Who Is Watching The Democrat's Candidate Debate?

Discussion in 'Politics & Government' started by Yvonne Smith, Oct 13, 2015.

  1. Corie Henson

    Corie Henson Veteran Member

    Jun 11, 2015
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    So what's your take on this debate? I have seen glimpses only (in the news reports) and I'd say that the statistics are incorrect. But that rating by Sanders depends on one's taste, right? What I'm after is the rating on the survey regarding that debate. I'm asking this because from what I gathered in my readings, it is clear that Hillary is on the road to the Democrat's nomination. So we can maybe disregard the NBC and the Fox News with their opinions for now.
  2. Lara Moss

    Lara Moss Supreme Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    Good morning Corie. I saw the whole debate. My take on the debate is fully explained in post 2 but basically I personally liked Bernie Sanders because of what he said he would change in America and how he would do it. Apparently Fox News viewers agree.

    My post 2 was posted during the debate before any opinions were aired. Thus, my opinion is raw and unabashed. I still feel the same way now but you are right that NBC, which is biased towards the Democrats, and democratic reporters at the debate have totally opposite opinions and polls. They've highly influenced other journalists too. There's a long way to go so we'll see.

    My prediction is that Sanders will not win the democratic nomination in the end because he lacks the well seasoned political experience and podium panache that Hillary has which is more important to democrats than it is for Republicans and Independents. Republicans are tired of the same ol same ol politics as usual. Sanders has "change" written all over him. Hillary highly praised Obama and vowed to "build on his many successes". Sorry, but our country is in a mess and needs change.
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2015
    Sheldon Scott and Avigail David like this.
  3. Diane Lane

    Diane Lane Veteran Member

    Apr 10, 2015
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    @Lara Moss Do you think the ultimate nominee will be Hillary or do you think Joe Biden will step in and announce he's running? I think if it looks as if Hillary can't win (regardless of what the MSM says), Biden will step in, since I think to many he's more palatable than Hillary.
  4. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    He has way more political experience than Hillary. Bernie Sanders has never held a real job; rather, he has been in one elected office or another his entire life.
    Diane Lane likes this.
  5. Lara Moss

    Lara Moss Supreme Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    I didn't realize that but Hillary has worked at the top alongside the President which many people think is a plus. I don't, when it comes to change.
  6. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I think that Hillary has more medical issues than they are talking about. There is a lot of speculation that she has had at least one stroke, maybe more.
    Also, when she was first supposed to testify about Bengazi, she was sick and in the hospital. She had been on a trip to France, and the alternative news media reported that she was in a plane crash, and that was the (covered up) reason that she was in the hospital, and not a fall , which the mainstream news was saying.
    I do think that they are keeping Biden ready to jump in if it looks like Hillary can't win, for whatever reason, health, the email scandal, or otherwise.

    Bernie Sanders may mean well; but he seemed almost befuddled (to me) during the debate, and sometimes had to have the questions repeated so he could even understand what they were asking him.
    Although he has a good following, I just do not see him as being able to win an election, or being a capable president, if he was elected.
    Hillary has just announced that if elected, she wants to have MANDATORY gun buybacks. Basically, that is just gun confiscation, but using polite words, so to speak.

    Pat Davis and Lara Moss like this.
  7. Lara Moss

    Lara Moss Supreme Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    To quote Scooby Do, "Ruh Ro". Hillary just lost all the hunter's votes, and all the votes from people who want a gun for protection. I don't own a gun and I'm not a hunter so I don't have a strong opinion on the subject (well, I do love furry little innocent animals…but I'll kill an innocent ant or daddy long legger in a nano sec so go figure). But I do have a strong opinion on mandatory confiscation of all assault rifles….the ones with magazines of multiple bullets. Those guns are just up to not good.

    I noticed that about Bernie Sanders too but I chauked it up to poor campaigning podium skills. The meat of what he had to say far outweighed the importance of appearances to me. Even having to ask for that question to be repeated (I'm pretty sure it was only one) was forgivable because we've all done it and it's, again, not important in the big picture. But I know I'm in the minority there and I agree that he won't win because of it. Hillary is by far the sharpest knife in the drawer but that's scary. Trump's a little scary too. Then there's that sweet little neurosurgeon, Ben, with trust and integrity that wouldn't hurt a flea who's gaining in the polls...but there are too many non-christians, atheists, and especially agnostics, and democrats in the nation for him to be elected President.

    Latest News on Biden - "Vice President Joe Biden has the "very likely" support of the nation's largest union of firefighters should he decide to enter the 2016 presidential race, a top union official tells ABC News. Biden placed a personal call to Harold Schaitberger, president of the International Association of Firefighters, early Friday morning to discuss his potential candidacy and a strategy to win, Schaitberger said.' You certainly came away with the view and feeling that he is moving toward seriously making a decision,' Schaitberger said."

    Question…the Firefighter's Union will be Biden's greatest financial support?? Shouldn't that money be used for issues solely related to firefighters, firefighting, and firefighter's families? I mean millions of dollars for a nominee? Really?
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2015
  8. Pat Davis

    Pat Davis Veteran Member

    Apr 23, 2015
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    I thought Bernie seemed befuddled too, during the debate, Yvonne. My problem with Bernie is his liberalism...he is to the left of Pres. Obama and Hillary. Most of the Democrat candidates spoke of all the different ways they want to spend money, free college etc, and we don't have a lot of money to spend on more social programs. We need to get people jobs, and not be inviting thousands of illegal immigrants, to take jobs away from our legal citizens, and to pump up democrat voters for a majority. I can only imagine the outcry if Republicans were doing the same thing, to assure them of a Republican majority.
    Sheldon Scott and Yvonne Smith like this.
  9. Lara Moss

    Lara Moss Supreme Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    The Washington Post and Chicago Tribune both agreed Bernie won the Debate. CNN polls late tuesday night at one point showed Bernie at 80% (before the media elevated Hillary). Time Magazines poll for Bernie was 64%, MSNC's poll was 84% , Fox News 79% to Hillary's 13% (I voted in that one and saw the results first hand). Polls aren't scientific but they do measure the viewers opinions.

    In the debate, Bernie Sanders said he thought wall street should pay for the education of our youth. I don't know how he would accomplish that feat but education would be free if he did. He put the Veterans over the hysteria with ISIS saying he wouldn't get us in another quagmire like Iraq. When asked, "Do black lives matter or do all lives matter", Hillary took a centrist view while Bernie had the courage to speak out and say,

    "Black lives matter. And the reason — the reason those words matter is the African-American community knows that on any given day, some innocent person like Sandra Bland can get into a car, and then three days later she's going to end up dead in jail, or their kids are going to get shot. We need to combat institutional racism from top to bottom, and we need major, major reforms in a broken criminal justice system."

    Clinton won't ever speak in such terms because as a moderate, she can't alienate the more conservative Democrats on matters of race.

    Bernie gifted Hillary by downplaying her email scandal for her and steered the debate to other more pressing issues. She didn't have to explain Russian-linked hackers trying to access her emails, or why the FBI probe has now expanded to a second tech firm. If Clinton were catching up to Sanders in the polls, and Sanders had a private server and emails investigated by five intelligence agencies, it's doubtful she wouldn't find some way to gain votes by addressing the scandal.

    Bernie Sanders won hands down on the issues of wealth inequality, climate change, perpetual wars. His progressive value system overshadowed the more centrist Hillary Clinton. He explained what a "democratic socialist" means and he also explained why the term doesn't mean the next Joseph Stalin. From marijuana legalization to ending perpetual wars, Sanders separated himself from Clinton.
  10. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I think that anyone who promises lots of "freebies" will garner much support from the people who are out looking for freebies; but certainly NOT from those working people who will have to fund those freebies.
    Also, there was no mention in there of taking care of the seniors and helping social security.
    Since this is the third time that we seniors have been denied a COL increase (and all 3 times under Obama), plus the SNAP (senior nutrition program) is cutting the amount alloted to low-income seniors now, too; I am simply not in favor of anyone who seems to want to just throw away the seniors and hand out free college to people who are in our country illegally.
    I think that Americans' needs should come first, and not only the seniors; but the veterans, who are not being taken care of like they should be. The VA is taking the money and paying their CEO's handsome salaries, while denying the sick veterans the medical care that they need. Most veterans hate the VA .
    This is why we now have so many private organizations that are trying to help our veterans. If the VA is not going to do their job; then maybe we need to come up with a better plan for veterans.

    Since I grew up in an era where most women stayed home and took care of their family, I only receive a little over $400 a month to exist on, and having even a few dollars a month extra is important to me. And with the rising cost of groceries; they should not be cutting back on our food stamps at the same time. And sadly, there are many other seniors struggling along in this same position, who worked at home and don't get much SS pension.

    I think that all of the free things that Sanders is talking about simply cannot be financed by the government. If they are already cutting back on what little help we get as seniors; then how will they be able to continue SS and still do all of the new things that Sanders is proposing ?
    Sheldon Scott and Pat Davis like this.

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