...sigh. @Frank Sanoica look at the thread title, read the opening post and read the link. I'm not understanding the confusion in this thread. Microwaving was only mentioned because someone asked - several times - about reheating frozen bacon after it's been cooked in the oven. Appears you need to start your own thread, Frank, about microwaving eggs or whatever else you want to talk about. And yes I've eaten bacon & eggs but that's irrelevant. AGAIN read the title of the thread. Thanks.
Have you ever prepared raw eggs for Easter coloring by piercing the two ends with a needle, and then SUCKING the contents out? Try it, for grins. Edit: For a few moments, I suspicioned I had somehow been unexplainably transported back to that other senior forum, where every tiny judgmental error was made a felony!
I realize I have made a grave mistake, my offensive and boorish nature running away with me, revealing the tactless SOB beneath the façade. Therefore, I apologize to you for my posting in a derailing manner. Frank
That's why it's simple for you Arlene You've been practicing it for years Once again, when I moved in here couple months back, omg, I had to get used to a new toaster I got, a new micro-wave, and a new range. I burned a few things, or at best, solidified them. Sure wish I'd taken photos. Then we could have played that game "what is this" or "what was it" LOL!!
Dang Frank, don't change you ok?? This is the funniest thing I've read this a.m. and if you have time, I want further lessons on sucking eggs!! LMBO!!
You are not in Kansas anymore, there's no comparison between this place, and "that other place" LOL We come here to have fun, and if we want to talk serious, it's done in a personable manner your bud-ette, denise
Hey Arlene, the older I get, the more my mind seems to wander. Or maybe it's just that when I see bacon, I think "eggs" LOL!!
Hi Krisstina I have never seen any veggie bacon, but this is something I'd be interested in trying out. I am practically a vegetarian now, but I didn't intentionally "go there". I just started falling in love with vegetables. Hmm, maybe that doesn't sound so good. But what I mean is, I'm really acquiring a taste for having vegetables, even quite a lot in my breakfasts Denise
The less I used the micro, the better I feel. I just think things taste better out of the oven as well. Like baked potatos. And a big "yessss" on that way of cooking bacon Keep forgetting to buy parchment paper. My sis always has it on-hand denise
I hearya Holly, even though I have more time now, I have certain ways of doing things. And usually, the quickest I can come up with
I always cook a whole batch at once, too, and then eat most later. I don't freeze it, though, because it doesn't last that long, since the packages I buy are usually only 12 oz. My favorite new way to cook bacon is in my grill pan. The ridges do a great job of separating the meat from the grease. I've started saving the grease in containers, but haven't used it for anything yet. Most of the time, I don't even heat up the bacon. If I'm using it in a sandwich (such as my recent eggplant, tomato and bacon sandwiches), I just take it out of the refrigerator about an hour in advance, the same as I do with the other ingredients, and compile the sandwich. If I'm having it the next day or two with my morning egg, I slip a few pieces in the pan with the egg after I've flipped it over, so it just warms up slightly.
Hey Frank, as well as the rest of you. Have you seen this cool thing?? You can do this while the bacon is cooking Be sure to have the sound up as the catchy, lil tune really is necessary to get it right:
LOL...I saw that vid before denise...really cool.... someone...mighta been you posted it elsewhere ...you know that would be a great way to store egg yolks all at once in the fridge..
I've seen those pans Karen! I would like to get one for bacon. I have a neat "cast iron" bacon squasher (I don't know what they are actually called) and you just sit it on top of the bacon. Although it makes a nice, flat piece of bacon, I still have to deal with the grease