Name 13 Items you use today which did not exist when you were a child. 1. Computer 2.vacuum cleaner 3. TV 4.Laptop 5.cell phone 6. cordless phone 7.Microwave oven 8. remote for the TV 9.I Phone 10. CD player 11. Automatic washing machines 12. Induction hob 13.Wifi
Name 13 Gifts Given for Christmas.. 1.Monopoly game 2. Gloves 3.Money 4.Gift cards 5.Box of Chocolates 6.
Name 13 Gifts Given for Christmas.. 1.Monopoly game 2. Gloves 3.Money 4.Gift cards 5.Box of Chocolates 6. Hampers 7.
Name 13 Gifts Given for Christmas.. 1.Monopoly game 2. Gloves 3.Money 4.Gift cards 5.Box of Chocolates 6. Hampers 7.a nice warm sweater 8.
Name 13 Gifts Given for Christmas.. 1.Monopoly game 2. Gloves 3.Money 4.Gift cards 5.Box of Chocolates 6. Hampers 7.a nice warm sweater 8. bottle of wine 9.
Name 13 Gifts Given for Christmas.. 1.Monopoly game 2. Gloves 3.Money 4.Gift cards 5.Box of Chocolates 6. Hampers 7.a nice warm sweater 8. bottle of wine 9. Scarf 10.
Name 13 Gifts Given for Christmas.. 1.Monopoly game 2. Gloves 3.Money 4.Gift cards 5.Box of Chocolates 6. Hampers 7.a nice warm sweater 8. bottle of wine 9. Scarf 10. jewelry 11.
Name 13 Gifts Given for Christmas.. 1.Monopoly game 2. Gloves 3.Money 4.Gift cards 5.Box of Chocolates 6. Hampers 7.a nice warm sweater 8. bottle of wine 9. Scarf 10. jewelry 11. Toys 12.
Name 13 Gifts Given for Christmas.. 1.Monopoly game 2. Gloves 3.Money 4.Gift cards 5.Box of Chocolates 6. Hampers 7.a nice warm sweater 8. bottle of wine 9. Scarf 10. jewelry 11. Toys 12.Flowers 13.
Name 13 Gifts Given for Christmas.. 1.Monopoly game 2. Gloves 3.Money 4.Gift cards 5.Box of Chocolates 6. Hampers 7.a nice warm sweater 8. bottle of wine 9. Scarf 10. jewelry 11. Toys 12.Flowers 13. tree ornament