I still have one of those mood rings from back in the day. I''ll have to put it on and see what color my mood is.
This morning I am in a 'sunset red' mood, a favorite color blend for me, and so this morning I am comfortably blended. Ready to start my day with a flair of mischievousness. Do I dare? Ok, I already have and will continue
I just noticed last night that here is a color chart at the bottom of the page to use for background or page whatever. Have you seen the moods on that? Dark contrast makes my vision worse yet too light is even worse. So I stick with green. I guess my mood today is ok long as I don't think too much.
I am in a Lavender mood tonight and right now, just soft, easy and pleasant~ with a splash of bright Purple..
thanks Marie, I have the color option now, only just noticed it a couple weeks ago, I like being able to pick and choose, Have it on Purple for tonight and this week Yes, a balance between too light and or a dark contrast, my eyes need help these days, need new readers soon..
I didn't know the 7 deadly sins had color. Now that this has been brought to my attention, I choose to be a non chooser. While I am only a repeat offender of 2 of those sins , the color of those sins isn't my favorite.
I can't give you one color I feel like a rainbow my mood changes constantly from frustrated, angry to mellow, happy, I feel like a chameleon. Since they started refurbishing my house after the fire, I feel like I got to have eyes in back of my head to monitor what they're doing because they've created so many problems. This morning I took a walk through, they were installing the central heat and air conditioning and they put the return vent right in the middle of a wall in the kitchen, we requested it be in the laundry room. I guess I'm switching from black to red right now from frustration to anger. Right now I have a list of about 10 things that have to be corrected. I have to stop whining I don't know what color it is for being tired, that's the color I am right now.
The thing is many disagree on what color goes with what sin. To stay on topic, my mood today is a color not associated with the deadly sins and that is the color of my hair, gray.
If you are familiar with the Rainbows organization-( Masonic ) and a female member you know what the colors of the rainbow stand for. However having participated and under oath can not reveal their true meaning. Even like organized religion it to, faltered in expectations for me. But will stand true to the oath. In the meantime Purple and various shades have always been my favorite. Unfortunately I no longer have a favorite color or mood color as purple is being held hostage by the gay community. But I am in a happish mood
I quit liking purple and reds when the followers of the charlatan Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh poisoned the salad bar at the Taco Time in the Dalles, Oregon. 1984. I almost died. It was until Covid was unleashed by China, the biggest act of bioterrorism in the USA. I had forgotten about the Masonic women's rainbow group. One of my grandpas was a Mason and his father was one of the original Texas Freethinkers that started in the Hill Country of Texas. I think anyone can find online what the rainbow colors stand for in the Masonic Lodge. I was never interested in joining any church, social club, organization, cult, or such. I am a free spirit that believes the universe is the almighty and any creeds, doctrines, charters, religious writings, bibles, ancient parchments, stone carving, etc. are the work of humans that seek power and control.