Am I Facing Breast Cancer?

Discussion in 'Health & Wellness' started by Babs Hunt, Mar 4, 2019.

  1. Babs Hunt

    Babs Hunt Supreme Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    I thought I would talk about the physical changes in me since being diagnosed with cancer.

    The weight gain bugs me at times because this added weight does not feel comfortable on me. I do eat anything I want now but I still eat healthy most of the time.

    One of the side effects of my hormone inhibitor is weight gain so I can say some of these extra pounds are probably a result of taking those. And some/most are definitely from just eating what I feel like eating no matter how many calories are involved. I don't like the extra weight but I feel blessed that this is the worst I have had to adjust to since my diagnosis.

    My discomfort level has changed in the past 6 months. I can't call it pain because it's not... it's just an everyday discomfort like I used to have when the weather pressure systems would go wacky...but now it is an every day part of my life. I take one and a half pills of Hydrocodone-Acetamin, there are 4 dose strengths and I take the lowest strength. I take this in the morning when I wake up
    and then again before I go to bed at night and this allows me to be comfortable each day.

    At times my sleeping turns upside down and I might sleep all day and be awake all night. This doesn't happen on a regular basis so I just go with the flow when it does happen.

    My lymph nodes are swelling more but even if I push on those areas I have no pain. And I thank God for that.

    My energy has stayed level for a long time now and I am able to do everything for my self still. I do use a shower chair for most of my showers...I find it's so helpful in conserving my energy.

    Although I still have a good appetite I don't find myself craving certain things as much anymore. Although I find myself really enjoying all the fresh berries available right now. And I always have chicken salad with no eggs on hand to eat too.

    Emotionally I feel at peace and live my life one day at a time enjoying each day God blesses me with. When I think about leaving my loved ones I feel sadness and I let that sadness out through tears. And then I thank God that I Know without a doubt that I will see them all again one day...and He will take good care of them just as He has taken good care of me these past 70 years.
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2021
    Beth Gallagher likes this.
  2. Babs Hunt

    Babs Hunt Supreme Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    Gosh, I can't believe it's been July since I've posted an update here. There's not really been much in the way of changes. My Nurse still comes once every two weeks and physically things are pretty much the same too. Losing my sister Betsy on August 27th took it's toll on me both emotionally and physically but I am slowly coming out of this slump. It was so unexpected that it was really rough on our whole Family. My Honey grew me some Sunflowers in a big planter and they have all bloomed now. This has brought smiles to my face and joy to my heart. It's getting cooler over here now and we have also been enjoying the Hummingbirds tanking up their annual migration. Life goes day at a time. IMG_20211004_072254.jpg
  3. Jeff Elohim

    Jeff Elohim Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2020
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    One day at a time. We keep eating, sleeping, drinking water (clean distilled), taking apple cider vinegar, and more.

    For helps to alleviate every one of the problems noted in this topic, look for a copy of the book nutrition the cancer answer that provided help, prevention, and even remission for over a century . The foods and nutrition that supports whole-body strength for athletes and trainers also increases the immune system response to any 'problems' that come up, and people often get cancer and don't even realize it - the body takes care of it automatically when healthy diet is a daily habit.

    There's three known antineoplastics (anti-cancercell substances - kills cancer) in some available drinks. (or used to be anyway. The simplest of remedies included this a century ago and it worked without causing weight gain, hair loss, or side effects) . (and since it was not patented, it was and still is very inexpensive.)
    Susan Paynter likes this.
  4. Hedi Mitchell

    Hedi Mitchell Supreme Member

    Mar 18, 2017
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    @Babs Hunt .. good to hear from you. Glad your doing better. Beautiful flower !
  5. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    Glad you're doing OK, Babs. It's good to hear from you.
    Babs Hunt, Bill Boggs and Faye Fox like this.
  6. Faye Fox

    Faye Fox Veteran Member

    Aug 31, 2019
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    Glad you are doing so good Babs and may it continue.
  7. Shirley Martin

    Shirley Martin Supreme Member

    Jun 9, 2015
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  8. Babs Hunt

    Babs Hunt Supreme Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    Hello Everyone, Just wanted to let y'all know that the morning of Oct. 22nd I had a dream that I would be going HOME in about a month. I'm not going to go into the whole dream scenario but will say that it had significant meaning for me and it is very possible it will come true. On the other hand I may be misunderstanding... either way I am prepared to go or stay. Nothing has changed much. I have started to sleep a little more and it has lasted long enough that it is becoming a part of the new normal. I'm still in no real pain...never have been from the beginning and so thankful for this. I'm not craving foods as much either but still eating enough that I haven't lost any weight. My vitals are all still fine but I told my Nurse about my dream and I've asked her to start coming every week now. Which she will. I have also told my daughters and we are getting together this weekend to discuss everything. Plus figure out what still needs to be taken care of, etc. which they will help me with. Whatever does or doesn't happen...I am ready.
  9. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    @Babs Hunt, I don't know what to say so I won't say anything right now, except that I admire your faith and your confidence.
  10. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Either way, it is good that you are getting together with your family, and making whatever plans would be necessary, @Babs Hunt . We never know when Jesus will come to take us home, but I have also tried to get everything in order for my family, just in case something does happen.
    I think that sometimes, God does give us messages and let us have time to prepare for the future.
    Sending prayers and hugs !
    Don Alaska and Babs Hunt like this.
  11. Hedi Mitchell

    Hedi Mitchell Supreme Member

    Mar 18, 2017
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  12. Babs Hunt

    Babs Hunt Supreme Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    Death is just the doorway to eternal life with our Creator and Saviour and nothing for believers to fear. Our goal is to run the race God has given each of us and our finish line is Heaven. And peace is the gift God gives each of us on this journey if we ask Him for this. I wouldn't be human if I didn't feel some anxiety now that I'm getting closer to my earthly journey's end...but there is excitement along with the the thought of meeting the One who gave His life for my salvation and eternal life. Now this is Love!
    Don Alaska likes this.
  13. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Mar 6, 2018
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    Bless you, @Babs Hunt!
  14. Shirley Martin

    Shirley Martin Supreme Member

    Jun 9, 2015
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  15. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Shirley Martin likes this.

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