Lard is 100% better than oils they are the bad ones. When did most heart problem start to increase when the medical system told you natural fats were bad. Inuit have less heart problems than other people what do they eat fat from bears whales and seals.
For tonight ‘s dinner, I had a small amount of oatmeal left over from breakfast yesterday morning, a piece of toast, and a glass of mineral water.
Gee Beth had hoped you were better now. Is this a physical issue or something else ? Hope you do get better soon.Huggies to you
-Salad -Leftover fried chicken (I keep a supply of Popeye's in the freezer) -Pan fried potatoes -Green beans -Fudgesicle
Man, I got stories of my drinking days. Thanks goodness those are in my rear view mirror. The best thing about not drinking is it serves as an excuse to buy myself stuff: "I used to spend more than this on beer" is my favorite self-sales line. It gets me every time.
-Salad -[sorta] Homemade chicken pot pie --Store bought crust --Canned soup --Frozen mixed veggies --Walmart rotisserie chicken One of these days I'll do a "scratch" -Fudgesicle