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What Really Happened With George Floyd?

Discussion in 'Conspiracies & Paranormal' started by Yvonne Smith, May 30, 2020.

  1. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Right from the start, the whole story about George Floyd being murdered by a rogue policeman has seemed strange to me.
    When I watched the videos, there didn’t appear to be any real bystanders, at least at first, except for the vehicle that was parked directly behind the vehicle that Floyd was driving. that vehicle apparently too pictures, then pulled away when police are arriving, but only went to the corner, turned around and parked on the other side of the street after that.

    Why would several policemen just let some bystander with a camera stand so close and film the scene for that long of a time , and not make them leave, or at least move away ?
    Why does the police car that they are standing behind not look like the other police cars (the lettering is completely different) ?
    The officer who committed the murder doesn’t have a name or even a badge number, or a body cam, and his badge is totally crooked. He does not even look like the other pictures of this same officer.

    The time stamps from the different videos do not match up, so that some things seem to have happened at a very different time than other events.
    The gas station across the street has gas prices that do not match what fuel was in Minneapolis at the time of the event.

    Why would the store clerks not check the money for counterfeit before Floyd left the store ? I have always had that happen before they even accept the bill as payment for something.

    What about the fact that both Chauvin and Floyd knew each other and had worked for the same nightclub together ? One of the other involved officers was his brother-in-law.

    How did a police officer afford to have a home in Minneapolis and an expensive condo in Orlando, in one of the better areas of that city ?

    This is only a few of the things that do not seem to fit the official narrative. Now, it is also coming out that there night club where both men worked , was also known for counterfeiting money and passing it through the nightclub, along with other money laundering.

    Bobby Cole likes this.
  2. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Here is what I found today, and this is really interesting, and if it just might be possible, then there wasn’t even any murder, just a “movie” that we all watched.
    Some of you might remember when we were seeing the pictures of Epstein after he had supposedly committed suicide, and one of the interesting things was that only the top half of a body showed, .... no legs. Besides the head and face not looking like the actual photos of Epstein when he was alive.

    So , now, if you look close, it is pretty hard to tell if there are any lower body parts to George Floyd either. Just as they are loading him onto the stretcher, the officer (who has conveniently stayed out of the way of the camera up until then) moves in front and blocks off the view, but there is an instant where you can see the body being put only the stretcher, and it really does look like there is no lower body on the stretcher.
    Then, take a look at the next picture, and without reading it, think about what it is a picture of, and then read the information.

    2F4A570C-E464-4512-9FE7-03F7AE6FBE7F.jpeg 9DD11A1F-39EC-4F42-A856-056DB14A4290.jpeg
  3. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Hey @Ken Anderson, as a past EMS guy, is it normal to transport a deceased person without covering the body?
  4. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Probably not, but those who are dead on the scene are transported by the funeral home. Some EMS services used to do that but I stopped doing that when I became director of EMS in Los Fresnos. I would think they'd be covered and, in the case of a murder, I would expect them to be in a body bag.
    Yvonne Smith and Bobby Cole like this.
  5. Martin Alonzo

    Martin Alonzo Supreme Member

    Mar 7, 2015
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    Soros 2020 Colour Revolution EXPLAINED
  6. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Question..... How did George Floyd manage to shave his head between the time they took him out of his vehicle, and the time they had him on the ground ?
    (Also... why does he look just about the same as the training dummy pictures a few posts back ?)

    Bobby Cole likes this.
  7. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    I'd just like to thank that Chauvin idiot for setting off the shit-storm.
  8. Dwight Ward

    Dwight Ward Veteran Member

    Jun 18, 2020
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    Martin, thanks for posting this video. I watched it carefully, pausing it often to find corroboration of some of the evidence shown. I will probably watch it more than just the one time.

    I can't buy the idea that the world is run by globalist Satanist pedophiles. Maybe the occasional elite is a Satanist. Likewise, maybe the occasional one is a pedophile. But ALL of them both things? It's implausible. The structure of power in the world is much more diffuse, with many power centers. Sometimes those centers of power network with others and sometimes they oppose each other. The picture is inexact and hard to grasp and that's why simpler conspiracy theories about world rule are tempting. I would like believers in such things to consider how intermixed their political and religious views are and perhaps adopt a more nuanced stance. For instance, consider that the deep state exists but as a much more right-leaning force than the marxist-loving one I've heard described. It includes the FBI and CIA, but maybe not the NSA, by my guess. Our deep state killed both Kennedys, along with MLK and Malcolm X., none of whom were anti-communist enough. We need to be rid of the deep state, whether it is far left or far right.

    For the moment, putting aside the issue of Soros' involvement in the matters of overthrow of the several countries .I found the presentation of the whole process of events in Ukraine and elsewhere revealing. My knowledge of the events in Ukraine was piecemeal, coming from brief news reporting from which I had only a scattered picture of what really went on.

    I cannot and never will support Donald Trump but neither will I vote for Joe Biden, my previous reasons being his initial stages of senility and his abuse of women. After seeing this video I can add corruption to the list of things I don't like about him. The evidence shown is convincing. I subscribed to the channel. I suggest Biden supporters watch this video. The presenter is perhaps an ideologue of some type but the evidence he shows is factual.

    We should all get away from both of the two major parties, which, in my opinion constitute only one party, in thrall to the wealthy elite of our own country, who, with some exceptions, seem to be urging us towards world government and the end of our nation-state. In this they are aligned with the rest of the world's wealthy globalist elites. Their desire for world government is their defining characteristic - not Satanism or pedophilia, IMHO.
  9. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Here is something pretty interesting that I just came across on Twitter (my favorite news place), about George Floyd death.
    All of the videos show this arrest happening in the morning, in broad daylight, and I think that most of the time stamps showed somewhere between 8-10 AM, with differing times shown in different videos of the arrest.
    In any case, he was said to have been deceased when the ambulance arrived to get the body, around 9-10 AM.

    Here is what I found, and it is from the blood tests that they did, which we have all heard about, that showed the drugs in George Floyd’s system on that day.
    However, the tests are for an antemortem blood test, not a postmortem one; so he was still alive when they took blood for those tests. Also, at the bottom, it talks about urine tests as well.

    However, the time for those tests was at 9 PM that night, many hours after people were told that George Floyd was deceased. If he was still alive that night for the blood tests, then he probably did die from the drugs and not being held on the ground, and not able to breathe.
    This is assuming that he even did really die, which I am still not convinced about, either.

    Dwight Ward and Bobby Cole like this.
  10. Dwight Ward

    Dwight Ward Veteran Member

    Jun 18, 2020
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    This is all extremely confusing. There are indications that Floyd survived the street and died later that night in the hospital, where his drug tests were done while he was alive.
    The evidence of the differing police car designs and the gas price variance are just strange. Even if considered plausible, what in the heck do they mean? Considering the differing gas prices, would some of the video have to be shot weeks or months earlier?
    It IS odd that the store employees would not question the bill's validity right in the store but instead rush out into the street and confront a possibly dangerous man and demand restitution on the street. Very unlikely, to my mind.
    Someone is playing with us bigtime. Years ago I was into the deep psyops of mass manipulation.One of the techniques was that of throwing a version of things at the public that could not make any possible sense, the purpose being to shatter our sense of reality and put us into a state of suggestibility.
    I wish Kennedy had lived to break the CIA into a 'thousand pieces'.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2020
  11. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    It's known as cognitive dissonance, I believe. Nothing makes sense anymore, and not just on this subject. The media is more likely to lie to us than to tell us the truth, experts are available to say whatever nonsense we're meant to believe and, worst of all, decades of public schools have prepared at least half the population to believe whatever they need to believe. Specific to this topic, it is clear that the protests over George Floyd's death were planned long before his death, waiting on a trigger event.
    Yvonne Smith likes this.
  12. Dwight Ward

    Dwight Ward Veteran Member

    Jun 18, 2020
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    "it is clear that the protests over George Floyd's death were planned long before his death, waiting on a trigger event"

    A few years ago in my deepest conspiratorial thinking, I'd have thought this was utter paranoia. I now see it as plausible. I do hope God exists. We need saving.
  13. Dwight Ward

    Dwight Ward Veteran Member

    Jun 18, 2020
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    "the purpose being to shatter our sense of reality and put us into a state of suggestibility."
    Michael Aquino would add to that; to put us into a state of fear with a sense of immanent destruction. I'm just rewatching Out Of Shadows. I'm remembering how much LSD I used to take, doing just what the CIA would want. I thought I was rebelling against something - instead I was just following orders.
    Bobby Cole and Yvonne Smith like this.
  14. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    You would probably enjoy reading some of Dave McGowans books/articles, @Dwight Ward . He has one about the truth of how the whole Hippie and Rock music drug culture started.
    Most of the main band members at that time were from military families, whose fathers were pretty high up in the military. Because of the protests about the Vietnam Nam War, they knew that they had to do something to sidetrack it, and started the whole generation of young people being too stoned to be effective protesters.

    The Book is called the true story of Laurel Canyon and the Hippie culture, or words similar to that.
    You can read it from his website.
    Dave died from cancer a few years back, but his daughter maintains the website.

  15. Dwight Ward

    Dwight Ward Veteran Member

    Jun 18, 2020
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    Now, is Dave McGowans the second stunt director narrator in Out Of Shadows? I forget the names so quickly. I had come across the Laurel Canyon material before... Zappa, Morrison, etc. and their fathers, but not in the broader context of the entire culture being a fake..
    I used to credit myself with not joining in the anti-war protests because I wasn't a joiner. Now I'm wondering if it was more because I wasn't clean, sober and straight-thinking enough to participate.
    I'm having to rethink a lot. I spent a little time at a few artist and farming communes. I didn't much belong there either. Not enough partying for me, I guess.
    Bobby Cole likes this.

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