@Nancy Hart Well its hard to believe that this is the last day of our Vacation Bible School at church. We do have AC and with the dehumidifiers, it been a blessing to all....large and small! The windows & Palm trees have been a hit. I am including a few more pictures of other areas. The opening and closing are held in the sanctuary, with its Island band tent, Shipwreck, and Waterfall! Downstairs is the walk-thru aquarium and stone tunnel, along with the side entrance slide.
@Joe Riley So many different decorations and activities! Looks like it was a whole community project. That would be fun. I'm glad it turned out well. I had to look up VBS. Originally thought it was something like church camp, where kids went off and stayed overnight for a week.
@Nancy Hart No, it is held during a week in July or August, at the church. Some charge a registration fee of ten dollars or so, but we have been able to keep it free to those who register. There are outdoor games, skits, singing, snacks & crafts. There are Bible lessons each night. Tuesday night was the huge water slide which we rent. This evening were the hayrides, where a couple tractor haul the kids in straw filled trailers, through a maze in the field. A talented church family provides the live music. Volunteers from the church provide a meal for all the workers, before they begin, which takes the stress off a bit, especially for whole families that participate. This year we had 80+ kids. (4 yrs to 11 yrs) People are very generous to support all aspects of this Summer ministry. It has been an Awesome week! The offerings each night go to supplying water filters for Missionaries and a local food bank. My involvement was preparation, and checking things before and after each night. Full involvement for the week has become too much for us.