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Chinese Conspiracy And World Take-over?

Discussion in 'Conspiracies & Paranormal' started by Holly Saunders, Jan 5, 2019.

  1. Lulu Moppet

    Lulu Moppet Veteran Member

    Nov 14, 2018
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    Russia has interfered in our 2016 election. How does that make them a non-threat to our democracy?
  2. Martin Alonzo

    Martin Alonzo Supreme Member

    Mar 7, 2015
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    Some people think Trump Russia.
    Trump took Uranium samples to Russia for the Clintons
    No that was Mueller
    Well Trump approved sale of 20% of the US Uranium to the Russians
    No that was Hillary Clinton.
    Well Trump went to Russia to give a speech and got paid thousands of dollars.
    No that was Bill Clinton.
    We he received thousands of dollars from the Russians to OK the deal
    No that was Hillary.
    Trump Jr. met with a Russian lawyer and that is big deal
    No that lawyer was banned from the US and it took special permission from Loretta Lynch and the Democrats and had to check into Fusion GPS before the meeting and after. Can you spell the word entrapment?
    Bobby Cole likes this.
  3. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Mar 6, 2018
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    You don't seem to understand the issues. The Clintons are only last year's news because you made them so. Their work with China is still "bearing fruit". Remember the silly "Reset Button" that Hillary carried?
  4. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Mar 6, 2018
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    Joe Riley and Bobby Cole like this.
  5. Montgomery Python

    Montgomery Python Very Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2019
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    How can I break this to you gently? The Russians nor the Chinese are your enemies, they’re distractions. Neither are going to invade you and the Russians didn’t force tens of millions to vote for Trump. The reason for China’s economic success is that it’s in the middle of an industrial revolution. Just as China has devalued the Yuan and slowed its economic growth, Trump has had to bail out American farmers to the tune of $7.5bn and there’s much more of that to come as U.S. reverse tariff businesses start to go bankrupt. Did you know that despite the hype, 2017 saw a record number of U.S. bankruptcies since the 2008 recession? Despite the rhetoric, no one is winning the trade war, they’re simply damaging both economies.

    Fifty years ago the west laughed at Brezhnev and Mao for rejecting capitalism. Now it’s complaining that they’re too capitalist as the west moves towards the same socialist policies Russia and China abandoned. It’s no one’s fault, these changes come in inevitable cycles. One day you’re the biggest kid on the block and the next someone overtakes you. In time someone else over takes them ...

    Remember this? The promised change that never happened?

    Lulu Moppet and Holly Saunders like this.
  6. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    That would depend on how you choose to define "enemy." Both Russia and China have long been potential enemies of the United States militarily, as we have fought numerous proxy wars with both of these nations. I also think it's fair to say that their interests and our interests often conflict. So, using the most common definition of the word, I would say you are wrong. They are enemies of the United States and, if they were led to believe that they would be victorious, there's no reason to believe that they wouldn't invade us.

    Moreover, if you consider that the term "enemy" is not necessarily reserved for military interventions, they are our competitors in many other ways and, as such, they might be considered enemies.
    Bobby Cole and Don Alaska like this.
  7. Montgomery Python

    Montgomery Python Very Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2019
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    Yes, enemies need defining. The last time America was invaded was around 1815. Russia was invaded twice in the 20th century losing tens of millions dead and so when it sees this on its borders it might have cause to be a little paranoid? Imagine this by another country on the US borders?

    Given the military build-up, the recent US record of invasions, coups and bombings and the fact that America has been in almost continual war since its founding, who is more likely to invade who? Actually neither; nuclear super-powers do not invade other nuclear super-powers and why they fight by proxy instead.

    If you take the argument that anyone opposing post-war US hegemony or US foreign policy is an enemy, then you’ve probably made an enemy of 90% of the world. Yet what you’d term an enemy, is actually a resistance. It’s the same resistance Napoleon and Hitler faced; the same resistance you saw against the British Empire and the Soviet Union. The US is now finding out that you can’t change cultures or bring democracy to countries that don’t want it through military might. Other countries only become enemies and their leaders demonized if you believe that one country should dominate.

    Economically, there aren’t enemies, there are rivals and competitors. Many countries are now abandoning the profit dollar which saw wealth transferred to America and trying to develop themselves without American interference. That’s capitalism, supply and demand. If the US views that as an economic war, then it also has to accept the reverse tariff casualties from that.

    We all think our values and ideals are superior and that’s fine, it’s called patriotism. The problems arise when it becomes nationalism and one particular country starts to force its ideals on others, whether militarily or economically. That has never worked for long and the US is now seeing the backlash.
  8. Martin Alonzo

    Martin Alonzo Supreme Member

    Mar 7, 2015
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    It might interesting what the Chinese connections are
    The "Asian Network": China's Sprawling Diaspora Control
  9. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I think you forgot 1941.

    None of that matters. I don't have to support American foreign policy in order to determine that I am going to be on our side in a war.
    Bobby Cole and Beth Gallagher like this.
  10. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    :golf clap:
  11. Montgomery Python

    Montgomery Python Very Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2019
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    There’s a very simple explanation for the Chinese exodus. China is an authoritarian police state, there’s no question about that. What that means is that the government has access to private bank accounts and investments in China. In other words, it can discover the corruption at the top and it’s the wealthy who are pouring out. Another drawback is that because it’s communist, the government own the land and so you can’t speculate. You lease land from the government. The Chinese emigrate and invest and buy things they can own which they couldn’t do in China.
  12. Montgomery Python

    Montgomery Python Very Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2019
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    Of course it matters – my country right or wrong? That defense was internationally demolished at Nuremberg. The UN, replacing The League of Nations, was especially set up after the war to stop any one country from trying to rule the world again. It’s why the US dismisses the UN and the International Criminal Court (ICC) as a limit on its authority which it thinks is superior.

    Who invaded America in 1941? If you mean Pearl Harbour, that wasn’t an invasion, but an attack and a declaration of war.

    Regarding war, America will lose. In a nuclear war no one wins, but in a conventional war and up against similarly armed opponents, America will take the kind of casualties that the American mind-set isn’t programmed for. The Russians and Chinese can take tens of millions of casualties and not blink an eyelid. One aircraft carrier going down will traumatize America. Nearly two decades after 9/11 and three thousand casualties, America is still in shock. Conversely, neither Russia nor China want to fight, but have said they will if the US keeps pushing eastwards and that’s the resistance.

    I grew up at the back end of the British Empire. I collected golliwogs from jam jars and believed that the sun never set on the land of hope and glory and that Britannia ruled the waves. Everybody agreed with that, or did they? America is now at that stage. It either declines like the British Empire and the Soviet Union, or it destroys itself in a war.
  13. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    You can support whoever you want, Montgomery. Since I live here, it's in my best interests to be on our side even when I disagree with the policies that led to the war. I think we were wrong to meddle in the Middle East, yet I wasn't cheering when the Twin Towers came down. I couldn't see a point in invading Iraq and Afghanistan in response to an attack by Saudis, yet I didn't join the Taliban or ISIS. You, on the other hand, can support whoever you want. Certainly, you'll have company. Angry because they lost an election, the Democrat Party has been actively undermining the United States at every opportunity.
  14. Montgomery Python

    Montgomery Python Very Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2019
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    It’s not really a question of supporting and cheering on sides, it’s more a question of discerning the difference between right and wrong. Let’s put it this way – if someone came to Britain and did a ‘shock and awe’ on it, I’d be the biggest terrorist you ever saw and I’d be one of millions. Every country that has tried to rule the world has those that warn of dangers and don’t go with the flow.

    Trump has recently ripped up the 1987 INF Treaty. That’s the treaty that prohibits short range nuclear weapons amongst other things aimed at the opposite side and is now discussing employing those weapons in Europe. Putin has responded saying if that happens he will park the same missiles on ships in international waters off the coast of America. You’ve just got yourself another Cuban missile crisis and there was absolutely no need for it. This will not end well Ken.
  15. Montgomery Python

    Montgomery Python Very Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2019
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    You hit on a point that the Democrats have been trying to undermine America. America arose as an experiment that put the individual above the state. It drew its adherents from the rejects of Europe and initially succeeded as it built a country and provided opportunities through an industrial revolution.

    That’s over and it’s left tens of millions saying, where’s my ‘American Dream?’ It’s a battle between the haves and have not’s. As each generation comes on board the have not’s increase. The experiment lasted as long as the opportunities and when they went, it revealed the divide you’re now seeing. The electorate were also aware of it when they voted for change and got Obama the communist instead. Again in 2016 when they voted for change and got more wars and strife.

    Socialism is not the answer, but it’s America that needs to change, not the world to fall in behind American nationalism. I certainly don’t support the Democrats, but the world was safer then than it is now. Internally, you can’t have a society where people live on the streets and are classed as losers and ‘the enemy.’ The regular school shooting massacres, people ready for a civil war on the streets, political leaders who become Gods … They’re all signs of a collapsing dysfunctional society.
    Lulu Moppet likes this.

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