@Yvonne Smith Hi there My ACV is 'Biona organic' it has the Mother and is cloudy, I didn't think to shake the bottle, will do that I wish I had taken the probiotics sooner, they have been a blessing as I was climbing walls to find an answer and although its not the 'perfect' solution its been a help for which I'm thankful The site Krissttina mentions above has made for good reading too, have ordered a couple of suggestions from there already My cupboards are full of alternative remedies, which I hope to narrow down to just a few - I must rattle
Hi...yes I have from the first day I found and shared it here. I do combinations of drinking in ice cold water 16 oz. about 12 drops of cider vinegar, salonpus on 2 places where it hurts the most on my arm and drinking acetaminophen every 4-6 hrs. It gets bearable to tolerate where I can do my housework and cook. I rested this weekend from cleaning and feel guilty but it helped. I put my arm in a sling too for about an hour a day to totally rest it when I can. Notice since drinking cider vinegar cocktail with the coldest water I can stand, putting cold compress of ice cube in a paper towel and letting the melted cold water soak into the sore areas of the shoulder too...my bursitis is getting lighter now. It all started from a trigger finger that really kinks up and I have to manually unkink at times. I hope this trigger finger goes away with the bursitis too!
@Krissttina Isobe Hi there - have tried the ACV a few times, just cannot tolerate it, but Sparky is taking it so that's good You are doing well with it - well done to you x
You know what I do ...for a cold wrap I just get an ice cube to be wrapped in paper towel, let it melt a bit and put the cold moist part over my bursitis areas and my pain decreasing a lot daily.
Krissttina If it was me I would use DMSO plus eucalyptus oil on the joints Also eat all the nutrition that you need for the joints. I think the DMSO + eucalyptus oil will give you the pain relief .
No matter what we must check in with our doctors and/or pharmacist too so we'll really be helping ourselves. Here is another article I found that is really helpful in home remedies: * http://www.webmd.com/diet/arthritis-guide . Your doctor knows you the best and should always be consulted with home remedies so nothing clashes or is harmful in any way.
I second the Glucosamine Chondritin too. It can really help. Years ago, I woke up every morning with a stiff ankle. I wasn't sure what was causing it. I put up with it for a few weeks and then took a few doses of Glucosamine Chondotin. It seriously was just a few pills over the course of 3 or 4 days. It completely cured it! I have never had the stiff ankle issue again. My joints don't bother me much at all...but if they did, I would take that again, because it seems to be an excellent remedy.
I stop listening to my doctor and now I am healthier than ever. I now listen to a veterinarian because animals can get the same diseases and I don’t see many hospitals full of cows with high blood pressure or heat problems and diabetes. All these animals can get the same problems as we but if a farmer brought in a vet and he could not cure an animal on the first try he would be out of work. Doctors make money from sick people and if they were all cured you could probably get a doctor to paint your house because he would need a job. These doctors are educated in drugs only and have little to no information on minerals herbs vitamins and and little to no information on nutrition.
Hi... just popped by to say thanks to Alonzo and K. E. about the information about glucosamine chondroitin for I went to Walgreens today and got myself a bottle of Walgreens brand Glucosamine 1500 mg Chondroitin 1103 mg. Came home and within the hour the pain subsided! Cost is 8.99 for 60 coated tabs & luckily I had $5 reward money to spend on this today! It works, expensive and works!
Hey everyone just tried drinking ginger tea and it's working fine. I have been drinking ginger tea for just about a week now and rubbing my arm with the spent ginger tea bags too. My arm is 70% better with less pain. I still drink my glucosamine sulfate 2000MG and my apv too, getting better. My arm really hurts when I wake up and now it's almost gone. It got so much better since this past week when I started drinking ginger tea, so I thought I'd share it with you. Right now in Hawaii on Oahu, CVS has a good sale on CVS Health vitamins, herbs and minerals, so heads up to get the cheapest glucosamine sulfate I've come across from CVS Health now on sale.
Pardon me if I'm wrong in my assumption that bursitis is similar to arthritis. But anyway, whether it is the tennis elbow, arthritis, rheumatism or even muscle pain, we have this wild herb called pancit-pancitan. Pancit is the Filipino word for Chinese noodles. It can be eaten with vinegar dressing like a salad or it can be boiled like tea. My father-in-law was the one who introduced that to us when he saw that herb in our yard. But we haven't tried it yet because arthritis is not in our domain. Here is the pic of that herb called pancit-pancitan....
How is everyone doing? Thanks everyone for the helpful information!!!! I just found something too at SwansonVitamins.com, that has right now a Labor Day Sale. While buying some needed vitamins, I asked the search at swansonvitamins.com about joint health. Up popped up Full Spectrum Herbal Joint Health, 60 for 4.99. The reviews look promising. I'm buying it and see what happens. The Glucosamine HCI MSM is working fine, but I want bursitis to go away completely, so I'll be trying herbs too.