Yes, I know your story, Gary. I also know how you've been a great father to him, despite some of the problems.
My Son was never given Lithium. Talk to me years to get him on the right medication. Yeah actually was in a Advanced student before he got the disease Currently on the medication he takes he is very intelligent and talks logically at all times. He is not allowed to work however as a psychiatrist sign the pink slip years ago. Apparently he doesn't take medication he's too strange to be out in the workforce .
I wasn't sure about the lithium, think that's what the lady in the memoir I read was given. Kind of makes you sleepy and zombie like, that's why they don't like taking the meds. Does your son tell you why he doesn't take his meds when he doesn't? Maybe they need to find a med that mentally ill people are willing to take...that would at least solve half the problems.
Every time my son eats when he comes over he has to lay down and have a rest. For some reason the medication makes him sleepy so he's good for an hour on my couch. I couldn't ask for a Son that was more loveable He text me and always says : I love you and God Bless with xxx
My son always takes his meds even though they are detrimental to his a Health over a long term. I didn't tell him that shortens his lifespan by at least 10 years
Ina: No one that has a problem recognises that they have a problem or they would have done something about it. With our beliefs and values we think we are right and the whole world does not understand. You cannot confront this type of problem but you can do it covertly [metaphor] like telling her about a friend you had and describe them with her symptoms and a solution. This is like the old story of the ugly duckling. There is medical problem that can also cause this ADD ADHD one being a sugar problem as the sugar goes up and down the mood swings. Also allergies to different things can cause a violent emotion response. So there can be a physical explanation.
I have to disagree @Martin Alonzo, I have known people that know there is something wrong, but they don't wish to take meds, or, they are afraid to be diagnosed, or they have been diagnosed but done nothing, just imo. Only that first sentence is what I disagree with, and I am betting you didn't mean it that way. But if you did, I respect your opinion on it. Denise PS I do allow for the denial factor though. They say that if a person is in denial, they don't know. Some even deny that they are in denial. I was diagnosed over the years with everything from PTSD, to Bi-polar, to depression and back again. I don't trust the alternative doctors on this, and what I "have" is a seaming inability to cope with life on lifes terms, at times. Maybe I'm in denial. Thanks to friends that have taught me about how are bodies get depleted from certain nutrients over the years. I am feeling so much stronger, so much better all-around by eating right, exercise, and supplements. I hope no one thinks that I don't believe that people have these ailments talked about above, I believe very much, and there is a time and place for conventional methods.
There is a difference between physical diseases which is obvious it can be tested but mental problems are a lot different they might not show an obvious symptoms and there is no tests only opinions. Most all people in mental hospitals are wondering why they are there because by them they are sane and others are crazy. Ask any child who is thinking so fast that he is bored at the teaching speed if he has a problem he would look at you very puzzled what do you mean? A doctor would say he needs to be put on drugs and slow him down because he is too fast for the teacher. The DMS-5 is the bible for the doctors for mental illness and if you were to read through it you will find we all have a mental illness. This book has expanded to cover almost all behaviours so what is mental illness it is being human.
What about the test though @Martin Alonzo where they check the balance of "what is it" seratonin that causes mental health, good or bad? I gotta run, but I'll check back. You know I respect your information.
Serotonin is only one chemical which out of balance give symtoms. I could give you a long list of mineral and vitamins that would also give you the symptoms of mental illness. The real question should be why is that chemical, mineral, vitamin not in the body serotonin is made by the body. What is the cause it is not there? The question is why is the body not making it, does the body get the minerals, and vitamins it need to make it? I do not like to separate one chemical, mineral, or vitamin because they all work with co factors and do poorly by themselves. I could tell you what mineral is deficient when you have a problem but adding that mineral will probably not cure the problem because it needs other minerals, vitamins, amino acids to work.
My wife's sister was diagnosed with Schizophrenia years ago. She is now in her mid 60's, no longer works and basically sits around at a Care type place and does nothing. She been in and out of a mental hospital as well as in jail a few times for disorderly conduct and resisting arrest. The family doesn't even invite her to any family functions anymore, because they are afraid if she get upset with something, what she is liable to do to someone and/or something. Since I had been involved in EMS for a few years, when I first met her, I knew something was definitely wrong with her. We call her on the phone, but that's all we can do. We live states away from her. My wife's sister lives fairly close to her, so she takes care of the money that comes in from the government for her.
Obviously I don't know the person, but I'll share this general info: First, split/multiple personality is such a rarity that it almost does not exist. The fad- and out-of-control dx- started with Sybil, two greedy individuals who took advantage of her to write and profit from the book. It was later learned her symptoms actually came from a condition called pernicious anemia, which can cause a wide range of psychological and medical issues. Second, although the trend seems to be more common in some places than others, 'bipolar' is a convenient dx for health care providers who benefit from prescribing medications. A longtime family friend who worked at a psychiatric VA for decades stated it 'can' be genetic, it 'can' be organic, but more often than not all the symptoms are are reactions to one's life and/or lifestyles.
The production of serotonin is affected not only by sugar intake; but also by insulin. Glucose triggers the same brain receptors as heroin does, and that is the main reason why sugar addiction is as hard to break as any other addictive drug. When a person consumes sweets or even starches, and it triggers serotonin , then we feel happy and satisfied until it wears off, and then , just like a heroin addict, we are searching for more sugar-producing foods. This is one of the reason that the ketogenic diet has helped people who are bi-polar, because it level out the hormones and they are stabilized.