I've been waiting for someone to bring this up. Unless I missed it, nobody has. Here it is. What do you think?
Do you mean this? https://www.seniorsonly.club/threads/the-first-of-the-january-6-rioters-has-been-acquitted.20687/
No, not really, but I might have attached the question to that thread, but here it is. For the past week I've been watching/listening to the committee's debate on TV, It's boring, but has a lot of info leading up to the event. I'm reluctant to admit this, but my main interest is the possibility the Pres. Trump could be indicted.
I dunno... Comity is a legal term Comity Primary tabs Comity refers to courts of one state or jurisdiction respecting the laws and judicial decisions of other jurisdictions – whether state, federal or international – not as a matter of obligation but out of deference and mutual respect. In Constitutional Law, the enforcement of judgments between states in the United States is governed by the Comity Clause of the Constitution - Article IV, § 2, Clause 2. The first-filed rule, for instance, is a rule of comity for resolving conflicts of jurisdictions where parallel actions are filed in different federal district courts. If two or more substantially identical actions are proceeding in different courts, the court with the action that was filed later should defer to the jurisdiction of the court with the action that was filed first by dismissing, staying, or transferring the later-filed suit. See also: comity of nations [Last updated in January of 2022 by the Wex Definitions Team]
Ouch!!! I recently mentioned that the spell checker on my word processor isn't working, but no excuse here. Sorry, I'll be more careful.
Absolutely! True to it’s definition, the word “committee” is a group of people who are appointed for a specific function and this function is to waste the taxpayer’s money on a professionally produced reality show and as a diversion of the real facts. In this case, the reality is that there are none on the committee who has an opposing view of the subject matter nor are they allowing anyone with an opposing view to speak. Just another [Adam] Schiff storm not too dissimilar from the false Russia, Russia, Russia narratives he led against Trump.
OK. Let me try again. I watched IT again this afternoon, and I came away with the thinking that there is no way for former Pres. Trump and some of his minions NOT to be indicted for treason or something similar. I'd be interested in other opinions.
Something else: At Least 5 Members Of Congress Asked Trump For Pardons, According To Jan. 6 Committee | HuffPost Latest News
I really do not want to go into this much more but…….If the committee wasn’t chosen by Pelosi and guaranteed to be biased then you would have gotten the whole truth(s) and not just one side of the story. As far as treason goes, who tried to overthrow the government? Or kill the President? Or any sitting Congressperson? No one. If I recall, Joe Biden wasn’t inaugurated until Jan. 20th and Donald Trump was still the sitting President on Jan. 3rd so who was he attempting to commit treason against? Himself? What parts of the Constitution did those who entered into the capital building break? The last time I looked, we have the right to challenge the electors via our Congresspeople which was happening at the time of the supposed break in and were unconstitutionally stopped because of that break in. Also, the last time I looked we’re guaranteed a speedy trial and we’re also presumed innocent until proven guilty but we had people locked in solitary confinement for months and so far as I know, some have yet to have their case presented. If anything, anyone responsible for holding those prisoners should be brought up on charges and if not, why isn’t John Sullivan sitting in one of those same cages? There’s an easy answer and it doesn’t take Dick Tracy to figure it out.
Breaking stuff and clubbing people is not breaking the law but not the constitution. How about trying to upset an election?
I will write this one LAST time. A Congressional challenge to the electors is not only Constitutional, it’s been done throughout American history. It takes two agreeing Congresspersons to propose a challenge after which a debate ensues which has a time limit of 2 hours and then they have to vote. The electors of 3 states were challenged by Ted Cruz and Tommy Tuberville and it was during the debate phase when they were told to shut things down due to a “riot”. The entire American public was TOLD via FB, talk radio etc. for 2 weeks prior to the Congressional validation of the electors that a contest was immanent which definitely DID start a stew going within the Democratic Party. Now answer me this. Which party had MORE to gain by a riot in the Capital? The Republicans had an almost sure thing going by contesting the electors and were already in the debate phase. Why would ANYONE who voted for Trump want to stop it? The Dems knew that the only way to stop the contests was to promote confusion and a potential life threatening situation because they had absolutely no other Constitutional way to do it. Yes, a few people got stupid but in general, the rallying public who entered the building didn’t go in to kill people and wreck things otherwise people would have been killed and things wrecked. They’d still be picking through the rubble if that was the case. No one brought a can of lighter fluid and a Bic. No one broke down doors and burned the offices and beat up staffers ergo it wasn’t a riot nor was it an insurrection. Note: It’s been proven that some of the antagonists were not only Democrats but some were undercover agents of the FBI yet none of them were charged. 2nd Note: Even though Biden said that there were 5 deaths, only ONE death occurred during the fray and that murder was committed by a Capital agent who again, shot and killed an unarmed veteran. The cop didn’t have any reason to fear for his life nor had any reason to protect others from being killed by her because again, SHE WAS UNARMED. Why wasn’t HE prosecuted for murder or at least for discharging his firearm in a crowd ? 3rd Note: Why wasn’t John Sullivan charged?