Continue The Story / Two.

Discussion in 'Games & Riddles' started by Craig Wilson, Feb 20, 2023.

  1. Jessica Morgan

    Jessica Morgan Very Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2022
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    You're right Flasher, said Molly, we should hide out until the dust settles, she added. The last thing she wanted was to split up and go their separate ways, she wouldn't survive alone, she needed Jake and Flasher for protection as well as their secret sideline.

    One evening the 3 highway robbers bundled up a few belongings and stayed up late swigging rum and eating Mollys homemade hotpot with dough ball dumplings. They were killing time until they were sure it was late enough and dark enough to make a swift getaway, just for a few days, they'd return the day before Madam and her girls come riding by ...
    Terence Eames likes this.
  2. Craig Wilson

    Craig Wilson Veteran Member

    May 7, 2019
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    As the only Romley clergyman I can not just disappear without notice to my parishioners Molly so I will inform them tomorrow after service that I am taking a short break but will be back next Sunday as usual.That way no suspicion will fall on me.
    Terence Eames and Jessica Morgan like this.
  3. Terence Eames

    Terence Eames Very Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2021
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    Agreed Reverend about keeping low but then we'll lose the opportunity to rob that band of Loose French painted ladies.

    Like Reverend Flasher Molly, I think it'd raise suspicion if I hid for a while. My wife would surely be suspicious. Best I just carry-on carrying-on as a simple Blacksmith with a large family. I don't know no nothing.

    Also, I got thinking about our horses as I was re-shoeing one today with my iron horse shoes. Those iron horse shoes do make a loud clatter, but what if I used thick leather for the shoes? The noise of the hooves would be much quieter.
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2023
    Jessica Morgan and Craig Wilson like this.
  4. Craig Wilson

    Craig Wilson Veteran Member

    May 7, 2019
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    Jake the decision is that of our leader Molly. She being a woman knows full well what an insidious occupation a fallen woman is. This Froggie madam is the lowest of the low gaining wealth by this nefarious means as her main clients will be mainly wealthy toffs. Good idea about the leather horse shoe covers you smart smithy....
    Jessica Morgan and Terence Eames like this.
  5. Jessica Morgan

    Jessica Morgan Very Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2022
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    How about I disappear for a while then guys?
    Molly was disappointed that her men didn't agree with her, they usually do but they do make sense, if all 3 of us disappear then that would arouse suspicion, and the last thing Molly wanted was Jakes wife having a go at her.
  6. Terence Eames

    Terence Eames Very Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2021
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    One of Jake's apprentices came running to him gasping "That new lot of Iron Ore is no good Master Smith!"
    The lad was right and Jake was almost angry when he realised he'd have to load up the cart with the bad Ore and be off to the supplier to sort it out, or find a better Ore merchant. He'd be away for several days at least which was the perfect excuse to leave Romley for a while.
    Jake's wife understood and yelled at Jake to yell at the Ore merchant in Sheffield..:mad:
    Jake didn't like yelling but took his sword, two pistols and a big guard dog.
    That would suit Molly's plan nicely.

    Reverend Flasher would likewise disappear after his Sunday Service. :rolleyes:
    Jessica Morgan likes this.
  7. Terence Eames

    Terence Eames Very Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2021
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    Neither Rev Flasher nor Molly heard Jake on his horse with leather shoes turn up.
    He surprised Molly in her kitchen with a small sack of vegetables he'd been paid with.
    "Good day to you Molly, here's some veges for your larder.
    Sorry about my nerves disappearing but the good Lord has contrived circumstances to aid our holy stance."
    Jake went on to explain his urgent need to travel north to Sheffield and even further to buy decent iron ore. Even Manchester if needs be. He also mentioned his wife's ire that I bought bad iron ore.
    "She go to heaven, Lucifer wouldn't take her nagging. I jest, I truly love my wife and our kin.

    However, join me disguised as say an apprentice boy on my journey north to return this bad ore, if possible and to find better. Maybe Manchester? Likewise tell Reverend Flasher he's welcome too to join this trading trip of mine up North. He could disguise himself as my assistant.

    Please don't let my wife know about this if you join me Molly. She'd cut my throat in my sleep if she found out.:eek:
    I don't want to wake up dead.​
    Jessica Morgan likes this.
  8. Jessica Morgan

    Jessica Morgan Very Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2022
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    Thanks for the veggies Jake and of course I won't tell your wife what you're up to, I don't want to get on her bad side either, replied Molly.
    I'll get some boys clobber from our stash of stolen clothes, Molly added. She didn't mind going with Jake, he may need some backup and Molly would always back her guys up. She also liked to go in disguise, her corsets and heavy skirts were very restricting so wearing male clobber sounded good.
    Terence Eames likes this.
  9. Craig Wilson

    Craig Wilson Veteran Member

    May 7, 2019
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    This Reverand of the cloth agreed to lay low for a week Molly, you have hurt me to the quick madam. Just joshing girl, I will do whatever you wish, you know that. I think Jake has a point tho, he is working man, cant afford to take time off even if sick so if he suddenly went out of circulation townsfolk would become suspicious and spread gossip. Hang on, just heard that he has to travel to Sheffield for some iron ore. A most legitimate reason to be away for a few days. Molly I'd prefer you stayed and we carry on as usual. Just keep a low profile for the next week until the hullabaloo dies down. Then we will spring a little surprise on Miss French madam and her trollops.
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2023
    Jessica Morgan and Terence Eames like this.
  10. Jessica Morgan

    Jessica Morgan Very Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2022
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    Right I'll stay, said Molly, she didn't like being undecided and wanted to please her men but it did make sense to stay, Jake can handle himself if anyone got rough with him, she thought.

    Molly was determined to keep a low profile so she spent the afternoon going through the stolen clothes, she roughed them up and removed buttons to disguise them, she also had her pick of anything she wanted so chose a lace shawl and woollen stockings, she would put them away for a special event.
    Terence Eames and Craig Wilson like this.
  11. Craig Wilson

    Craig Wilson Veteran Member

    May 7, 2019
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    So pleased you are staying Molly. Dont know what I'd do without you even for a few days. I know I'd not cope with all you do for me. Yes you help yourself to whatever clothes and accessories you choose. Me I yen for a comfortable pair of shoes, anything my size among our bounty. How do you determine who to give the disguised clothes to?
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2023
    Jessica Morgan and Terence Eames like this.
  12. Terence Eames

    Terence Eames Very Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2021
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    Early the next morning Jake kissed his wife goodbye and set off for Sheffield with a heavy cart of poor iron ore seeking recompense. He carried a purse of silver crowns and lesser coins, and some pennies.
    He told his wife to keep his loaded musket by the door.
    "Best you keep it Dearest, I'd only get it stolen in Sheffield, or Manchester.
    I'll be sure to buy you that blue bolt of fine cotton you hanker over." Quick kiss, hug and hair tossle, up and off with a brute of a dog riding shotgun.

    One strong horse and the big dog were his company as they headed north along the old Roman road.
    Clouds scudding overhead spitting out stinging rain, small hamlets, farms, villages, cows, sheep, mud, hedges, crows pecking at something dead, the sun peeking out between clouds and a rainbow reminding God's promise never to drown the Earth again.
    Jake enjoyed the unfolding tapestry of being on the road again.
    Jessica Morgan likes this.
  13. Jessica Morgan

    Jessica Morgan Very Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2022
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    Here's some leather shoes for you Flasher, shouted Molly over a pile of ill-gotten gains, she handed the shoes to Flasher who tried them on. Molly gave a lot of clothes to women who could barely make ends meet, Flasher was impressed and helped Molly sort through the pile.

    Molly rode past Jakes home hoping to see him before he left but she was too late, she'd just caught sight of him in the distance but didn't try to catch him as she didn't want to be seen, she was still trying to keep a low profile.
    Terence Eames likes this.
  14. Craig Wilson

    Craig Wilson Veteran Member

    May 7, 2019
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    The shoes were almost new and fitted the clergyman like a glove. He scuffed up the toes and heels so as not to cause suspicion should a parishioner see them. He also helped himself to a waist coat with a wine stain which Molly had added for effect plus a large woolen scarf as it was nearing winter.
    Three days later Jake arrived back from Sheffield with a new batch of medium quality ore paid for mostly from his compensation money, a not too moderate 15 guineas....
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2023
    Jessica Morgan and Terence Eames like this.
  15. Terence Eames

    Terence Eames Very Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2021
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    Jake was lucky things went smoothly in Sheffield exchanging the poor iron ore for medium quality ore.
    The merchant was very obliging, especially seeing Jake's brute of a guard dog aptly called Brutus. Jake was even able to also squeeze out 50 lbs of high quality ore from the merchant, which he used for making swords, as recompense for his troubles, and to appease Brutus the glaring dog.
    Jake bought 2 bolts of fine cotton cloth for his wife, one royal blue and the other crimson.

    On the road home 4 Ruffians stepped out in front of Jake's cart with knives and clubs, obviously to do him harm and rob him.
    Jake pulled up his big Clydesdale horse, put the brake on the cart and jumped down pulling out his sword in his right hand and his twin barrel pistol in his left hand and showing another in his belt. Brutus leapt down baring teeth and snarling. He was a very big dog.

    The ruffians backed off a bit looking worried. Worried more about Brutus than Jake it seemed.
    "This is my war dog" said Jake and he'll rip out your throats if you get any closer."
    The Ruffians were now scared and Jake saw they looked half starved, dirty, and two of them were just young lads.
    Pulling out a handful of pennies Jake said " Go and buy yourselves a meal" as he tossed the pennies into the long grass off the road. They scrambled for the coins and Jake continued on his way faintly hearing a "Thank you kind Sir" called from behind.
    Jessica Morgan and Craig Wilson like this.

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