Was The Trump Campaign Set Up?

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Ken Anderson, May 18, 2018.

  1. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Do you remember when Trump was ridiculed by the media and the Democrats for suggesting that his campaign phones were tapped?

    Everyone in the media, including the New York Times, the Washington Post, MSNBC, CNN, and the rest of the alphabetized broadcast media, including many on Fox, feigned disgust that Trump would make such a ridiculous accusation.

    The talking heads spoke of it as proof that Trump was not ready for prime time, chuckling over it, offering it as proof that Trump didn't understand the nature of the job.

    After all, Obama was far above that sort of thing.

    Then came the revelations about the serial unmasking, which proved that Trump had been correct - his campaign telephones had indeed been tapped. Entire conversations were recorded, and leaked to the media.

    Then came the connections between the Hillary campaign and Fusion GPS. Then Steele, McCable, Strzok, and Comey.

    Now it is clear that the previous Administration used every intelligence gathering means at its disposal, with the goal of bringing Trump down.

    Worse, it seems that their goal was not merely to bring him down but to set him up.

    Think about that for a moment. This should concern every American, as it threatens the core of what makes our government work. This is the essence of due process. Whether you like someone or not, even if you disagree vehemently with his or her positions on issues that matter to you, everyone should be afforded the protections of due process.

    If this plot is permitted to stand, the government now implicitly has the ability and will be allowed to plant evidence on your hard drive, in your home or work, or wherever they please.

    If they want to get you, they can use unlimited government funds to investigate every aspect of your life, and that of everyone you call a friend, everyone you are related to, and everyone you do business with, and they can continue this investigation until they get something on them, whether or not it is in any way related to whatever they were supposedly looking for to begin with.

    You have all heard that if the police follow you while you are driving, they will eventually catch you violating a traffic regulation. Our lives are like that, too.

    This is even more diabolical if they can simply assert that you have crossed a center line, whether or not you actually did.

    As it turns out, Trump's detractors may have been right to laugh at him - not because he was wrong in his accusations, but because he grossly underestimated the sophistication of the plot. In comparison to the whole of it, wiretapping was nothing.

    Not only did they surveil his campaign, but they had federal agents working on it even after he was elected, and after he took office.

    Now the evidence comes out that Page and Papadopoulos were baited by people connected to Steele, who was connected to Hillary, whose connections within the Obama Administration placed federal intelligence agencies in the hands of the Clinton campaign.

    If so, this is the stuff of 3rd-world governments. Is this the America we want?

    Whatever your disdain for Donald Trump, a government that can set up a political opponent has a license to forego due process and every other constitutionally afforded protection that is supposed to be in place to protect citizens from government overreach.

    Now, even though large portions of the plot have been unraveled, there are no apologies or retractions from the media. Rather, when they report it at all, they bury it, or they dilute it with additional misinformation and distraction.

    Don't look at the crime that's being committed in front of you - look at the squirrel.

    In his book, Profiles in Courage, John F. Kennedy highlighted those who had the courage to buck party loyalties for the sake of principle. No such figure exists within the Democrat Party today.

    From a recent Wall Street Journal article: "The conservative press has produced some intriguing stories about a handful of odd invitations and meetings that were arranged for Messrs. Page and Papadopoulos starting in the spring--all emanating from the United Kingdom. On one hand, that country is home to the well-connected Mr. Steele, which could mean the political actors with whom he was working were involved. On the other hand, the Justice Department has admitted it was spying on both men, which could mean government was involved. Or maybe... both."

    This brings us to timing. It has long been know that Mr. Steele went to the FBI in early June to talk about the dossier, and that's the first known intersection of the strands. But given the oddity and timing of those UK interactions with Messrs. Page and Papadopoulos, and given the history of those who were arranging these meetings, you have to consider that the strands had converged much earlier than has thus far been admitted.

    An Intelligence Committee subpoena is designed to sort this out. Who was pulling there strings? Was the goal information or entrapment?
  2. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Mar 6, 2018
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    He was indeed set up. There have now been assertions and confessions that there was a "spy" of the government, perhaps several, who were reporting to the FBI and planting information within the Trump campaign. This is unheard-of and unconstitutional manipulation, the likes of which I never thought would take place in the U.S. government. Trump said he was going to "drain the swamp" and the "Swamp Creatures" have plotted and connived , and fought back with every means at their disposal. I find it very sad that we have sunk to this level and that the "free" press has so failed to do their Constitutional duty, as has Congress. Mr. Assange (of Wikileaks) claimed that his source was someone within the Clinton campaign who was disgusted and appalled by what was going on. Conspiracy theorists have claimed it was the young man who was murdered on the streets of D.C., and Assange ha implied the same. It has all the makings of a clandestine spy novel, but unfortunately for the country, it is true. Mueller's investigation and Congressional investigations have uncovered many criminal acts--unfortunately all within the previous administration, not the current one.
    Tom Galty, Joe Riley and Ken Anderson like this.

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