Would You Move With All That Is Going On Now?

Discussion in 'Places I Have Lived' started by Babs Hunt, Jun 11, 2021.

  1. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    70% of the state of Colorado is fully vaxxed
    52% of the state of Wyoming is fully vaxxed
    -Only Alabama has a lower Fully Vaxxed Rate than Wyoming (51.2% vs 51.6%)
    -Wyoming has the lowest "Received at least one dose rate" among all 50 states

    Here's data for all the states. It might be a factor in your decision.
    Last edited: May 9, 2022
    Don Alaska likes this.
  2. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    Just remember, John, Wyoming has the lowest population of any state in the U.S. That would definitely mean much less people to vaccinate.
    Anyway, any vaccination that is brought up by either of our doctors, we have had. From the Covid 19 (all 4) to Senior High Dose (Flu/1) to Shingles (2 each) and a Pneumonia (1).

    Sort of just like when I was in the Navy. I had to get every single shot/vaccine that the Navy told me I had to get.
    John Brunner likes this.
  3. Kate Ellery

    Kate Ellery Supreme Member

    Dec 12, 2015
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    It was something that crossed my mind today ….. ( moving ) but I don’t want to even think about it
    but when one of us has a health scare like Ron did yesterday …it’s scary …

    Even tho we are both reasonably fit for our ages neither of us would stay in our home if one of us shuffled off
    So no I wouldn’t consider moving unless I had to due to… what a job that would be, sigh ..

    I’ve lived in South Australia since 1970 and never thought of moving to any other states , even tho we love an area in southern Queensland called Coolangatta I’d never want to live there, just visit each winter to lap up, some of their beautiful spring like days of mid 20c most days
    where SA shivers through 8- 13 c days
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2022
  4. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Percentage has nothing to do with the population, for these statistics. It is what part of the total population of each state has been vaccinated, so even if there were only 4 people living in the whole state and 2 had been vaxxed, then it would be a 50% vaccination rate, just the same as if 100,000 live there and 50,000 have been vaxxed.
    Both Alabama and Wyoming have Republican governors, so they have not forced masks and vaccinations on people like the liberal states like Colorado and California are doing. The percentage of people who were vaccinated in both of those states would be lower simply because they were not forced into doing so.
  5. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    Just another thought to throw in the mix, Kate...

    Since you are certain that the surviving spouse would relocate, it might be easier to do so while there are two of you to tackle the task...unless you are talking about moving into some sort of assisted living situation.
  6. Cody Fousnaugh

    Cody Fousnaugh Supreme Member

    Aug 12, 2015
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    That's why we are moving the middle of next year, because, hopefully, we can still physically do it. And, as I wrote in a different thread (mine), "we are continuing to pack, even though our move is a year away".
    Mary Stetler likes this.
  7. Mary Stetler

    Mary Stetler Veteran Member

    May 30, 2021
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    But Cody has had all the vaccines so he is safe wherever he moves.
    A different thought, My friend has been having tachycardia often and for longer duration over time. I suggested she try electrolytes but when that did not help she went to a doctor and the first thing he asked her was, did she get all the covid shots as a potential reason.
    It turns out there is a small flap of muscle that should not be there to be cauterized, she was told. But....
  8. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    Two questions:

    Is her doctor inferring that the vax caused it, or that the lack of vax caused it? 'Cause one of those things might endanger his license, so I'm surprised he would say it out loud.

    Where is this flap of muscle? Do you mean on her heart???
  9. Mary Robi

    Mary Robi Veteran Member

    Nov 4, 2018
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    A former boss had bouts of tachycardia that the docs couldn't find the cause of.

    Turned out he had a little flap of muscle/skin like a skin tag that would occasionally flop over and touch the surface, making some kind of connection that would cause a "short-circuit" sending the heart into tachycardia. Not being a Cardiologist, that's about the best I can describe it.

    They went in through an artery and severed/grabbed the "tag" and voila! no more tachycardia.
  10. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    Wow! It truly is miraculous.

    When I had my [supposed] small stroke, the cardiologist did an echo cardiogram and discovered some "vegetative growth" on a valve (apparently, this is quite common.) He wanted to get a closer look. This is done by putting an ultrasound head down the esophagus, which runs alongside the heart, then pressing it against the heart and taking a look at the heart's valve via sound waves through the esophagus!

    It's interesting that American medicine excels at the extreme, yet seems to fall short in the routine. Of course, most of that is driven by our freedom to make bad choices, which is about the only thing we exercise with great vigor.
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2022
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  11. Jessica Morgan

    Jessica Morgan Very Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2022
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    I moved last year in the middle of the pandemic, it was stressful but well organised, our removal guys removed their masks to do all the lifting and shifting, we wore our masks and kept out of their way. It went well and none of us testing positive for the virus before or after the move.
    Don Alaska and John Brunner like this.
  12. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
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    Mar 6, 2018
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    Also, there is no money to be made with preventative medicine unless it is selling drugs.
  13. Kate Ellery

    Kate Ellery Supreme Member

    Dec 12, 2015
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    Nah I’d have to be on my last leg to move into a assisted living or retirement village ,there are quite a few retirement villages near us cause when we first bought our block of land here it was a very quiet retirement town…… now it’s a busy as , with yet another village walking distance from us.

    I like where we are close to the beach and if and when we need any assistance with cleaning maintaining our home we figure we can get someone to assist us .
    However I couldn’t do all the maintenance Ron carry’s out almost daily on our home.
    as well as we tend to share the housework ( our home is 4 bedroom / 2 bathrooms / 2 living areas so it needs some sort of cleaning almost daily.

    When we recently pruned our fruit trees Ron pruned the peach tree to half its size with the battery chain saw
    so we are gradually cutting back on big jobs …and no more offering anyone fruit cause we are expected to pick it pack it in a box / bucket , deliver nah no more
    @John Brunner
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2022
  14. Mary Stetler

    Mary Stetler Veteran Member

    May 30, 2021
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    He didn't say either way about the vaccines. Doctors around here are afraid of losing their license over several things. She is wearing a heart monitor to finish some tests in 30 days, and yes.
    I don't do doctors. I like Dr Berg.
  15. Kate Ellery

    Kate Ellery Supreme Member

    Dec 12, 2015
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    My daughter had that same surgery ,she was at work and her heart rate went up to 190 bpm so she was taken to,the hospital and the drs removed the little flap
    Don Alaska and John Brunner like this.

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