What Will Stop The Present Surge Of Cop Killings?

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Lon Tanner, Sep 14, 2020.

  1. Lon Tanner

    Lon Tanner Supreme Member

    Apr 14, 2016
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    I am totally upset about this as are many others. Two deputies were ambushed and shot in the head as they sat in their patrol car in LA. The $100,000 offer for the shooter may help catch him but it will not stop this present surge. O Boy your country and mine is having big problems. What's to be done?
  2. Teresa Levitt

    Teresa Levitt Veteran Member

    Oct 22, 2019
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    ever since new york mayor allowed "what do we want..dead cops".
    loud chanting rioters burning ..looting...
    the democrats have been disarming the police for years..now told to stand down...
    young people going to college are assimilated into their plan to destroy America
  3. Al Amoling

    Al Amoling Veteran Member

    Aug 20, 2016
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  4. Ed Wilson

    Ed Wilson Veteran Member

    Dec 6, 2019
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    Police should just stay out of those kinds of neighborhoods. Weren't there "no go zones" in some European countries when they had issues with immigrants?
    Frank Sanoica likes this.
  5. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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  6. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    In 1970 the government was offering Vietnam combat vets a 3 month early out if we would join the Washington, D.C. or the California Highway Patrol.
    I said nope then and stuck with it even though some cities and states a couple of years later were offering sign-up bonuses for vets to join their police departments.
    I volunteered to get shot at in Nam but I learned that volunteering to get shot at wasn’t a real good decision to make. God Bless policemen everywhere but it’s not nor ever has been for me.

    Besides, my weapon of choice and assignment was a UH-C mounted M-60 and I just do not think I could talk any police force to let me have that same weapon.
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2021
    Don Alaska likes this.
  7. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    One of my high school goals was to become and Indiana State Trooper, which never happened. Instead, I spent three years working EMS as an EMT. And, there was no such words as "EMS" in the later 70's. Getting EMS calls, where law enforcement was already at the scene, was as close as I got to working alongside law enforcement and that was fine with me.
  8. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Not many really knew anything about any type of mobile medical services other than ambulances until the TV series, Emergency, hit the airwaves.
  9. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    The one thing police do not get recognition for is their role in our society with all of our Constitutional rights. By definition, in a free society, the job of law enforcement must necessarily be difficult. I hate it when the police get grief because they have not solved a high-profile crime fast enough, to include political pressure. And they are in a bunch of other double-binds.

    I was watching one of the crime shows not long ago, and there was a shooting in "the projects" somewhere. By the time the cops showed up, a bunch of the residents were out there picking up shell casings as though they were doing a neighborhood cleanup. Those people (regular middle-aged folks) were not innocently gathering evidence to turn over, they were getting rid of it to cover the butts of the shooters. I was shocked that such honest footage was allowed to air. Of course, the "organizers" (who profit off of this stuff) would be on the scene shortly to complain that the community is "under-served" by the police...then they'll go back to their gated communities.
  10. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Officer Smith, (his real name) came to see me the other day. He was in narc for 5 or so years, beat cop in this area for 14 and now he’s into gangs.
    Basically he came by to get my take on things in the neighborhood and a couple of other things which I do not mind because he’s a really good cop but he was gone for a couple of years due to his last assignment. He just needed a heads-up.
    We have a pretty good force here and even though my area is definitely a high crime area the cops are cool and I have a lot of respect for what they do.

    All that said, everyone on the street knows the rules. If something is going on, we keep our noses out of it and let the police do their job. If questions are asked, most of us know that if we want a better neighborhood then we should report it accurately and the cops are pretty appreciative with those kinds of responses.

    I learned a long time ago that giving up the facts about a REAL crime doesn’t make a person a “rat” or a “fink”. Those are prison terms and the outside world isn’t supposed to be a prison.
    John Brunner likes this.
  11. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    I suspect that you live in a different world with different rules than many of those around you.
  12. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    When we lived in Jacksonville, Florida, a news reported interviewed a black Pastor from the Northside where a black-on-black shooting had taken place. The Northside was very well known for black-on-black crime. Anyway, the Pastor stated "many people won't report who they seen do a crime. They are very afraid of retaliation from a gang. Even families won't help law enforcement, because, many times, the family, itself, is involved with something illegal".
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2021
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  13. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Perhaps. My immediate neighbors in front and beside me are peace loving people and have no qualms about wanting to keep it that way.
    That said, I am first a teacher and preacher of the Gospel and everyone on the entire street pretty much knows that but they also know that I am a man who doesn’t back down in a confrontation.
    Most certainly it isn’t out of braggadocio that I can say that a few folks have found out the past that my face doesn’t look the way it does because I’m such a nice fella. I’ve had to “bounce” a few to get street respect but ultimately, it isn’t up to me or my neighbors to do the job that police have to do.
    If there’s anything that constitutes a high profile type of action, no one is afraid to point.

    Do note too. I have had a “thin blue line” flag flying from my porch for about 4 years now and only one person on my street has said anything bad about it. A very high twinkie black girl yelled that she was going to burn it and I simply invited her to bring her lighter. A much bigger black lady from an apartment catty corner to our house quickly ushered her down the street and told her not to come back. She hasn’t.
    Don Alaska and John Brunner like this.
  14. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    I think I've asked you this before, but don't you and Yvonne have family that live somewhere around you? How do they feel about the area you live in? Do they worry about you?

    Then again, Bobby, any criminal that comes at you, I really do pity. As for wife and I, our protecting is the two men, Smith & Wesson (9mm).
    Don Alaska and Bobby Cole like this.
  15. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Not really. Yvonne’s daughter is moving from here to the Netherlands and her sons live out west and my brother lives in Germany.
    Basically, it’s just the good Lord and us and He does a great job of taking care of us and gives us both the strength to do what we have to do.
    Don Alaska likes this.

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