Great opinion based on fact and human nature in different societies. Multicultural is a recipe for conflict as is diversity, although most WOKE won't admit it in fear of being " intolerant'. Scandinavian nations are said to be the happiest peoples as is some Asian, but thats changing now that they too are being invaded by third world. America was settled by mostly Scandinavian legal immigrant settlers. Of course, much of our government was European and left over English we separated from.OWG NWO all planned out for a long time. In today's society we need a Judge Roy Bean.
There was only one time when I thought that a tougher, more “active” police force was almost justified and that would be the Red Dogs of Atlanta. I’ve written about it before but a number of years ago, the Red Dogs Police were assembled by Atlanta and were essentially policemen / women from all over the country who didn’t mind getting their hands dirty. As a matter of fact, one of their main objectives was to stop the criminal elements coming directly out of Techwood, a very large tenement apartment complex in Atlanta that was known for drugs, thieves and murderers. Note: Techwood was so bad that the regular police refused to patrol the area for fear that they would get killed. Since I worked at the mission located in the middle of Techwood, I had a front row seat to watch much of what the Dogs had to dish out. Virtually none of what I saw or heard about hit the media and of course, since cell phones with cameras hadn’t been invented yet, if there was a George Floyd incident, no one of any importance knew about it. Stop and frisk? At any time, night and day. Get caught with a weapon? Bad time in Techwood. Body cavity searches on the sidewalk and in broad daylight? Female Red Dogs were aplenty. Mouth off, resist arrest or even try to look tough? Another one goes to the hospital before going to jail. It is as I wrote at first that I, at the time, thought the move was almost justified for indeed, sometimes the end does justify the means but do I think that those types of cops are needed everywhere? Not at all. But I definitely would like to see something like them when groups of thugs start burning down businesses and hurting innocent people.
Reminds me of the old Clint Eastwood Dirty Harry Movies and the one that had the motorcycle cops killing thugs and pimps.
I'm very familiar with that area. Especially as a child up until 1961. My childhood friend lived in Techwood Apts, and it was a very safe place where we played outside till dark and they moved in mid 1960s. Sometimes she would spend weekends with me in Stone Mountain and I'd spend it with her in Techwood. When I was 10 years old, I took a bus from West End to downtown Atlanta with a friend, never a problem, MLK stirred up the Jessy Jacksons, All Sharpton's and Atlanta went straight to hell. MLK wasn't the problem, those who used his platform was. Mayor Andrew Young didn't help either. Now I wouldn't want to visit the area without an Abrams Tankl! The varsity was down the street as was The Yellow Jacket restaurants. My grandparents went to The Varsity in the early 1909s when it was all dirt roads around Techwood. I ate there all my life as did my parents. Another place I won't visit again now with all the hate going on. Nothing will change America and it only gets worse every year because of leaders and agendas. Or maybe it is the end of time for this earth,
No, I don't think so. I believe it's because these officers are black. The BLM movement can't manage to get their "RACISM!!!!" agenda to work this time.
Well they are tearing this nation apart and when it is finished off, we all lose, the good people of all races. Of course, I still don't know how anyone can be a 'good present-day democrat but that's another subject.
I would like to see political parties abolished. Old George was right… “When President George Washington left public office, he cautioned the nation not to divide themselves into political parties. In his farewell address, he stated that the spirit of the party, “serves always to distract the public councils and enfeeble the public administration. It agitates the community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms, kindles the animosity of one part against another, foments occasionally riot and insurrection.””
I thought I knew all about American history but I didn't know that, goes to prove we don't know everything.Thanks.
I was not able to view more than several seconds of the bodycam video; I found it horribly disconcerting and I can't imagine how that young man's mother felt when she watched her son's last moments. My issues with those police officers are this; they were all yelling orders at Tyre. How could he follow their commands when everything was so chaotic? It was pandemonium. He was young and obviously scared of them, and did not appear (to me) to be a thug or disrespectful... just frightened. Then he was handcuffed and on the ground. Why beat that man to death? I don't care what he did or what he said... once he is cuffed and down you don't have the right to KILL him. Beat to death over traffic violations. Just think about that, people. As far as the Floyd incident, I did not like the canonizing of George Floyd AT ALL; the man was a career criminal and did not deserve all the adoration. He also did not deserve to DIE at the hands of out-of-control policemen.
But that's part of the problem with these videos; they MSM edits the video(s) to fit their twisted narrative.
Biden called Tyre mother before it even hit the news, a branch of the Fraternal Order Of Policwe adding their 2 cents into ito. Picture of cops tried in the news. If they were protestors or killing a cop it wouldn't be so out there. And the cop's family sure as hell wouldn't get a call from hiding biden. How soon we forget all the attacks on cops. Fiest photo released,
I meant from the thread you started with a video in it. I know you didn't put up a video, just didn't explain myself well.