above, I might wash the keys but don't clean surfaces or anything else with disinfectants nor does my wife. Surfaces are not the real problem, people are.

    What's also a problem these days is that dentists are basically on strike because they are lacking special protective gear and have virtually closed down their practices or are just offering an emergency service only.

    We are a federal state, too, and federalism is of no help when it comes to protecting people. Too much confusion of competences, local officials who don't take decisions or, if they do, the wrong ones. It was not until the government decided to distribute protective gear centrally that the most severe bottlenecks of supply could be removed.

    Now it has also proven fatal to have given the go-ahead to the last Champions League match with 60,000 people in a packed stadium in the middle of March. With numbers of infected people rising no one wants to take responsibility for that. Local health authorities, league officials, and soccer clubs pass the buck. Both the local club and health authorities ignored advice from virologists because they feared the reaction of the fans. The same in other parts of the country where thousands of skiers returned from hotbeds in Austria and Italy spreading the virus at home. Only now officials in those areas admit that they ought to have closed the area way earlier.
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2020
  3. Hedi Mitchell

    Hedi Mitchell Supreme Member

    Mar 18, 2017
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    Corona virus... stamped Made in China - naturally.
  4. Lois Winters

    Lois Winters Veteran Member

    Oct 30, 2019
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    The last thing I'd want is a one world government. Makes me shudder at the thought. Globalism is just not my thing.
    Cody Fousnaugh likes this.
  5. Lois Winters

    Lois Winters Veteran Member

    Oct 30, 2019
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    When I was a youngster back in the 30s and 40s, infectious diseases where common place. Measles, chicken pox, mumps, scarlet fever, etc. When one became infected, the board of health placed that household under quarantine in order to safeguard others and kept close tabs on anyone who had previous contact with that family. No one complained, just acted responsibly and did not bristle over their rights as an American citizen being usurped. This is known as humanity at its best. We had no pandemics. Vaccines came along much later and most of us had these diseases at some point in our lives. I became very ill with a high fever one day with a bright red rash over my entire body. My mother rushed me to the doctor who diagnosed me with Scarlet Fever. Well, I was put to bed and my aunt, a nurse and my mom worked to lower the fever from 105 to 101. I fell asleep for the night and when my mother arose the next day, was astonished to find me up and outside playing. No rash, no fever. But, my next door neighbor's son became ill with that condition and was bed ridden for 30 days, and came close to dying a couple of times. It was established that I was a carrier and so had to continue my quarantine as well. As you can see, for the good of humanity, isolation or quarantine saves lives in many cases. So, instead of invoking our Constitutional rights, we should follow the guidelines with good will of helping others.
    Each and every country varies in size and culture and what may be good for one not necessarily is fine for another. If one nation is successful in coming in with a cure or effective treatment for a pandemic such as we are facing, that country should through the health community share its findings with all. We do not need a one world government to establish some measure of cooperation under such circumstances. Let us all maintain our individuality at all costs.
    Craig Wilson and Thomas Stearn like this.
  6. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    I just read online that rural America's ranching and farming industry is still going strong. But, they are afraid that the virus will go from the big major cities to their rural areas.

    Wyoming is one of the least hard hit states of the virus. Perhaps everyone should move to Wyoming, but then again...………(LOL)
  7. Martin Alonzo

    Martin Alonzo Supreme Member

    Mar 7, 2015
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    They are doing a large studies for Hydroxychloroquine and another drug in NYC some thousand participating
    Also they are taking blood plasma from infected people who are now well and using it on people with the virus and looks good. The saddest part is an Italy doctors claim 99% of people who died had other ailments Heart disease, chronic respiratory, and diabetes. Showing the failure of the medical system
    Yvonne Smith likes this.
  8. Craig Wilson

    Craig Wilson Veteran Member

    May 7, 2019
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    @Thomas Stearn how many of Germany's Covid-19 cases have been imported to your knowledge. In Australia some 90% . Either from foreign cruise or air passengers passing it on to Australians on our shores or Australians picking up the infection while abroad. We are only now seeing a spike in community-to community home infections.
  9. Thomas Stearn

    Thomas Stearn Veteran Member

    Apr 21, 2018
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    Since the virus did not originate from here they were all imported prodominantly by people holidaying in Northern Italy and Southern Austria and then spreading the virus back home by celebrating carnival and attending football matches. The very first outbreak in Bavaria was caused by one Chinese woman who'd infected the staff of a car parts supplier quite early.
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2020
    Craig Wilson likes this.
  10. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    Well, how things have changed! President Trump yesterday stated that the Guidelines (Stay At Home) will stay in affect until April 30th, instead of April 12th as earlier stated. There will be certain people will totally dislike this, but "it is what it is". Actually, I think a lot of the Millennials and some
    Gen X folks are going to continue have more problems with this Stay At Home than Seniors will.

    Talked to my BIL (wife's brother) yesterday, who is still working, but working alone, for his boss. He repairs his boss's cars and does other odd jobs. His boss is at least a Millionaire if not more. Anyway, the BIL told wife and I that his boss, boss's wife and their kids have arguments daily. Not serious, but still argue. None of them are use to be around each other except at night and on weekends, but that has all changed.

    Wife and I are doing ok-to-fine. Went to grocery store yesterday AM and done the "get and go" thing. We will be going outside more, for a walk, to get some exercise. We know we need that. Other than that, watching tv, movies, doing things in our apartment and on the old computer.

    OTOH, my SIL (wife's sister) is still going a little nuts staying at home. She really, really misses going to see her two daughters, grandkids and doing some traveling. Her life has changed much, much more than ours. When I told her about the "extension" of Stay At Home, she said "Oh no!!".

    Hope everyone here is doing ok. We kept being told "everything is going to be ok". What do you think about that statement? For us, we surely hope so!!
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2020
    Lois Winters and Nancy Hart like this.
  11. Martin Alonzo

    Martin Alonzo Supreme Member

    Mar 7, 2015
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    In the Dominican Republic here on part of the north coast they have isolated where we live blocking the roads. There is a large area that has no coronavirus cases so they are isolating us from infection. It is getting a little stupid when they do a curfew and then lock up 10,000 for not doing it probably all in the same place. Hope non of that 10,000 had the virus.
    Yvonne Smith likes this.
  12. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Here are the statistics from January through March of deaths from the CV as compared to other deaths worldwide. It is still hard to comprehend all of the panic that has been spread about this virus.
    People have been posting on facebook that when they drive past the CV testing points, or even the hospitals, no one is there and the parking lots are empty, even though the personnel who answer the phone say that they are swamped with sick people.
    Has anyone on the forum tried driving past their hospital or CV testing point to see how busy it is ?
    Todd Starnes went to his nearest large New York hospital to check this out, and reported the same thing from there.
    People are saying that their relative who died had cancer or pneumonia, and then the death certificate was changed after they died. One man said that they used a picture of him in a food line in front of Krogers at Houston (Texas) during hurricane Harvey and said it was from the CV food panic.

    Martin Alonzo likes this.
  13. Al Amoling

    Al Amoling Veteran Member

    Aug 20, 2016
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    And because "CBS cares" they did a piece showing what was happening in a NYV hospital. Only they forgot that the footage was from an earlier story about a hospital in Italy.
    Media should pay heavily for this but won't because there's no-one in media who takes responsibility for the "news" they report.
  14. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    I don't know, but we think that it's as bad as it appears. As far as the word "panic" goes, there will be those, especially Seniors with underlining health problems, that will panic.

    Will just have to see the "reality" of it all, come along Easter Sunday. Peak or no peak...…..that is the question. But, the way it is currently, more people are getting it as well as dying from it.
  15. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Martin Alonzo likes this.

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