As far as your thread goes, she told me in a similar thread I done that she stays away from the part of Fresno that has gang problems. So, I guess she doesn't have any kind of problems where her house is located.
Yes, I stay away from the bad parts of town but there is crime everywhere...maybe not murder but robberies, etc. You can’t find too much of a better area than where I live... maybe a little further north now but I’ll be leaving here in a couple years anyway... Fresno is not my final destination as it is @Lon Tanner ‘s.....also, please leave me alone, Lon. I doubt I’ll come back here unless it’s for something like Babs posting her breast cancer, etc. I have played a few games lately and I PM regularly on here with some....that’s it.
I have to admit there is one forum where I do the same as CC... there are so many toxic people on it, I just can't be bothered writing anything in case it's twisted and turned into something it's not, so I just read it and metaphorically sit on my hands
@Holly Saunders Now this one I really like! Made my day! "toxic people".......poisonous people, contagiously? Or, poisoned. Very unusual use of the word here, more commonly "disgusting", "dislikeable", "aggravating", "disagreeable". But your use is indeed fitting! I found it to be true of the admin at "that other forum". I should love to see how you can type input to a post while sitting on your hands! Oh, I see now, keeping the hands unoccupied! Frank
Oh yes Frank the people who post on the forum to which I was referring are indeed the most toxic people I have ever had the misfortune to encounter on any forums..but certainly not the one where you have the problem with the admin. I've been a a very active poster on there for 5 years...
@Lulu Moppet I had carried on a series of emails with the admin, who had evidenced rather ridiculous and pointless criticisms of me as a member, finally in exasperation asking me why I can't just post like the others; at that point in time, I did not know that he had banned me permanently already. The whole altercation stemmed from my having used the word "Chinaman". Frank
Frank, in what context did you use 'chinaman?' Who started the emails between you & admin.? If you don't mind my curiosity.............thanks.