Anyone know first hand about some Charcoal bags that suppose to fight odor and mold ? Briefly saw ad on tv but since I had muted (of course) did not catch the actual name. Do they work for mold?
Walmart, and many other stores, carry the charcoal buckets. They look like small white painters buckets. Most people in Florida in older homes or mobile homes use them. They suck the moisture out of the ai and slowly the bucket fills up with water. They are used in closets and in bathroom mainly to keep the mildew and mold at bay. I have neighbors who use them all the time, so I suppose they do work.
Gloria--we use the DampRid bags in our RV when it's in storage. They have a nice fragrance and pull a lot of moisture from the air. As far as I know, they don't do anything for mold but they do remove moisture.
@Gloria Mitchell I actually checked Amazon to see what all they had and found not only the bags, but saw they had scent infused ones. I'm glad Beth was able to post the picture for you. I don't use them, so I didn't realize how many new products they have in this area. It's nice to know.
I don't think the DampRid is what Gloria was asking about, Bess. They are a calcium chloride and not charcoal, but they do work to remove humidity from the air in a small area.
I didn't realize there were so many products for the one thing. I use straight bleach in a spray container. Ceiling corners, baseboards, grout, drains, toilette, etc. I spray as needed. I don't even wipe it off, just let it sit till the mildew disappears in an hour or so.
The DampRid is a dessicant; it takes moisture out of the air. It does not treat mold in any way. I use Tilex spray in the shower when I see any trace of mold. It smells like pure bleach.
I must admit that I don't have a mold problem, so I'm not sure how Tilex would work on that. But it does seem pretty much like pure bleach from the smell. It will take your breath away if you don't open a window or something.