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With Biden As The Opposing Candidate...

Discussion in 'Politics & Government' started by Hal Pollner, Jun 6, 2020.

  1. Ed Marsh

    Ed Marsh Veteran Member

    May 30, 2020
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    Good morning to all-

    Bobby- Exchanging semi-polite opposite view messages back and forth is mildly amusing, but it's pretty pointless. And accusing me of being childish is fine with me, but it would appear that you are the one who has very little to defend with the present occupant. If you can accept his vile language, his cruelty and aggression toward others- mostly people who cannot defend themselves- and his lack of leadership, lack of ability to see things as they really are, and his self-aggrandizement- and more than anything else- his profound ignorance on nearly all subjects- then that's fine too. You are welcome to him.
    And advising me to "be a teacher"- I don't need your direction on that subject.

    And my information is not weak. It's the truth.

    Vote the garbage out. We can do much better.

    good day to all- Ed
    Terry Coywin and Rose Lefever like this.
  2. Al Amoling

    Al Amoling Veteran Member

    Aug 20, 2016
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    Another opinion piece
    Terry Coywin likes this.
  3. Ed Marsh

    Ed Marsh Veteran Member

    May 30, 2020
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    Good morning to all-

    Al- Another TRUTH piece.

    good day to all- Ed
    Rose Lefever likes this.
  4. Al Amoling

    Al Amoling Veteran Member

    Aug 20, 2016
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    Yeah sure Ed you can have your own opinion but truth is something you avoid.
  5. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Well, let’s see. Since you do not need any advice I’ll just state a fact and you can take it from there.
    As an English Comp / Lit teacher, you haven’t formed the first paragraph since you came here. Failing grade guy.

    What you have managed to do is to act the proper caveman troll; Trump bad. Trump Lie. Trump vile. ugh.
    No referencing, no direction, nothing to back up your opinions. As a troll, I am forced to give you an “A.”. The folks over at your liberal forum just love ya !!

    Now, do tell me.
    The latest news is that BLM has taken over the Seattle mayor’s office plus seven square blocks.
    In 1993, Biden said (paraphrased) in response to the “Crime Bill” that we had to get rid of the predators that are taking over the streets lest they might hit his mother over the head with a stick.
    A couple of days ago, he more or less acquiesced to BLM. I’m not sure if he was one of the politicians who took the political knee but I think so.

    How do you think Biden would handle the problem in Seattle as opposed to the President’s proposition?
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2020
    Terry Coywin and Tom Galty like this.
  6. Ed Wilson

    Ed Wilson Veteran Member

    Dec 6, 2019
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    I am glad you are here. You show how some make political decisions based on "feelings".
    Terry Coywin and Bobby Cole like this.
  7. Peter Renfro

    Peter Renfro Veteran Member

    Sep 13, 2018
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  8. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    But ya see Ed, that’s where it is so confusing.
    Whilst I do agree with you in that it’s pretty obvious that he’s hedging his bet based on his feelings rather than on actual facts he also wrote that he doesn’t care what anyone else thinks.
    If in fact he didn’t care, then he wouldn’t be writing in a discussion forum because after all, words have meaning and can indeed provoke an emotional response which I remind you anew, he doesn’t care and caring is a feeling.

    In other words, if one doesn’t care then why discuss it at all? There is no sense of logic.
    Other than sidestepping the facts in lieu of publishing innuendos, I see no value in his mentations if indeed, there really are any.

    Nope. Too confusing so I think I might be on the right track when I called it trolling........and childish.
  9. Ed Marsh

    Ed Marsh Veteran Member

    May 30, 2020
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    Good morning to all- Bobby- With all due respect to you- You are boring.

    End of conversation.

    Good day to all and goodbye.

  10. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    Well right off the bat, your first link is to an opinion piece. :rolleyes: And may I point out that the national debt is burgeoning due to Democratic spending and the bloat they have added to the stimulus, etc.
    Terry Coywin and Bobby Cole like this.
  11. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    Ed--I agree that we can do better. But I don't believe Joe Biden is better. It's very disheartening.
    Bobby Cole likes this.
  12. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Ah, another descriptive term for which you again, supply nothing of any value other than it is your own opinion.
    Sadly though, after 40 years of teaching English Composition I’d think you would have a much better attack than......you are boring.

    Now, back to Biden. What indeed would YOU do about the problem in Seattle. I mean, since you give such homage to one derelict of some mental acuity, his idea might just match up with your own!
  13. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Well, slap my face and call me sparky! Somebody brought some MEAT to this bar-b-que!!

    Okay, the Secret Service issue is still out to lunch because I haven’t finished doing all the research I need to do in order to table a good discussion.
    Next case.

    Several issues particularly how much taxpayer money goes out for golf, vacations or just plain going to and staying at Mar A Lago are extremely tangled and also kind of a catch 22 situation.

    No good owner or manager of an establishment gets anything free. Nothing. That isn’t to say that owners and managers do not grab and go in their own businesses, but good entrepreneurs at least sign for what they get or even pay cash or it. Everything HAS to be accounted for in the business world.
    Donald Trump may own Mar-A-Lago but since he really is a good businessman, he signs for everything. If in this case the tab is signed, Donald Trump, the tab goes on an A&G or an A&P account depending on whether he’s doing business or simply having a meal. Either way, depending on state and federal laws, some of that is retrievable in the form a tax deductions which gives that statement of “back to his own coffers” some credibility but EVERY entrepreneur worth his salt has the same system as he surly does.
    Now, if D. Trump were to sign it off as President of the U.S. then the money is accounted to his Presidential budget and the tab is paid for in full by the taxpayer.

    Note: Thus far, from my understanding, the President generally signs his own name to all transactions unless it involves a conference / meeting or whatever with some dignitary(s).

    Either way it is done, each time he stays, eats, plays golf or whatever at Mar-A-Lago, each transaction is counted as Donald Trump’s expenditures whether it is on his personal A&G or A&P accounts or that of the Presidential Budget.
    When it is said that he has spent x amount of money doing whatever he does at the resort, only part of that is actually paid for by the taxpayer and the rest is just a paper transaction.
  14. Dwight Ward

    Dwight Ward Veteran Member

    Jun 18, 2020
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    I agree with most of what you say except for the part about Hilary. To me she and her husband are as corrupt as Trump.The Clinton body count story is composed of much that is just conspiracy theory, but there is ample evidence that the Clintons and the CIA had people killed to protect their drug smuggling operation. Hillary could not have been an unknowing bystander.Hillary did not have to kill anyone herself, but she had to know that it was done.
    Terry Coywin likes this.
  15. Bill Boggs

    Bill Boggs Supreme Member

    May 13, 2015
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    Trrump might get a second term. These polls I see here and there showing Biden ahead should not be given
    serious thought. I've thought like someone here said, then elelction is Trump's to lose.

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