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Westward Toward The Sunset

Discussion in 'Personal Diaries' started by Faye Fox, Nov 14, 2023.

  1. Faye Fox

    Faye Fox Veteran Member

    Aug 31, 2019
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    @Ken Anderson feel free to delete any part of this thread or any of my other threads that creates a problem for the forum. Delete my entire existence if you feel that is best for your forum.
  2. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Here is you claiming that this is you, and here is the same photo posted on a Pinterest website, @Faye Fox . How are we supposed to know which photos you post are real and which ones are just found online and photoshopped ?

    IMG_5713.jpeg IMG_5714.jpeg
  3. Thomas Windom

    Thomas Windom Very Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2022
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    For me, I only noticed you were absent for a while. Nothing else, makes no never mind to me. To be honest, I’m not even sure still what it’s about. I find reading your posts interesting and hope you hang around for whatever that is worth.
  4. Faye Fox

    Faye Fox Veteran Member

    Aug 31, 2019
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    Fair enough but how are you certain that isn't me? In any case please go in and delete any photo you feel isn't me. Whether it is or not isn't important. Please just delete them and let's put this to rest once and for all. Many of my modeling photos still appear on websites and ones I used, I changed the background. It didn't occur to me that anyone can search those photos and maybe find my real last name. Very foolish of me.

    I regret a lot of things I have done in life, but regrets don't change anything. I forgive myself for things i would like to change, but can't ask others that it effected in a negative way for forgiveness. Whether they grant me forgiveness is between them and their God.

    As far as being what some call me, a know it all, I won't apologize , because my having knowledge of so many things is from experience, reading medical text, and history, and being a subscriber to a medical site that has a vast collection of medical abstracts. I also took University classes during the winter for 15 years. That is why I chose to work construction during the late spring, summer, and early fall.

    I do consult several sites I know to be accurate on the internet to help clarify things. I do a lot less copy and paste compared to many forum members.

    Whether anyone chooses to believe any thing I have posted is up to them. I won't post things publicly like my ham call simply because anyone can take that info and google my location. Not safe for a old lady living alone. In the past when i did such, I regretted it. Anyway once again sorry about all the drama and problems I caused here. I hope that doesn't overshadow all the good post I have made, but if I know anything about human nature, it will. Best to all of you, Faye
    John Nopales likes this.
  5. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    I have seen the after effects of napalm so yes, I can relate.
    So far as forgiveness, that’s the easy part but like the man said, it’s hard to forget.

    I’m sure that what all the above is about is that we, all of us, belong to a community. A community of seniors who do indeed have a lot to share and in many ways, depend upon each other.
    Everyone can Google, Bing or what have you to grab a series of facts that, when repeated, can make us seem larger than life itself but what I’m sure we’re all really after is simply for our internet friends to be just people.

    To be sure, when it comes to internet friends, the only single acceptable prevarication or fabrication we should be telling about ourselves is our nom de plume.
    For that, a rose by any other name is still a bunch of thorns with a flower thrown on top.

    Anyway, stay or go is your choice and your choice alone.
    To me, if you stay, leave the BS behind and start anew with who you are and not who you want to be.
    If you want to be like Samuel Clements, write a book of fiction and publish the thing.
    If you wish to be yourself and not a thousand other faces, then SoC is a good place to be.
    Lois Winters and Don Alaska like this.
  6. Faye Fox

    Faye Fox Veteran Member

    Aug 31, 2019
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    I have been myself on my Faye Fox account other than Fox isn't my last name. If I start anew and be myself, then all I have from the past is what I have already posted. No one wants to hear about any of that. Sorry you can't believe that a woman can be so experienced and knowledgeable in so many different things, but that is not uncommon and I am used to it.

    I will go, since it would be a waste of time posting when no one reads it or thinks it is lies.
    John Nopales likes this.
  7. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    To be honest, we don't need to know what's true or not. Members are free to be anonymous here. Although I choose to include my real photos (albeit sometimes dated), my real name, and even my address and telephone number, others can opt for whatever combination of anonymity they feel comfortable with. I would hope that the ages are correct, and, for the sake of a worthwhile conversation, true stuff is more valuable than stuff that is made up.
  8. Mary Stetler

    Mary Stetler Veteran Member

    May 30, 2021
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    I have always enjoyed Faye Fox and her postings. I am sorry I don't post pix of myself. I am not even sure how I got my pix of my kitchen and my heifer put up. Probably my kid did it for me. I am not that smart and didn't even notice most of what apparently went on here.
  9. Faye Fox

    Faye Fox Veteran Member

    Aug 31, 2019
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    Thanks Ken, but the problem arises when I am accused as Faye Fox of making up knowledge and personal experiences and using the internet as my sole source of knowledge. It seems foolish to me that many others that want to stone me, repeatedly post info straight from the internet and in many cases copy and paste. A couple of years ago, I did do a copy and paste of an article I wrote for a vestibular site. Since I used my real name for that article, it would have been foolish to post a link to it or include that in the post. Since i wrote the article, I saw no reason to alter it in any way.

    I won't be on after this and wish you all well and good health and happiness.
  10. Mary Stetler

    Mary Stetler Veteran Member

    May 30, 2021
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    Who cares if all others believe that you live such a colorful and enriched life. YOU know you did.
  11. Faye Fox

    Faye Fox Veteran Member

    Aug 31, 2019
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    I don't care, but no reason to participate here where very few can tell what I post isn't BS as Bobby called it. It takes me time to make a post of any length and I have better things to do than post to myself and a few about mundane things.
    John Nopales likes this.
  12. Shirley Martin

    Shirley Martin Supreme Member

    Jun 9, 2015
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    I don't know about the rest of y'all, but I have enjoyed @Faye Fox 's posts. I don't think it matters if they are a bit embellished. :D

    There are several people here that I don't think are "real". You might be surprised at who one of them was. But if they are interesting, I figure, "What does it matter?" Is it a matter of crucial importance? Not to me.
  13. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    So, in order to prevent being mundane, you call on others on this forum to go with you to other sites just to harass Cody?
    I really don’t call that very trustworthy and I dare write that it’s downright hateful to do so.
    Lois Winters likes this.
  14. Faye Fox

    Faye Fox Veteran Member

    Aug 31, 2019
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    That allegation is total BS and you know it Bobby. I mentioned another site that I and Cody were on and that he wasn't well received there, but I didn't solicit anyone from here to join another site with the sole purpose of harassing him. If believing that justifies your outright dislike of me Bobby, then believe anything you want. Keep piling it on. I won't read it and hopefully Ken will delete it before you further expose yourself as a self righteous braggart hypocrite incapable of forgiveness, even when one asks repeatedly.

    I am now banning myself from this site, permanently, starting in a few minutes. Feel free @Ken Anderson to permanently ban me from here. I don't participate on any other forums and haven't for months, so any stories of me commenting about this forum on other forums will be false.
  15. Mary Stetler

    Mary Stetler Veteran Member

    May 30, 2021
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    John Nopales likes this.

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