Did you notice that while it did not auto-suggest, it successfully created the hyperlink to his account when you posted the comment?
We have three members whose username begins with Thomas and it doesn't suggest a name for either. Let me try someone else who won't mind. @Ken Anderson - yeah, it does work for me. On my first try, I'm not sure what the problem might be. Maybe it doesn't alert people who haven't been here for a certain period of time. I don't know. I'll look into it further, though.
As you know, I don't believe this has been an issue for anyone mentioned in the Roll Call thread, and they are all folks who have not been around for a while. I just tried @Boris Boddenov and he auto-suggests. He was last here mid-April. @Ed Wilson was last here Jan 17 and his name does not auto-suggest. @Patsy Faye said "goodbye" on Jan 11 and her name does not auto-suggest.
I have the same issue as Beth when it comes to clicking the home button and being prompted to log in again.
The forum operates on software that I tweaked a little bit five years ago, but which I did not write. It depends on a whole range of things, such as individual connections, databases, and so on, and which is hosted on a company's server a thousand miles away. It's not something that I can tackle with a hammer and a screwdriver. It's not as if I can just open the hood and see what looks wrong. That doesn't mean that it won't be fixed eventually. I'm sorry if I was snarky but it's frustrating when people keep harping on a problem that I have already acknowledged. A lot of times, problems just go away on their own without my every figuring out what the cause was.
It doesn't work for anyone that hasn't logged in for over a year. No reason to tag anyone that isn't going to see it.