Name 13 Weather Forecasts 1. Rain 2.hurricane 3.windy 4.sunny 5. stormy 6.Tornado's . we get a lot of warnings all summer here,, only once did a tree fall right on the corner edge of our house. not much damage but we had to call some one to cut up the tree..! $$$$$$ ouch! 7.overcast 8.Cloudy 9. snowy 10.
Name 13 Weather Forecasts 1. Rain 2.hurricane 3.windy 4.sunny 5. stormy 6.Tornado's . we get a lot of warnings all summer here,, only once did a tree fall right on the corner edge of our house. not much damage but we had to call some one to cut up the tree..! $$$$$$ ouch! 7.overcast 8.Cloudy 9. snowy 10.Sleet 11.
Name 13 Weather Forecasts 1. Rain 2.hurricane 3.windy 4.sunny 5. stormy 6.Tornado's . we get a lot of warnings all summer here,, only once did a tree fall right on the corner edge of our house. not much damage but we had to call some one to cut up the tree..! $$$$$$ ouch! 7.overcast 8.Cloudy 9. snowy 10.Sleet 11. freezing rain 12.
Name 13 Weather Forecasts 1. Rain 2.hurricane 3.windy 4.sunny 5. stormy 6.Tornado's . we get a lot of warnings all summer here,, only once did a tree fall right on the corner edge of our house. not much damage but we had to call some one to cut up the tree..! $$$$$$ ouch! 7.overcast 8.Cloudy 9. snowy 10.Sleet 11. freezing rain 12.Fog 13.Hail Name 13 Items you use today which did not exist when you were a child. 1. Computer 2.
Name 13 Items you use today which did not exist when you were a child. 1. Computer 2.vacuum cleaner 3.
Name 13 Items you use today which did not exist when you were a child. 1. Computer 2.vacuum cleaner 3. TV 4.
Name 13 Items you use today which did not exist when you were a child. 1. Computer 2.vacuum cleaner 3. TV 4.Laptop 5.
Name 13 Items you use today which did not exist when you were a child. 1. Computer 2.vacuum cleaner 3. TV 4.Laptop 5.cell phone 6.
Name 13 Items you use today which did not exist when you were a child. 1. Computer 2.vacuum cleaner 3. TV 4.Laptop 5.cell phone 6. cordless phone 7.
Name 13 Items you use today which did not exist when you were a child. 1. Computer 2.vacuum cleaner 3. TV 4.Laptop 5.cell phone 6. cordless phone 7.Microwave oven 8.
Name 13 Items you use today which did not exist when you were a child. 1. Computer 2.vacuum cleaner 3. TV 4.Laptop 5.cell phone 6. cordless phone 7.Microwave oven 8. remote for the TV 9.
Name 13 Items you use today which did not exist when you were a child. 1. Computer 2.vacuum cleaner 3. TV 4.Laptop 5.cell phone 6. cordless phone 7.Microwave oven 8. remote for the TV 9.I Phone 10.
Name 13 Items you use today which did not exist when you were a child. 1. Computer 2.vacuum cleaner 3. TV 4.Laptop 5.cell phone 6. cordless phone 7.Microwave oven 8. remote for the TV 9.I Phone 10. CD player 11.
Name 13 Items you use today which did not exist when you were a child. 1. Computer 2.vacuum cleaner 3. TV 4.Laptop 5.cell phone 6. cordless phone 7.Microwave oven 8. remote for the TV 9.I Phone 10. CD player 11. Automatic washing machines 12.
Name 13 Items you use today which did not exist when you were a child. 1. Computer 2.vacuum cleaner 3. TV 4.Laptop 5.cell phone 6. cordless phone 7.Microwave oven 8. remote for the TV 9.I Phone 10. CD player 11. Automatic washing machines 12. Induction hob 13.