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What's Your Overall Mood These Days?

Discussion in 'Health & Wellness' started by Diana Kristof, Aug 22, 2016.

  1. Patsy Faye

    Patsy Faye Supreme Member

    Nov 21, 2015
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    @Yvonne Smith - this is my first post this morning and what a lovely sight to see - Meerkats are so lovely :)
  2. Bill Boggs

    Bill Boggs Supreme Member

    May 13, 2015
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    I don't have any of those blue feelings. All I've got is that lingering sore throat. I've had fever and chills for almost two weeks. Not hard shaking chills or high fever but a low grade affair with chills that keep you uncomfortably cold all day and make you want to go out and sit in the afternoon heat and warm yourself. I've kept a heavy pullover and a sports jacket nearby on the couch, handy if I need one. This morning, I'd feel great if the sore throat would dissipate. I'm going to grab me a couple of tylenol, but first I do need a cup of coffee. I hope you all are feeling better by the time the day is out. Diana Kristof, I hope you work yourself out of those blues, real soon.
    Ina I. Wonder and Patsy Faye like this.
  3. Patsy Faye

    Patsy Faye Supreme Member

    Nov 21, 2015
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    @Bill Boggs - had that problem meself about 4 years back, went on for over 3 weeks then 'whoosh' gone !
    Hope you feel better very soon :)
    Ina I. Wonder likes this.
  4. Marilyn Pahl

    Marilyn Pahl Veteran Member

    Aug 18, 2016
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    On regular medicare A & B parts covers 80% which is good. You do stand the responsibility of the 20%. That is covered when you buy supplemental insurance or dig it out of your mattress, set up a payment plan. I really didn't mean my posts to be doom and gloom just didn't know how to type it. We had a lovely, happy life and three boys that would make dad proud. We worked like fools, traveled like fools, took chances, loved fun. But your right, more has to be done with the type of medical care we all not just seniors but everybody richly deserves. :)
  5. Krissttina Isobe

    Krissttina Isobe Veteran Member

    Aug 28, 2015
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    :oops:I understand...have you heard of medicare and medicaid integration? It's good to find out to see if it helps you and your family for you get the benefits from both medicaid and medicare. On a lighter note today I found out my Kerydin my doctor ordered costs $1452.62! My ins. didn't cover it, of course, so as my doctor and I decided to go with another medication I couldn't get over the cost for just Kerydin! My doctor ordered another medication that is covered and all. ended well with 0 co pay. :)
  6. Marilyn Pahl

    Marilyn Pahl Veteran Member

    Aug 18, 2016
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    Hi...That's good when your doctor works with you. I was always under the impression doctors were in cahoots with the insurance companies. When telling my doctor with the Plavix it came out $7.00 a pill if the prescription was filled at Wal-Mart he was surprised. So insurance companies are at it again when they dictate what they will pay or not. These insurance companies love to cherry pick.

    Just before I graduated from high school, they found tumors that grew on the wall of the bladder in my dad. Dad was always up with the family insurance. He paid into this company 44 years and it was a reputable company. After the second operation of having these tumors removed the insurance company refused to pay for any more operations on this type of aliment. The only time dad ever used the insurance was when mom had me and brother in hospital (twins). When my brother died of spinal Meningitis when we were 4 yrs. old. and when I had my adenoids removed at 6 yrs. old. THREE times was all it was used. Then dad needs the insurance which the company made him sign wavers they would cover everything else but these operations. Every six months to a year it was having the tumors taken out this went on for six years. The last time it had to be done was when President Kennedy signed the medicare bill. Dad was in the hospital and the only one on the floor that had TV Everybody crowded around Dad watching history being made. This was sure a big relief for us and the nation. Dad had gotten a clean bill of health. When he did pass it was a heart attacked many years later.:)
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2016
  7. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    I am not happy with our health and insurance system. I know conservatives hate socialized medicine but I've seen it in Hungary and it seems to work in Canada and the UK.

    They can get Wellbutrin free or cheap...why is it $1000 here?

    We have to pay high premiums for good insurance, and then everything else is crappy. Our health system isn't so great either.

    I can understand insurance companies charging so much when meds are so expensive. Hospitals are outrageous in padding their bills.

    Grrrrr....I'm just ranting about everything lately.

    For a surgery it's not the drs bills that are high, it's the hospital.
  8. Krissttina Isobe

    Krissttina Isobe Veteran Member

    Aug 28, 2015
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    :oops:It's so sad that people have to go through so much for they already ailing; now they got silly ins. things to worry about! I too went and talked to Walmart about how much my foot anti fungus for my ingrown toe nail was...it was, and I wrote it down because this is how much it exactly is $1,452.62! I didn't bother to ask for the oz. because frankly I was sooooooooo shocked at the price!!!! Both your Dad and Brother are together in heaven like so many of my relatives that passed on to heaven. I miss them too, but they are in heaven and heaven takes good care of them all. I watch those psychics that comes on tv every once in a while, they say to the living who worry, "don't worry they are in a very good place." :)
  9. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    I'm trying to find out what's going on with these ridiculous prices for meds but I'm not getting anywhere.

    I can understand a new med that cures Alzheimer's costing a lot of money, there is a reason for something like that but an old drug that costs 10 cents to make. Grrrrrr

    People with crappy insurance are the ones that suffer and they have enough problems anyway.
  10. Marilyn Pahl

    Marilyn Pahl Veteran Member

    Aug 18, 2016
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    I believe we see our loved ones again. What was a shocker was the insurance company "Prudential" This wasn't a group plan, it was a private plan because he was always in business for himself. He paid big premiums 44 yrs. and only used it 3 times. When I worked at Libbey Glass I had full paid insurance. That paid for everything to a band-aid on a bad case of hangnails. I've heard over the years that it isn't as good as it use to be. They played around with it. Companies buy into cheaper plans for their employees.:)
    Krissttina Isobe likes this.
  11. Krissttina Isobe

    Krissttina Isobe Veteran Member

    Aug 28, 2015
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    :oops:You know what...my Mom was in her own business and got ins. from Physicians Mutual and when she claimed on it found she wasn't fully covered as she thought after paying over a decade or so for it. She promptly cancelled her policy. One of my barbers, was an ins. agent turned barber warned me a bout States not being covered. Another ins. agent warned me to about exclusions. Remember the bank cards ins. for unemployment etc. Hawaii wasn't ever covered for it and the banks always asked me to join the ins. Since I didn't join, they finally asked me why...I told them Hawaii is excluded from benefits of ins. They never asked me again!
  12. Marilyn Pahl

    Marilyn Pahl Veteran Member

    Aug 18, 2016
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    I thought there was a law that passed long after what happen to us, that insurance companies couldn't pick of what they were going to pay. But I've heard to many horror stories. A big spin, nothing has changed. Companies are just as bad, because they only offer part-time help. So employees don't have the hours per week to qualify for insurance.Either that or the wages are so cheap they can't afford it. :)
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2016
  13. Martin Alonzo

    Martin Alonzo Supreme Member

    Mar 7, 2015
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    In NLP they have techniques which they ask a person to describe in their minds what is going on they then do what is called sub modalities this is all the parts of the memory and how they are processing it sounds a little complicated but it is not. For an easy example bring up a picture of a person you like and just notice where you are looking to the right or to the left or straight ahead.
    Then think of a person whom you dislike and notice that you might be surprised to find they are in different location in your view.
    There was a lady who came and seen one of the best in NLP because she said some days she feels bad for no reason and some days she feels good and wants to find the answer.
    Well this almost stumped him until he noticed on the days she was said she was wearing different cloths that the days when she felt good. I check of the cloths she had at home showed half the cloths were blue and half were pink.
    When she left her house she was in the pink or she was blue. She was deciding her day when she got dressed in the morning.
    Diana you might need to buy some rose coloured glasses
  14. Lon Tanner

    Lon Tanner Supreme Member

    Apr 14, 2016
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    Considering elections going on, COVID 19 issues,your health, family. finances,activity, are you HAPPY, SAD, DESPONDENT, LONELY, PISSED, CONTENT.IRRITABLE???

    Depending on the day and time of day I find myself being one or more of the forgoing moods but OVERALL I would say I am CONTENT.
    Trevalius Guyus and Bill Boggs like this.
  15. Bill Boggs

    Bill Boggs Supreme Member

    May 13, 2015
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    I could say I have combinations of moods. Health has been at the forefront recently. Sadness at my wife's blindness
    that has really come on due to two eye dieases. I suppose I have been in a swing mood of late, too many things going
    wrong and not enough right. Sad, lonely, and everyone is tired of this virus. All that and we all know we're running out
    of future. I wanna be young again, at least younger. I've messed this round up. I want to start over.

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