Sorry, but this crap is too convoluted and confusing. I'll just stick with the tried-and-true... BIOLOGY. I can't imagine why any health organization needs to know my "sexual orientation" at all. So absurd.
The annual Medicare exam includes the inquiry of whether or not the senior is sexually active and sexual preference. How could the government knowing this, be of any scientific value? No one cares unless the fascist leaders will use this info to determine if we go to the gas chamber or into prostitution and whether the prostitution will be hetro or homo.
I’m a-kinda wondering if the gyno’s have had to switch their questionnaires just to be more “inclusive”.
I would not want to be a doctor these days. I wonder if there's malpractice insurance for lawsuits arising from this stupidity.
Dunno. I do know a Virginia teacher won a chunk when he sued for getting fired because he didn’t use the right pronoun for one of his trans students. If I wasn’t against most law suits, I’d figure out a way to cash in on the knicker wearing XY’s.
I believe that teacher got fired for drawing a line, not for making an error: My Side's Sanity/Yours Is Not
I didn't want to answer "Choose To Not Disclose" because it's open to [mis]interpretation. And it is absurd. It's all a furtherance of the irrationality and the insanity. We've gone from "It not relevant to who you are" to "It's everything that matters." The moving target is intentional.