Continue The Story / Two.

Discussion in 'Games & Riddles' started by Craig Wilson, Feb 20, 2023.

  1. Terence Eames

    Terence Eames Very Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2021
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    Molly saw the strange sight of dog, mare and little girl all dressed up approach Reverend Flasher's Rectory.
    Molly at once recognised Jake's daughter, dog and old placid Mare and called Reverend Flasher out to see the sight.

    As Flasher came out the little girl waved a letter at him saying "I bring you the Loyal mail man of God."
    She handed the envelope to Flasher, turned and yelled at the big dog wearing a frilly bonnet to go home, which he did leading the flower covered horse with a strange little pixie riding it.
    Sergeant Dawson at the gate watched her go with a big smile on his face.
    "Bless yu god man" said the little girl to Dawson as she waved her wand making a sign of the cross at him.

    Looking over Flasher's shoulders as he opened the letter Molly and Dawson saw the crude letters on the paper.
    It was written by a child's hand with simple drawings.
    It said "God luvs yew awl an me forever and wee wil met hum in Haven on Sondaze."

    Molly, Dawson and Flasher all agreed Jake had a very strange daughter.
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2023
    Jessica Morgan likes this.
  2. Terence Eames

    Terence Eames Very Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2021
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    Later in the early evening Jake visited the Rectory to finalise arrangements for the Highway Robbery with Flasher and Molly.
    He and Flasher had well hidden the molasses and feathers. Jake even had a big jar of Pig's fat in reserve.

    Jake explained his little daughter's strange behaviour saying how she loved to do make-believe dress ups. "Even our cat's got a jumper. She's harmless and I see no reason to make her stop? What do you think Reverend? She mostly plays a little angel or a pixie."

    Last edited: Apr 20, 2023
    Jessica Morgan likes this.
  3. Jessica Morgan

    Jessica Morgan Very Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2022
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    Molly told Jake she would alter some clothes for his daughter, she was a strange child but harmless and sweet. Not many children lived in the area so she got lots of attention and she loved it.

    Molly had made stew and dumplings for herself and her men, the 3 of them sat around the wooden table and while eating they finalised their plans. Molly agreed with Flasher that Miss Easy Rider wasn't the French lady she tried to say she was, she was nothing more than a brothel owner who took her girls on the road to pick up clients at their next venue, which was a saloon bar. Molly and her men would intercept them though.
    She then raised her dripping ladle and warned her men to keep their hands to themselves during the robbery, especially Flasher, who always had an eye and dirty laugh when it came to busty women.....
  4. Terence Eames

    Terence Eames Very Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2021
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    I've heard those prostitutes are full of diseases too. That's God's wrath no doubt.
  5. Craig Wilson

    Craig Wilson Veteran Member

    May 7, 2019
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    The molasses and tar had been stored at the old barn which was about 20 miles from the ambush spot.
    Everything went to plan the next afternoon as the coach carrying the prostitutes was re directed to Little Romley Road where the three masked robbers were waiting. Jake wielded his large musket at the ruddy faced driver, while Flasher in a broad West Country accent yelled "stand and deliver man or my trigger happy friend will shoot". The man immediately stopped his two horses, one a chestnut the other pitch black saying as he did so, not to shoot as he had three little ones at home. Then a middle aged woman with red hair and too much make up stuck her head out of a window and yelled in a brassy cockney accent, "why've you stopped driver".
  6. Terence Eames

    Terence Eames Very Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2021
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    "Step down and no harm will come to you Sassenach, and put the brake on", said Jake in an Irish accent to the Driver. His Granny was Irish.

    "You shut yur trap you Queen trollop and get back into the carriage" yelled Jake.
    Your judgement time will come soon enough."

    Jake checked the Driver out for weapons and found a pistol and a dagger on him.
    "You can have these back when we're done Driver, we have no truck with ye, just your passengers."
    Craig Wilson likes this.
  7. Terence Eames

    Terence Eames Very Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2021
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    With us three highway servants of God with an evil looking hell hound glaring and growling, we gave instructions for the carriage to be taken deeper into the forest about. Molly took Jake's horse as Jake sat up next to the terrified coach driver.
    Flasher kept an eye on the carriage now captive to one brothel madam and five of her fallen women, some young nervous girls.

    Twenty minutes later, through a maze of old overgrown forest tracts, the entourage entered a small dell with shafts of sunlight waving with the light breeze.

    "Pull up here" commanded Flasher in his best Welsh accent.
    "Outs ya gets" bellowed Jake to the Harlots, "or be dragged out!"

    Flasher in disguise pulled the jars of molasses, pigs fat and sacks of feathers out from the bushes.
    Jake and his dog kept guard as the pillaging, stripping, sticky coating, looting, feathering, .... took place.
    The Loot in coin, jewellry, fancy clothes, shoes, baggage, liquor and perfumes was extensive.

    Five hours later Molly's Marauders had taken care of business sending the Driver back tp London, with his cargo of wanton women missing most of their apparel and coated in sticky molasses and feathers.
    Two young girls were spared the indignities and set apart from the rest.
    Their tale was a sorry one.
  8. Craig Wilson

    Craig Wilson Veteran Member

    May 7, 2019
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    6,491 West Country accent. Dont go confusing the poor captives now Jake, Flasher said quietly when they arrived at the barn where the deed of feathering on top of gooey molasses was carried out well away from any prying eyes that happened along. Madam Easy Rider copped the worst of the indignity as she was stripped in front of her trollops by Molly who then applied a thick layer of molasses while the madam screamed. The same was about to be done to the five trollops when one, a tall brunette around 20 yelled plaintively not to do the same to two of them as they had faced a terrible life. She then related to the three robbers the story of the two young girls, sisters, Missy 17 and Rosie19. As children, only 11,and 13 they were sent out on the streets to beg for food and money for their drunkard father and prostitute mother. Two years later they were found almost starving by a wealthy landowner then taken in as servants and treated well with plenty to eat and a warm bed to sleep in. Life was good until a year or so later the master's valet trapped both girls in the scullery one evening and brutally molested them after they resisted his advances.....
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2023
    Terence Eames likes this.
  9. Craig Wilson

    Craig Wilson Veteran Member

    May 7, 2019
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    This story has finished.
    Jessica Morgan likes this.
  10. Terence Eames

    Terence Eames Very Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2021
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