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Use Of A Mask

Discussion in 'Viruses' started by Ken Anderson, Apr 21, 2020.

  1. Mary Stetler

    Mary Stetler Veteran Member

    May 30, 2021
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    The martian thing was said facetiously
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2022
    Jeff Elohim and John Brunner like this.
  2. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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  3. Mary Stetler

    Mary Stetler Veteran Member

    May 30, 2021
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    It occurs to me that I have found a way to use all the masks I have saved up in case a store required them.
    Cleaning the barn in the summer is very dusty:)
    Don Alaska and John Brunner like this.
  4. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    The latest advice: "Keep your clothes on while having sex, or self-satisfy while maintaining a distance of 6 feet." So not only will the CDC not let go of the mask advice, they are clinging to the "distance of unknown origin."

    (Sarcasm follows)

    Both of these meaningless mantras have officially been deemed "N95 Protocols." They apply to 95% of the bad things that can happen to you, and have permeated the agency in an effort to lend veracity to that which has none.

    Citizen: "My child has broken her arm! What should I do?"
    CDC.gov: "Put on a mask and stay 6 feet away."

    Citizen: "The car fell off the jacks and my husband's trapped underneath! What should I do?"
    CDC.gov: "Put on a mask and stay 6 feet away."

    Citizen: "My wife and I are having a hard time conceiving. What should we do?"
    CDC.gov: "Put on a mask and stay 6 feet away."

    Needs more funding for these "trying times", huh?
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2022
  5. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    I just ordered a bunch to wear when I cut my grass...at some point in my life the volume of particulates kicked up really bothers my throat. I'm probably on some "Believes anything he's told" list on Amazon since I'm still buying masks. That explains why I keep getting ads in my email for Alien Tape.
    Mary Stetler and Don Alaska like this.
  6. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
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    Mar 6, 2018
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    I have a number of N95 masks stored for when I do really dusty, dirty things, but I didn't use them during the pandemic. It would have been a waste. In addition, I HAVE been fit-tested a number of times, and the standard N95 doesn't seal well on me. I have to use a special design and I only have a couple of those. Anyone who is slightly overweight or has any facial hair should not use a standard N95. Beards require a whole-head version that is very expensive.
    John Brunner and Ken Anderson like this.
  7. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    The more of this I see, the less convinced I am that "N95" holds any real meaning. I see some that look industrial and some that look like glorified drywall masks. Or perhaps it's not the discrete standard I assume it to be.

    As an aside, I think the monkey pox scare has gotten into some folks...I've noticed more masks as I'm shopping this past week.
    Don Alaska likes this.
  8. Mary Stetler

    Mary Stetler Veteran Member

    May 30, 2021
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    Long covid? I have heard of vaccinated people getting a form of covid. There is a drug for it but victims have to get it within five days of symptoms. It sounds like it can go on for years.
    Don Alaska likes this.
  9. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
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    Mar 6, 2018
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    I agree. There used to be a definite standard that had to be met, but the Chinese have now found a way around it...probably bribed some regulatory nerd. N95 doesn't mean what it once did and they don't meet the same standards. You can find the arguments on Amazon under questions unless Bezos has had them removed. Hospitals probably still have to get the ones that meet standards to pass inspections, but the ones individuals buy on the open market are questionable.
    John Brunner and Mary Stetler like this.
  10. Jeff Elohim

    Jeff Elohim Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2020
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    "Letter: Long-term masking of children delivers real harm

    When we make decisions, as the School District of Philadelphia recently did to force children, starting May 23rd, to once again cover their faces for entire school days for weeks on end, we need to consider two things: the risk we might be mitigating and the harm we might be causing.First, what’s the harm?For some reason the idea has been propagated that long term masking has “no downsides.” This is obviously not true"


    "The emphasis today on more and more vaccines, is in part built on this ingrained thinking. The fact that deaths from infectious diseases declined so greatly before vaccines and antibiotics, is ignored. This lapse in study has created a situation where we could have learned a better way to manage all infections in a more comprehensive way. Yet, to this day, despite such a phenomenal transformation, we have failed to learn the lessons of this history. The solutions that led to a 99 percent decline in death has been ignored, with the entire emphasis on the final 1 percent, which would have occurred anyway even without a vaccine.

    However, in some corners, there is recognition that vaccines were not what caused the major decline in infectious disease mortality. They often erroneously point to antibiotics and improved medical care and grudgingly give some credit to sanitation and other factors. There is little curiosity as to how all these factors worked and how they still apply today. The shift on emphasis is now on the incidence of disease after vaccination with a decreased emphasis on mortality. The thinking goes that, by wiping out the disease with vaccines, there is no risk of death. This appears to be a reasonable approach. How well has it worked?

    Let’s take whooping cough as an example. In 1979 Sweden withdrew use of the DTP vaccine on the basis that it was not effective and possibly unsafe. The fear, of course, would be that with lower vaccination rates, the death rate would increase. So what happened in this case?

    A 1995 letter from Victoria Romanus at the Swedish Institute of Infectious Disease Control indicated that deaths from whooping cough remained near zero. Sweden’s population was 8,294,000 in 1979 and 8,831,000 by 1995. From 1981 to 1993, eight children were recorded as dying, with the cause of death listed as pertussis. This averaged to be about 0.6 children per year possibly dying from whooping cough. These numbers show that the odds of dying from pertussis in Sweden were about 1 in 13,000,000 even when there was no national vaccination program. [6]

    In another case, DTP vaccination coverage in England dropped from about 78 percent to 30 or 40 percent because of concerns over safety. The assumption was that there would be an increase in deaths due to the decreased coverage. The years from 1976 to 1980 were the ones when vaccination rates were at their lowest. Using official statistics, the number of deaths in those years totaled 35. The deaths from the previous five years (1971 to 1975), while vaccination rates were higher, totaled 55, or about 1.5 times greater than when vaccination rates were lower. [7] This was directly opposite what is generally believed should have happened.

    in the news 1981 surgeons don't wear masks (reduced infection over 50% by NOT wearing masks.....)
    Masks in surgery do not prevent infection - Dissenters and ...
    Step forward just a year and in Volume 63 of the Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England in 1981,
    where we find another example of surgery wounds being infected despite masks. In this study surgeons performed serious surgeries such as bowel resections without masks.
    Postoperative wound infections and surgical face masks: a ...

    "It has never been shown that wearing surgical face masks decreases postoperative wound infections.

    "On the contrary, a 50% decrease has been reported after omitting face masks.

    present study was designed to reveal any 30% or greater difference in general surgery wound infection rates by using fac …

    haha good and yes,

    and still fewer children and adults , by far, are harmed by martians than by doctors and pharmbigga
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 21, 2022
    Mary Stetler likes this.
  11. Bruce Andrew

    Bruce Andrew Very Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2021
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    Wow, a new mask experience today. In recent months I've maybe seen one out of 50 -- or maybe less -- people out in public still wearing a face diaper here in rural NYS. Today I had my normal Saturday lunch with a couple I've known for 9-10 years, 71-ish, nice people but brainwashed libs. I never bring up politics unless I know that I'm with like-minded people, but they used to. They pretty much learned their lesson in 2018. Avoid politics and we get along fine and enjoy each others' company.

    So today, unbeknownst to me, they invited another couple that I haven't seen since that fateful day in October 2018 (I asked the four of them if they could define "liberty." They couldn't and still, apparently, haven't figured it out). The man from the other couple is French, extremely hard to understand because of his accent, very left, is about 65 and a retired college professor (haha, here we go). His GF is a bit younger but very much a leftist, also a college prof of some sort.

    She comes in first with one of those higher-end face diapers, that ones that make you look like you have a long snout like a dog. She sits down and leaves it on (hmm, I guess she never got the memo that the virus can't fly any lower than about 4 feet, so once you're seated in a diner you can safely take it off :rolleyes: )

    In a few minutes he comes in, holding his FD in his hand, says hi to all of us, sees his GF all diapered up so he puts his on after he sits down. (Ye gads, "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" seems so normal now).

    I had forgotten, but this guy NEVER, EVER shuts up. So he's babbling away (for 2 hours and 20 minutes) in very broken, difficult to comprehend English WITH A MUZZLE ON, making it worse. I couldn't understand a damned thing he was saying.

    After the food came they took their FDs off. After lunch they put them on, then took them off, yadda yadda back and forth, and finally left them off for the last half hour.

    Because Covid is of course all about politics the other couple, that I normally eat with, and I have not really talked much about it since I had it in February. So off goes the Frenchy babbling away through his face diaper about who among us had covid and who had the clot shot (my term, not his of course).

    I told him I had a weird cold in February and tested positive, but never had the shots. All the rest had the "vaccine," none had C although he said he'd had a cold but never tested for C so he wasn't sure.

    I was a hair's breadth away from saying something like: People who've had the shot are now more likely to get C, because the shots actually have a "negative efficacy." I'm sure, despite all of their college degrees, they never heard that before. And that real science has known for a century, going back to the Spanish flu and numerous tests since, that face diapers are not effective against the inevitable spread of respiratory viruses.

    I'm sure if I'd told them that I had and took prescribed ivermectin, they would have all laughed and made some ignorant comment about "horse paste."

    This isn't news, but it shows once again that IN GENERAL, the higher the formal education one has the less common sense, the less ability one has to think critically, or to detect that you're being gaslit by the "trusted institutions," which as libs, they view as infallible.

    But, I kept my mouth shut and listened to his endless babble for over 2 hours.
  12. Kate Ellery

    Kate Ellery Supreme Member

    Dec 12, 2015
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    Masks only work if you wear them :D:)
    Bruce Andrew likes this.
  13. Mary Stetler

    Mary Stetler Veteran Member

    May 30, 2021
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    You are a better man than I am Gunga din.
    There are a huge number of people getting covid despite getting shots around here. Their response to me is," At least I am not dead". Neither am I and I don't keep getting covid, mild or no.
    When I actually did wear a mask, it was to make people feel more comfortable. But the more times I saw people enter restaurants with masks, just to take them off when protected by their meal, the more I decided it was not worth it. How they could not see it makes me cringe about all things progressive.
  14. Mary Stetler

    Mary Stetler Veteran Member

    May 30, 2021
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    Here in the states people wore all sorts of excuses for 'masks' bandanas, foam, cloth, paper... And if they were really masks, they were often not worn over the nose nor even the nose and mouth. Sometimes just over the chin--technically they were still being worn.
    Kate Ellery likes this.
  15. Bruce Andrew

    Bruce Andrew Very Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2021
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    “If masks work, then why don’t they work?” - Dan Bongino

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