The reason many cancers aren't caught in time @Frank Sanoica is that many don't have symptoms til it's too late.
@Martin Alonzo "When it comes to the most important thing in your life you see the one doctor and believe all that he says" I do not. @Chrissy Page "If I was diagnosed with cancer I'd get a second opinion." Of course, we all would. The point missed completely is that today second opinions deserve quotation marks about that phrase. In the '90s, a very close friend who happened to also be one of the top doctors treating old folks in Sun City, AZ, agreed when I asked him about second opinions: he stated there just ain't no such thing, any longer. No conspiracy, no weird theory, just up to date Computer Science. No doctor, clinic, hospital, or other medical treatment means will accept a patient without absolute identification of the individual. That personal information goes right into a National Database, if not several of them, invariably viewed by the "second opinion " medico. It then becomes his choice, having perused your previous medical history, AND your first opinion, whether to agree or disagree with it. Today our labor to seek truth has become more convoluted than ever before. Frank