@Lon Tanner So how did you like those figs? I've done them stuffed with Feta and wrapped in Pancetta, but never with pork.
15 Residents at a time during scheduled one hour time period for breakfast lunch and dinner. My group is 8:30 to 9:30 AM Breakfast 12:30 to 1;30 PM Lunch 5 to 6 PM Dinner. Our facility has had no virus incidents or deaths.
Lon, I meant to ask you if there was any virus cases at your assisted living home but I forgot. I'm glad to see that there aren't any.
My whole town has had none. One person tested positive after returning here from China a few months ago but he wasn't sick and no one else has tested positive. I am pleased that your dining room will be open, as I can appreciate that it can add a great deal to the day. It might seem like a small thing, but we all need a change of pace once in a while.
I would die having to wait till 8:30 to eat. Try as I might, I very rarely sleep past 5 or 6, I would hope at least a bagel and coffee were available early on.
I used to be this way. When I was working, I'd be on my deck drinking coffee and listening to critters at 4:30AM. Now I'm lucky if I'm up by 8AM.
No kidding. Today I was still AWAKE at 5 a.m. Oh, and our "dining room" is open every day. We just never go in there.
Yeh, I've seen you on line. I went to bed after 3AM last "night." Ain't it great to be an adult who sets his or her own rules?
I'm one of those people who have had phases of radically different behaviour throughout his life. I've had a hard time getting in to work by 9AM because of late night TV, and other times I've taken advantage of flex time and shown up at 6AM. The weird thing is it only takes a couple of days for me to change that schedule. One or two days of getting up early to help with an event or projects will do it. I just have to endure the transition, and my rhythm gets reset pretty easily...for better or for worse.