'oxymoron' ... hmm. I worked on a cattle ranch in Oregon, but we didn't have dumb oxen, just dumb beef cattle. (later) Oh, wait. I forgot that an ox is a de-sexed bull. Never mind then. So if a neutered bull is an ox, could you nave a gay ox? Then it might think of itself as 'oxy'. I'm running this right into the ground, I know. It's what I do. And what if the ox is a transgender ox? It might want to be milked, like I'm milking these puns.
Back to the un manned trucks, is a bone head idea intended to make a group of people richer and put other common workers out of work. None of these so called ideas that relieve a human of his job are worthy of anything. Even today in South America they still cut sugar cane by hand. It is not that the property owners have no money to buy good modern equipment, it is those people's livelihood and they will burn and destroy anything that threatens their work and welfare. The very same would eventually happen here or anywhere else. I guess truck driving would be another of those computer jobs the liberals are so intent on pushing. So many people just have no vision what so ever. It is much like this electric car theory that is being shoved down the tax payers throat, doomed to fail due to the fact the very technology is dependent on the oil and gas it destroys. Maybe that's what happened to all our SS money we paid into. According to the guberment in a very few years there will not be any money to pay SS. Now there is a great start for civil war number II, steal our money and simply say we don't have it any longer. Too many shoe salesmen being elected to congress and the senate seems to be the popular thing today.
IMHO, people who chose to remain uninformed by whatever cause (e.g., laziness, cognitive dissonance, inculcation, unable to think for themselves, etc.) and fail to question things can be classified as being stupid as well as ignorant. .
New word. Stignorant Stig-nor-ant / Adjective . having no desire to know the facts . having the inability, whether through laziness or some other excuse, to access the readily available information it takes to be self sufficient and / or be classified as a totally conscious individual.
One of the distinguishing characteristics of stignorant people is their propensity to start name-calling, denigrating and/or putting people down when confronted with differing opinions or view points. Trolls or troll farm denizens do the same thing but for a different reason.
I use craigslist quite a bit and they have a politics forum, supposedly. They take political potshots at each other and it is full of trolls. I have made a few political statements and at one time pointed out that it was a forum that could be used constructively to help with understanding and moving the country forward--crickets. Stignorant works.
I think we have enough "artificial intelligence" without building robots but seriously, well, I actually was serious, I go along with @Dwight Ward, @Bobby Cole and anyone else on that wave-length. I also think people have picked up some bad ideas from movies over the years. I especially agree with Bobby's reply on #2. I think we are already way too dependent on things like remote control etc. Our electricity went out the other morning and my first thought was, why get out of bed. It was a rude awakening, literally
When you think about it, stignant standing for stupidly ignorant makes perfect sense. Some people are ignorant but willing to learn. Some people are just stupid and incapable of learning and stignanti are stupidly ignorant by being unwilling to think for themselves, susceptible to dogma and unwilling to learn. By George, I may have added a plural phrase for your word - the stignanti.
Yep. If all goes well, it’ll be used as a noun too. Let me know when stignant comes in because he Murphied another job yesterday. Or, as another woke pronoun as shorthand for all the other new pronouns perhaps? He, him / she /her and stignant or your new plural….stignanti or maybe stignantae. Heck, keep this up and even spellcheck will start to like it.
I'm in the process of clarifying my thinking about AI. One thing I don't see reflected in the literature and comments on the subject is that there has to exist a difference between actual AI and what I would call just complicated machines. More on this later, maybe. I see a place for smart machines in the very important areas of environmental repair. For example, there is a fish called the Lion Fish, quite attractive really, that is rapidly expanding into ocean areas beyond its 'natural' (whatever natural means) environment, crowding out other species to the point of extinction in some cases. It reproduces at an alarming rate. I can envision a smart robot that could be manufactured in the thousands that can recognize and destroy most of these pests, thus restoring variety and health to the ocean ecosystems. Such a machine could operate at depths impossible for humans, then come to the surface for solar recharge of its batteries. Closer to home, we have an invasive species of tree around here that's taking over forests and crowding out other trees. It propagates very fast though both seeds and root sprouts. I'd apply the same tactics as for Lion Fish except that I haven't come up with a way of killing the tree without poisoning it's immediate area. Cutting them off at ground level just causes them to spread faster. The Lion Fish could be killed mechanically with some type of extruding retractable spear without damage to the surroundings.
I always thought that AI implied the ability to "learn from experience" and apply that knowledge to future behaviour (as opposed to just accumulating data.) Heck, just program the thing to park itself facing the prevailing tide and let the current drive the charging mechanism. But that's a good idea. Apparently Lion Fish have elevated themselves to the top of lots of menus these days. One would think some enterprising fishery might work on such a thing.