Heidi: I hear you on the brunch word, but for me a brunch is a spread of so much food in the later part of day. I did a few brunches in my life but stopped as one just gorges themselves with too much food.
When restaurants around here have brunches they are usually on a Sunday and the spread is as if you are on a cruise ship. But I must say, that cabbage soup of yours sounds like a lovely start to the day.
Had prime rib last night on my night out...So today I'm having my 3 jumbo eggs and left over prime rib and of course iced coffeee
Coffee and cream as usual .. no plan to eat breakfast today, however once again up earlier than usual- so I ate some Crip and thins by Ritz.. I found these yesterday and love them. So naturally it will be something else that could kill me
This morning, after getting new rear brakes on our Durango, I had enough time, before they shut breakfast off at 10:30AM, to stop at McDonalds and get a full pancake breakfast to eat at home. Pancakes are saved until tomorrow AM. Monday thru Friday, breakfast is at home.............most of the time, that is. Eggs, toast, thick bacon or sausage links/patties, a diced potato and my coffee...........or, certain days, a Bloody Mary.
Made a couple of breakfast burritos: sausage, onion, red & green bell peppers, cheese, scrambled eggs, ketchup, hot sauce.
Well, I was putting up broccoli for freezing last night. For dinner I had blanched broccoli and melted cheese curds and this morning I had leftovers.
Yummy! Now that is a meal I wouldn't have to work too hard for. If I eat carbs I have to do intense exercise. Hubby is fixing lunch, supper today, fried chicken ,potatoes. Potatoes will cost me big time if I eat a couple.