Cardiac Ablation. Anyone Do This Procedure?

Discussion in 'Health & Wellness' started by Joy Martin, Jun 17, 2023.

  1. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    This gets harder and harder to do as we get older. I am about at the place where I am not going to grow any garden anymore. Walking out in the yard is hard for me because of balance issues, I am afraid of tripping and falling, and our yard is a serious minefield of things to trip over.
    I have the comfrey that comes back on its own, and some berries (blueberries, raspberries, strawberries), but we have to get those before the birds get them.

    We do have a good farmer’s market here, and we sometimes go there in the summer and get fresh veggies, like tomatoes and such. But, even this is not always available for people. Some people have no place to garden at all, like Joy, who just has a little apartment, and has to have food delivered; so she is not even able to pick and choose the best looking veggies like you can when you go to the store and shop.
  2. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
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    Mar 6, 2018
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    Supporting local organic farmers is a great idea if you can't grow your own. We are going to be moving more and more to containers, albeit on a large scale, especially for root crops, since digging is getting tougher as we age. We do have a tractor with a tiller on the back, which makes it easier to prep the soil for planting.
    Yvonne Smith and Bobby Cole like this.
  3. Joy Martin

    Joy Martin Veteran Member

    May 4, 2019
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    My friend who put me on to High Dosing of Potassium and who deals with CFS and moved to TX to be near her sons and grandkids, just sent thru how much potqassium she takes and TX life.

    Hi - my apologies! I saw your email 2 days ago and then it got lost in the shuffle . . . so I'm glad you wrote again. I still take potassium every day - about 1000 mg. (10 tabs). It's around 20% of the RDA. Your 300 mg is only about 6% of the RDA - the RDA is 4700 mg.

    Low potassium can be a cause of afib, so make sure you're getting enough potassium. low-sodium V8 is a good way to get more potassium too.

    Foods High in Potassium for Heart Health - Heart Health Center (

    Texas is okay, though the politics get to me sometimes - book banning, refusing to let a woman whose fetus can't survive get an abortion - the people who do these things I think are hypocrites. I've met decent people too - it's just the political scene I don't like -

    I don't have great faith in doctors either - their only remedy is usually some drug with all its bad effects. We have to do our own research and keep ourselves as healthy as we can! So it's really good you've taken care of yourself all these years. You might need more potassium though.

    My health is about the same - still crashing regularly if I do too much. A few times I've gone out at night for a couple of hours - just very mild stuff, playing board games, nothing strenuous - and I still crash the next day. So my safe exertion levels have not increased, and my days are spent doing what I can, which isn't very much, to avoid crashing the next day. New statistics just came out that now say about 3 million Americans have ME/CFS - that's 3 times as many who have MS, but MS gets about 30 times more research funding than ME/CFS. I wish so much that the people who make the funding decisions would get ME/CFS and see how they like to have their lives just stopped- and many becoming bedridden. It could happen, with Long Covid or otherwise.

    Guess I sound kind of cranky! I'm recovering from a crash today, after going out last night for a few hours. So all day in bed because I played a few games last night. It's maddening. I never really get used to it!

    Take care -
  4. Joy Martin

    Joy Martin Veteran Member

    May 4, 2019
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    This just in:

    I've been on top of Magnesium for many years and more recently Potassium, foods just don't do it so I s upplement....Been told by 2 docs I have A-Fib and I do my research...they don't as they push the drugs the sales people push.

    This article may be reprinted free of charge provided 1) that there is clear attribution to the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, and 2) that both the OMNS free subscription link and also the OMNS archive link Orthomolecular News are included.

    Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, November 30, 2023

    A-Fib, Potassium and Magnesium
    A Personal Report by Dwight Kalita, PhD

    OMNS (November 30, 2023) Atrial fibrillation (Afib) is a worldwide epidemic affecting 37 million people, and its rising prevalence will most certainly account for increasing public health costs. I am 76 years old and have had A-fib for almost 10 years. During that time various cardiologists gave me 2 ablations and 5 cardioversions, but the Afib always returned. I have been on numerous drugs, all of which caused serious side effects and non of which ever cured my Afib.

    From 11/3/2022 to 11/10/22, my heart monitor recorded a 6% burden of A-fib episodes with a 150bpm maximum rate. These on-and-off episodes continued despite taking Dofetilide (antiarrhythmic) and Diltiazem (calcium channel blocker for blood pressure) since April 22, 2022. In April, 2023 I read a European medical article "Association of IV Potassium and Magnesium Administration with Spontaneous Conversion of A-Fib in the ER Department" in JAMA Oct. 2022. After thinking about this article, I decided to see if the combined, oral administration of magnesium (Mg), potassium (K), and Dofetilide would help prevent my chronic A-fib episodes that I have experienced for almost 10 years.

    I began taking the following around April 15, 2023: electrolyte powder: one scoop per day of 1000 mgs potassium citrate, 120 mgs magnesium citrate, plus very small amounts of other mineral complexes. I have been taking 500 mgs of magnesium taurate orally for 5-6 years but continued to experience on and off Afib episodes. When I had an episode that lasted more than 20 minutes, I took 2 grams of magnesium IV and that always converted me back to sinus rhythm. Then I read the above JAMA article about IV magnesium and potassium together converting ER Afib patients in Europe so I began taking both nutrients orally. That oral combo nutrient program of magnesium and potassium is what really eliminated my Afib!

    Within one week of taking the above mineral supplements with Dofetilide, my heart palpitations and A-fib episodes disappeared. My two EKG "sinus" reports since beginning K and Mg supplements confirm this observation as well as home-Kardia monitoring. I have also not needed to take any 2-gram magnesium IV treatments to convert my A-fib episodes since I have not had any episodes for the last 6 months. I eliminated Diltiazem because of stomach pain and diarrhea side effects; but my blood pressure has actually improved since the introduction of the K1000 potassium supplement.

    My quarterly blood work measuring Mg/K remains within normal levels since beginning the mineral supplementation program. My local cardiologist as well as one at the Cleveland Clinic both approve of my new drug/nutrient treatment plan. And best of all since beginning this treatment plan, I have had no side effects and no more A-fib episodes whatsoever. It is now very clear to me that my 76-year-old heart cells need extra magnesium/potassium supplementation in order to live a life free of the very debilitating disease called atrial fibrillation.

    A-Fib, Potassium and Magnesium
    Don Alaska likes this.
  5. Andrea Lindsey

    Andrea Lindsey Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2023
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    This just proves there isn't anything John Brunner can't make funny. LOL

    Hugs to you @Yvonne Smith what an ordeal you've been through.

    Well, my husband has had A-fib for at least ten years that he knows about and his story is a little different. He never had a bird flutter in his chest (unless I walked by in my black lace underwear set, heh) so he didn't know he had it until he had a big ol' blood clot in his leg. Something that took me three days to get him to the doctor over. He kept telling me he had sprained it while dashing through the rain, but I kept saying his swollen leg wouldn't be that hard with a sprain. He went on Coumadin for a few months and then nothing happened for a few years.

    Then one Saturday we were out to lunch when he told me he sort of felt funny like he had when he had that blood clot so he thought he'd go to the doctor on Monday. I said, 'I think we'll finish lunch and go to urgent care across the street." He had blood clots in both lungs and was sent straight to the hospital. Since then he takes Eliquis every day and has been fine for years.
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2024
  6. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    It's really scary stuff.
    Andrea Lindsey likes this.
  7. Marie Mallery

    Marie Mallery Veteran Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    My 70 yr old cousin was just in afib last week, she has been having heart problems since 1994 when she had heart attack from taking some kind of diet pills. 'electrolytes' and she had to be brought back to life in hospital for awhile.
    She is working now at a Publix deli and still doing ok. She has pacemaker, takes thinners.
    Don Alaska likes this.
  8. Joy Martin

    Joy Martin Veteran Member

    May 4, 2019
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    OH, I've never had heart issues and I'm 85, and my parents lived into 90's with good tickers.

    Besides genetics, I believe Grape Seed Ex kept me in good form...-
    Marie Mallery and Ken Anderson like this.
  9. Marie Mallery

    Marie Mallery Veteran Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    Well that's good, I eat grapes, still have some in the freezer, Once thawed they are good.
  10. Joy Martin

    Joy Martin Veteran Member

    May 4, 2019
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    The power is in the Seeds, I'll bet your frozen grapes are seedless, the best part if removed by the uninformed nutrition people...

    Oxidative stress is associated with several chronic health conditions, including diabetes, cancer, and heart disease ( 13 ). Grapes are rich in several powerful antioxidants. The highest concentration of antioxidants is found in the skin and seeds.
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2024

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