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Where Else Are Illegals Being Distributed In The United States?

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Denise Evans, Nov 10, 2021.

  1. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    It’s all part of a very ominous plan and not some conspiracy “theory”.

    With China as a paradigm of sorts, our present leadership is flexing muscle and proving that those in power can indeed lead us into a totalitarian style of government.
    Allowing our borders to stay open and further assisting those who are here illegally to relocate throughout the country unvetted is contrary to the Constitution but it’s being done and without a majority state pushback.
    The CV mandates written from a singular desk in the White House is a primary proof that those in power are a ruling party rather than elected representation of the citizens.
    Those people who are still imprisoned without representation from the Jan. 6 debacle is also contrary to a person’s Constitutional rights but again, the Oval Office in conjunction with the AG are exposing their power to do as they wish.

    From the attempt to close yet another pipeline to the curtailing of products being delivered from overseas to fighting against voter I.D., taxation without representation and my past comments it’s evident that “The Green New Deal” is just a facade for what is actually happening in our lifetime.
    They’re not looking for a socialist style of government but rather a totalitarian style in which an appointed leader rules over the citizens much the same as the type Bernie Sanders loved so much about the U.S.S.R.

    The question of whether we should get rid of our present President is moot in that we know we can’t depend on the Vice President to back away from the path that is seemingly heretofore being pushed and we REALLY can’t depend on the Speaker because she’s a major source of our problems already.
    No, we have to wait for the mid-terms for someone we can trust to take over the Presidency and then impeach Biden and Harris on the basis of treason.
    Don Alaska and Denise Evans like this.
  2. Silvia Benoit

    Silvia Benoit Veteran Member

    Nov 23, 2020
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    In several states..

    The net info. will make you feel better....even if it happened in my other country.

    Next Sunday the mid-term elections will take place in Argentina..........and a lot of people vote in advance (the same like here). Well, a group of Argentinian northerners stopped about 15 Bolivians crossing the international border to VOTE IN ARGENTINA....The northerners prevented them from voting by pushing these Bolivians back to their own country
    The Argentinian Border Patrol smiled and kept smoking their cigarettes.
    The news run fast and people from other norther states began to patrol de frontiers to prevent the same illegal voting.
    The illegals are usually paid by corrupt Argentinian politicians who want to perpetuate themselves in power.
    Don Alaska and Yvonne Smith like this.
  3. Denise Evans

    Denise Evans Supreme Member

    Sep 26, 2015
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    I don't doubt that at all, no one is stopping them and they know it!!
    Marie Mallery likes this.
  4. Denise Evans

    Denise Evans Supreme Member

    Sep 26, 2015
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    Thanks Bobby, you always spell it right out for me!! Of love that last paragraph, and pray to God we can still beat them, and definitely hand out some real justice for all their treachery. No, it's not a conspiracy theory, and we know!!
    Don Alaska and Bobby Cole like this.
  5. Denise Evans

    Denise Evans Supreme Member

    Sep 26, 2015
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    When illegals get across the border, who, and how is America helping them financially? I mean I know the big answer is our tax dollars, but how is that all worked out, who gets what as of today?? They can't be flying them into towns with zero money, or are they? They is always meaning, this administration btw.
  6. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Mar 6, 2018
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    As I understand it now, the illegals actually want to be caught instead of eluding capture, as when they are caught they are given money, transported away from the border and provided with residence. Why hide when the benefits are just waiting for you?
  7. Denise Evans

    Denise Evans Supreme Member

    Sep 26, 2015
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    but who or what organizations are providing the money, and how much are they given?

    I meant agencies, government. I want to know are those getting on the planes bound for wherever, vetted and actually taken through at least some of our system? Are those not given money sent off too?? How can they ship them all, they aren't I'm sure. Some are still around the bridge I'm guessing. haven't seen any late videos, haven't looked.
  8. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Mar 6, 2018
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    I believe it coming from HHS, and as I understand it, all the illegals that ae apprehended are given money to sustain themselves, but I don't know how much, and it may vary by location. I think The United Way, The American Red Cross, and Catholic Social Services are also involved.
  9. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Since Ron DeSantis said that the busses and planes show up unannounced and even he doesn’t know when and where in the state of Florida the illegals will be dropped, I doubt if anyone but someone in the Fed knows who or what finances them.

    I do know via a Mexican friend of mine that it costs roughly 8K-10K for an illegal to be coyote escorted across the border so I imagine a lot of the illegals come here with some cash in hand. And judging from the fact that when I see pictures of the travelers in the caravans that those folks aren’t exactly dressed in rags and look like a bowl of gruel would be welcomed, they’ve been fed and clothed by some very giving persons or agencies.
    Now, exactly why those giving persons and agencies are so giving is meat for any theorist but in my case I definitely believe that some very deep pockets are in the mix. There are those who wish to see the next election overrun by South American expatriates thereby insuring a Democrat hold on Washington expressly to create Anarchy and eventually a Totalitarian government.

    Note: I do also believe that if and when the Government starts handing out checks amounting to 450K per person that the very beginning of that anarchy will start. Sadly, I still think that a Civil War is on the horizon and it’s all well planned in advance. I do pray that we will not have to go through that but it looks like it’s being pushed upon us.
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2021
    Denise Evans and Don Alaska like this.
  10. Silvia Benoit

    Silvia Benoit Veteran Member

    Nov 23, 2020
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    Before becoming a teacher for NYC DoE I was a Bilingual Caseworker for the DSS. We used to check the applicants' documents in more than one one and rarely one illegal could get away w/o being caught....Now, because the Dems. want votes is a lot more difficult to check their paperwork. Many use a legal friend's documentation.
    Denise Evans and Don Alaska like this.
  11. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Mar 6, 2018
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    The "powers that be" are pushing Americans hoping for an action to which they can respond. We saw that with the Jan. 6 people. Really essentially peaceful protestors were and are still being treated as radical revolutionaries, while those who do real violence and arson are allowed to go scot-free.

    I think the Democratic party is hoping that the residents in rural areas will react to their pushes, so the military and police forces can be brought to bear to ensure compliance upon those who refuse to knuckle under.
  12. Denise Evans

    Denise Evans Supreme Member

    Sep 26, 2015
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    Yep, I totally believe the dems are planning big voting #'s to keep whoever their puppet shall be, or be again. That was my first thought when they started trying to get rid of voter-ID required, what garbage that is :mad:
    Don Alaska and Bobby Cole like this.
  13. Denise Evans

    Denise Evans Supreme Member

    Sep 26, 2015
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    I wondered when I first heard about the illegals getting money from someone on loan, wherever they came from, how is that dirty dog supposed to collect that money from them? I guess they know the US is planning to give the illegals big bucks. There's got to be some serious Patriots planning something for our side, but I'm glad I don't hear about it because if I heard of who, and where, then the bad-guys would know too!
    Bobby Cole likes this.
  14. Denise Evans

    Denise Evans Supreme Member

    Sep 26, 2015
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    This makes a lot of sense to me, that would be their game plan. One of our biggies, if not "the" biggest, is to hang onto our guns. I doubt if too many civilians could stand up, for very long, against our military. I also wonder sometimes if "all" of our military would actually do what the dirty Left is commanding? I know there were people in the underground, and military that were against Hitler, so maybe the good guys will come through with victory in this attempt to take over our country.
    Marie Mallery likes this.
  15. Denise Evans

    Denise Evans Supreme Member

    Sep 26, 2015
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    That's such BS because look at the needs of existing Americans that are homeless, or working two jobs and still barely, or can't meet their bills? I think that pisses me off more than anything. President Trump is the first one I knew to say "America First". It's common sense that we need to take care of ourselves or we don't have anything to give to others.

    Everyone here knows we have no business taking on other countries problems if we haven't solved our own. I've honestly never understood how we have doctors and nurses going to other countries giving free "all kinds" of medical/dental care, yet here in America a person can't get their teeth fixed in this town I live in?? Our Dental clinic has not taken one, single new patient (adult) for the last 6 years. That isn't right?? Honestly not even emergency dental!! The high and mighty dentists won't take the medicare/medicaid insurance either.

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