Cool, I wasn't sure, I don't want to put the wrong things up or mislead anyone about the truth either. Some of the things I've seen that pop up on media are just clickbait and lies. It's almost impossible to get any truth anymore.
Seems like Russia vs. Ukraine doesn't interest the media anymore, or the Hunter Biden probe for that matter.
Media is mostly about sensationalism in my view, and not to forget money, money, money, and dishonest "owners" of different Media.
I agree !!! It annoys the crap outta me that the news is on for an hour & a half - two hours in the early evening . They just keep repeating the same news, the same weather, and the same sports. The only reason it is on that amount of time is the fact that it gives them more time to sell crap during commecials.
Just a reminder of what happened the last time Israel was really at war with its neighbors.
Well now the Biden Administration says they will get really mad if Iran kills any American troops. I am sure the Iranians are quaking in their bunkers. Lindsay Graham says if the American people complain about sending so much money to Ukraine and Israel, they will pass a draft (implied) and American kids will die overseas. China is now on the move toward Taiwan. We are about to be defeated on three fronts at once. Oh my.... Biden removed the terror designation on the Houthis that Trump put into place, so they are now firing missiles over the U.S. Navy ships and Saudi Arabia into Israel.
Some of it. Biden figured he needed the oil enough he could overlook the child trafficking that Venezuela was originally sanctioned for if he was running again.
Turkey and Russia have now reportedly made a joint statement supporting the Palestinians against Israel and the U.S. Attacks are continuing against American troops in Syria. I believe the Pentagon has announced that 20 Americans have been injured there 6 days ago. I had reports that up to 3 people had been killed, but that was not included in the DOD release. The Chinese are moving missiles to the Taiwan Strait and Taiwan has tanks in the street, allegedly as part of a "war game" rehearsing an invasion. I think the Biden folks are going to get their war.
Uh huh and the Kremlin is denying it and also denying that there is a Putin double. Funny thing but I watched about half of “Hunter Killer” last night and intend to finish watching it tonight. That said, after watching as much as I have with the addition of the possibility that Putin may be out of commission, I’m a little leary about who is pushing the buttons in Russia.
I am seriously worried that this whole Gaza/Israel war is going to become a regional war. Especially worried about what Iran is doing ie; supplying Hezbolah with weapons. If the U.S. becomes actively involved, militarily, the Arab nations may very well jump in with both feet. Rockets have already been fired from Yemen headed toward Israel, but the U.S. shot then down over the Red Sea. Israel is now facing a 3-front war. One in Gaza against Hamas. One front against Hezbolah in the North. And one front in the West bank against both Hamas and supporters of Hamas. I have no doubt that Israel could do the job , BUT what happens if Iran jumps in ?
The U.S. has two air bases in Turkey they being Incirlik and Izmir. I went on temporary duty to them both in the 60s, and even then some Turks there were not fond of Americans. We had to stay at a hotel in Adana because there was no room in the transit barracks, and that night there was an anti-American riot.
Reports are now coming out that a U.S. Special Forces unit trying to rescue hostages was ambushed and wiped out yesterday. Don't know if it is true, but the leader of the Marine Expeditionary Force warned that anyone who targets them will die. No official statements from the U.S. military has been issued, but they want everyone to believe the U.S. Special Forces units are untouchable.