... good. "Dismantling the virus theory" is still available online (yesterday anyway). That is "new". Ever since Bechamp it was proven it was not a virus. Money was made covering that up and making believe, a fairy tale, it is or there was a virus. In all the time spent online, no one has provided any credible proof from any testable method or source that there is a virus - thus it is still a virus THEORY, even though it was proven false, with trillions of dollars made from it, it continues to be passed off as if it was real, even though the cdc had admitted it its own publications not being able to prove it also, and they keep changing the definition(s) as needed to cover up their lies.
FALSE! Dr Li-Meng, who specialised in virology and immunology at the Hong Kong School of Public Health conducted two types of research on the new pneumonia in China - first between December 2019 and early January 2020, and the second one in mid-January 2020, before fleeing to the US from Hong Kong. "I decided to report this development to my supervisor, who is also a World Health Organisation (WHO) consultant. There was no response from the WHO and my supervisor. Everyone warned me that do not cross the right line and keep silent or else I would be made to disappear," she said. The virologist said she had expected her supervisor to "do the right thing on behalf of the Chinese government and WHO". Dr Li-Meng revealed that the Chinese Communist Party was covering up the COVID-19 crisis and there was a human-to-human transmission of the virus. She also said that coronavirus is a "high-mutant virus" which will become an outbreak soon and the seafood market in Wuhan and the virus's intermediate hosts were just a "smokescreen". The doctor then made the stunning revelation that the "virus is not from nature" and it was from a "laboratory controlled by the Chinese government in Wuhan". "It is based on the China Military Institute that discovered and owned some bad coronavirus named CC45 and ZXC41. Based on that, after lab modification becomes a novel virus," she said.
So I guess the people I know personally that have had the China virus are all fake news. I am waiting for you to explain in sound medical terms what the classic symptoms called SARS2/Coronavirus are if not a virus. If you can't, then you have no grounds for making such a claim that defies the proven science of virology. Calling Dr Li-Meng fake news doesn't prove anything and just shows your lack of understanding of virology or willingness to accept the tragic killer plague that communist China thrust upon the world. Perhaps you believe no virus really exists. Can you clarify if viruses of any kind exist and if so name them?
I think it is pointless to present evidence to Jeff on this topic. He is lost in a cloud. I guess he sees cases of polio all around him now, since it isn't a virus and vaccines don't work.. I haven't heard of a case of polio since I was a child and vaccines were introduced.
Since you have obviously believed the fake news, and I guess you trust those who made it all up, I think it is pointless to present REAL evidence to you. i.e. until a person realizes or sees one, then another, then more, deceptions and/or lies coming from the one(s) they previously trusted , the very ones they were told to trust, they were told were trustworthy, it doesn't make any sense to them to see or hear the truth - something other than the truth has been set in place of the truth, and little if anything can be done for them as far as I know.
On Mar 4th my son informed me that he and his wife had tested positive for Covid-19. On Mar 6th he told me he was calling an ambulance and going to the hospital. He's in ICU with high blood sugar. Since they put him on steroids blood sugar needed monitoring. Yesterday he's taken out of Icu. Today he's home again but need to be on oxygen for some time.
You must be wrong. See what PBS is airing??? He's fought many battles. Overcome challenges. Made significant discoveries.
Well the Fact checker will say Fauci did not write a paper on the dangers of wearing masks. Here is the paper. https://academic.oup.com/jid/articl...pVh80_vPExoCjh0NO3VanprpW5PXwL1iCku_uynPMcea8
Regardless, I like him. I'm sure he is not perfect but he's been a voice in the wilderness trying to help it seems to me. To me he's sort of like a lighthouse is to the ships at sea.
Most of this has been known to those who wish to look into it with a non-jaundiced eye. We financed the Corona virus research through a 500 million dollar grant given to China in 2014, supposed to do research deemed illegal to do in the U.S. The French built the Wuhan lab for the Chinese, but then were not allowed back to inspect the facility. The virus was created using technology allegedly stolen from the U.S. and Canada by the Chinese. Fauci had to know all this when he put on the stage show about masks and shutdowns, etc., whether he was directly responsible or not. Most surprising is that Youtube has left this video up and not censored it.
Rockefeller family, Gates, Fauci should and hopefully will be brought up on crimes against Humanity and have another Nuremberg Military Tribunal
A new study put out by the CDC saying that the opening up of the country is making the cases skyrocket. This is what the news media reported. Now if you read the report and not just the header you might find the truth. The media is not interested in the truth. So lets look at the report claims that a 1.8% decrease in cases and Restaurants opening led to a 1.2% increase in covid cases. Probably if they would have put in the chance of error they both might come out to zero but of course that wou;d never be in the report. Now the cases were decided by a test which has a high false positive rate. Even if these are cases with a 99.98% survival rate. What does all that mean really nothing. The media will use the study to raise fear in the public but not put any numbers in their news. Fear mongering at its best.