What's Your Thought's On Ufo's? Hoax Or Real?

Discussion in 'Conspiracies & Paranormal' started by Lon Tanner, Feb 10, 2019.

  1. Richard Whiting

    Richard Whiting Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2022
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    While I agree with your post. there is one "wild card" to both of our views: an interesting one put forth by the famous astronomer Carl Sagan, in his book, "COSMOS".

    Sagan worked out a rather complicated formula. He took the number of stars in our galaxy as an average. He then multiplied that number by the number of galaxies in the known universe. (100 billion X 200 billion). He then used a POSSIBLE number of planets per star. The total number of possible planets in the known universe was astronomical. ( pun intended :) )

    Now, I have long since forgotten the numerous other steps in Sagan's formula, but he ended up with a number of planets with intelligent, technologically advanced life in the millions.

    Even IF his calculations are correct, we must then consider the tremendous distances involved in traveling from other galaxies. Moving at the speed of light, it could take thousands, upon thousands of years to travel from there to here.

    Of the 92 known elements on our planet, 25 are essential for life to form. Since it is reasonable that all planets have the same elements, it is also reasonable to assume that millions of planets might have developed some form of life. From there, who knows what could occur ? Even starting from bacteria, and a liquid water ocean, many things are possible.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2023
    John Houlihan and Nancy Hart like this.
  2. Thomas Windom

    Thomas Windom Very Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2022
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    Yeah, I had looked at that quite a few years back, don’t remember much now but back then I remember thinking calculating numbers of promising planets is one thing but no one knows the chances of life arising on any of them or the chances of intelligent life arising if life did occur on one of them. There is simply no data other than this one occurrence, earth, so I didn’t find it very convincing.
    Richard Whiting likes this.
  3. Richard Whiting

    Richard Whiting Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2022
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    I suppose it's a matter of odds.

    One thing we do know for certain. Of the life here on earth, intelligent life has arisen numerous times. 1st, there are mammals which are quite intelligent, such as dolphins. Then there are dogs. Who can say that dogs aren't intelligent ? Lastly, at one time there were 5 species of humanoids alive at the same time, such as Neanderthals, and cro magnon.

    Disregarding any thoughts of aliens, I honestly believe that provided a moderate climate, and an abundant food supply, evolution is capable of creating intelligent life. Perhaps even more than capable. Probably inevitable.

    I quite agree. Mankind has been obsessed with thoughts of a deity since time began. Who can know for certain what ideas ran through the heads of the artists of the paintings shown above.

    Exactly so. Everyone seems to forget the UFO means UNIDENTIFIED flying object.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 18, 2023
  4. Tony Nathanson

    Tony Nathanson Very Well-Known Member

    Apr 12, 2023
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    Much like a "Higher Power" & the "Protection of a Covid vaccine," I require proof.
    I have an open mind.....to real proof.
    And repeating what others have said, or what's.....popular is not proof.
    Richard Whiting likes this.
  5. Chris Ladewig

    Chris Ladewig Veteran Member

    Apr 30, 2016
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    Well it's for darn sure they at least want us to believe that something is going on. I for one am not sure whether ufos are real or not but It wouldn't shock me to fine out they are. The one thing I feel sure in my bones is that this no good government we have is up to something.
  6. Richard Whiting

    Richard Whiting Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2022
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    There are several possible thoughts on what you feel.

    1st.) The gov't has taken an honest look into whether UFO's are real and they can't find any proof.
    2nd.) The gov't has looked into whether UFO's are real and they HAVE found proof.

    If # 1 is true, then the gov't is telling us the truth.
    If #2 is true, then the gov't is lying to us.

    Question: IF the gov't is lying to us, maybe they are seriously worried that we would freak out and many might commit suicide ?

    OR: Perhaps, IF they have indeed found proof, maybe they don't want our potential enemies to know ? Obviously, whom ever should gain alien technology, then they would have a tremendous advantage.

    I have no opinion either way.

    Moreover, with all of our technology, it seems that someone, somewhere, would be able to collect photographic proof. One heck of a lot of countries and one heck of a lot of cell phones. Yet, no actual photos have shown up.
    Chris Ladewig likes this.
  7. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    That's not exactly true. There have been several photos and videos, but the problem is that photos and videos are not proof, as they can be easily manipulated. There have been photos and videos of Bigfoot too, but most people aren't persuaded by them.
    Chris Ladewig likes this.
  8. Martin Alonzo

    Martin Alonzo Supreme Member

    Mar 7, 2015
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    If you look back at history there are many things on this earth that the advanced life form now could no do. There is things that show a very high intelligence in the past and then disappeared. Maybe these UFOs are just the people who were here first coming back and checking us out..
  9. Richard Whiting

    Richard Whiting Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2022
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    I stand corrected. There are indeed many photos of unidentified flying objects. But, who is to say what the heck they are ? They are terribly blurry and jump about.

    One thing which would cause me to suspect that a UFO was real is all 4 of the SAME event. 1.) ground tracking radar which clearly demonstrates extremely unusual movement that can not be explained. 2.) Eye witness observation from a trained pilot, perhaps a professional military pilot. AND 3.) clear video of that very same object. AND, 4th , the object changes speed. It would need to speed up and slow down. No celestial object could be capable of speeding up, slowing down and speeding up again.
  10. Dwight Ward

    Dwight Ward Veteran Member

    Jun 18, 2020
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    StarTrek.jpg View attachment 59973
    I've talked about this before. Some possibilities come to mind.

    One is a sender/receiver setup put in place by craft traveling at sub-light speeds to enable light speed transfer of mass which would appear to occupants as taking place in zero time. Relativity equations say that objects traveling at light speed experience no time progression but it must be radiation only that is involved. Actual mass at light speed becomes infinitely massive - an impossibility. Mass and people at one end are changed to radiation in some form and back into mass at the receiving end. In theory this is possible although there remain some paradoxes.

    Another is a 'natural' wormhole or gate between two distant points in space, negating the need for physical travel between those points. The problem here is that matter moving between such points would be subjected to violent forces, perhaps reduced to sub-atomic particles. Essentially we are speaking of a black hole/ white hole pairing not designed to preserve the integrity if what passes through it.

    A third possibility is a man-made faster than light method as is portrayed in much science fiction. There may be higher laws than the relativity constructs I'm familiar with. If there are such laws I'm not qualified to comment on this scenario.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2023
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  11. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    What about CERN, @Dwight Ward ?
    There is a lot of talk that there is some kind of a Stargate there, and maybe some elsewhere here on earth. The concept of a Stargate seems to work with the idea of some kind of travel that doesn’t depend on something having a motor propelling it, like a car or our present spaceships that we see being launched with all of that fire and drama.

    People who have seem what they thought was a UFO often describe them as doing things that wold be impossible for a kind of craft that we know about, and sometimes just disappearing. Some of the videos show them just vanishing, so they must either be cloaked, or they have gone.
    The ones that I saw that i thought were UFO’s were 5 of them, and then came across the sky faster than any plane that I have ever seen, snd suddenly all made a sharp 90 degree turn (impossible at that speed), and then vanished into the night sky.
    I have never seen anything even close to that before or after, so they were either a secret aircraft, or some kind of unknown craft from somewhere.
    Richard Whiting and Bobby Cole like this.
  12. Thomas Windom

    Thomas Windom Very Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2022
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    Regarding inevitability, have you seen the writings of this physicist who claims that under certain conditions, thermodynamics would drive biogenesis to allow for heat dissipation? Interesting idea but the math is above my pay grade. If he’s right, life of some sort would be very likely on any planet meeting the conditions of energy being pumped into a “heat bath”.


    edit: here’s an article more for the layman.

    Last edited: Jun 19, 2023
    Richard Whiting likes this.
  13. Mary Stetler

    Mary Stetler Veteran Member

    May 30, 2021
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    Klatu verada nikto!
    Richard Whiting likes this.
  14. Dwight Ward

    Dwight Ward Veteran Member

    Jun 18, 2020
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    I've never seen anything like you describe. It would blow my mind and maybe get me thinking in other directions. Enough credible people have reported the same or similar so I believe the observations must be of something real.

    I've not heard of the CERN stargate, just in general that somebody is spending an awful lot of money searching for new particles and stable anti-matter. Maybe it's all that targeted towards something specific like time travel, faster than light travel or a starship drive. That partical accelerator stuff is beyond my education.
    Yvonne Smith likes this.
  15. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    It was hugely amazing to me, @Dwight Ward ! We were living in Boise, and the night skies were bright and clear above our home. I was outside relaxing in the lawn chair and looking at the stars, around 10 at night (it was summer).
    Suddenly these five bright lights came racing across the sky overhead, in perfect formation, and then made a sharp 90 degree turn the other direction, and then were just gone, almost before I could realize what I was even seeing.

    When I lived in Idaho, I was out one night feeding the horses after work , again around 9-10 at night, and suddenly a bright green something came streaking across the sky (it looked pretty low), and disappeared beyond the tree line in back of my house.
    It lit up the whole sky above me, and my yard. Right after that was a huge crash that shook the house and ground , so I know it crashed, whatever it was.
    The news said it was a meteor flashing by, and they said it didn’t crash; but i knew that it did. I did think that the green object (it has a long tail like a comet kind of) was something natural, and not a UFO; but who knows, because the news wasn’t telling us what really happened with it or about the crash.

    I am pretty sure you have heard of Bob Lazar, Dwight. Here is an interesting short video of him with Joe Rogan, and he is talking about some of the old Roswell stuff.
    He also said that they have really old UFO’s that were found by archeologists; so that would indicate that we have had non-earth space travelers coming here for at least hundreds (if not thousands) of years, and we are still trying to back-process their technology.


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