Childhood Body Parts Business

Discussion in 'Other Reminiscences' started by Marie Mallery, Oct 16, 2022.

  1. Marie Mallery

    Marie Mallery Veteran Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    My best friend parents had what we called a " flop house ". Sometimes I'd spend the night with her and vice versa,No nasty stuff just a few drunks got together on weekends.
    Clint had a hook for an arm. Wade false teeth and Amos had a glass eye as did Mr,Thompson my friend's father who also had a metal plate in his head from being run over by a Chicago city bus, which of course was not bothered with.
    Sometimnes they would lose some of these 'replacements' and offer us money to find them. Usually Wades teeth were in the bed as was Amos's glass eye.
    It didn't take us long to figure out there was money to be made off these people.
    So when they passed out we went shopping. The eye was a little tricky, but nobody was hurt.
    We also put on little plays for them singing songs like 'Old Cotton Balls Back Home' threw cotton swabs on the floor and acting like cotton we passed around the cup for offering's.
    It was a wondaful life when we I visited the city. She loved visiting me in the country too.
    Mary Stetler likes this.
  2. Marie Mallery

    Marie Mallery Veteran Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    Ok this needs one of those 'the rest of the story' endings,
    My friend who lived in the environment went to work at 12 at a 5&10 Cen Store In Atlanta as did I, then Kadak Camera then Delta Airlines where she just retired 10 years ago.
    Her father Mr. Thompsom aka 'flop house owner' retired after 30 years from at Mead Printing at 65. Mrs. Thompson threatened to leave so this only lasted about 2 years.

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