Cooling It With A Friend

Discussion in 'Family & Relationships' started by Jaspurr Miller, Feb 13, 2023.

  1. Leigh Petty

    Leigh Petty Active Member

    Jan 26, 2023
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    Friendship just doesn't seem to be in the stars for me. I had a really good friend many years ago, but she made friends closer to home and she didn't need a long distance friend. After all this time, I think I'm done trying. My life is boring and hum drum and I like it that way. All of my hobbies are for loners, (reading, quilting, puzzles, playing games on my phone). I am puzzled about not making friends, but it doesn't keep me up nights. I just often wondered, "Why"? I've tried, but people just don't stick around. It probably is because I am so BORING, but I would like to think I was the person who didn't give a crap about what you had or who you were...I just wanted to be your friend.
    It has always been like this for me. Even as a child. Well, thanks for listening.
  2. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    None of my friends are close to me (distance-wise) anymore, since i grew up in Idaho, moved around a lot as an adult, and now live in Alabama, a long way from anyplace else that I lived.
    I had a good friend here for quite a few years, and I miss her a lot. We went places together and enjoyed everywhere we went and just sitting around having discussions together.
    Sadly, she had to move in with her daughter in southern Alabama, due to failing health, she doesn’t use tech much, so I never hear from her anymore.

    I think that I am probably done trying to make real-life friends also, @Leigh Petty . I am stuck here at home now, never get out to go anywhere or meet anyone, and the friends that I have had for years now are just occasional text messages back and forth. This forum pretty much constitutes my social life , and conversation is with Poodle, and that is just how it is.
  3. Krystal Shay

    Krystal Shay Very Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2022
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    My middle name is “boring” and my life is hum drum as well and I'm ok with it. I had a few close friends from high school days. I have stayed in contact off and on over the years with them but since we didn’t live close to each other anymore, life tends to get in the way of old friendships and our lives eventually had taken different directions, therefore, we have drifted apart. I have neighbors that I am friendly with but I don’t consider any of them close friends. I’m kind of anti-social in my senior years. I consider myself a nice person and think I would be a good friend, but I don’t go out of my way looking for a friend. I have my cats. They are friendly enough.:p:D

    cat purring.jpg
  4. Leigh Petty

    Leigh Petty Active Member

    Jan 26, 2023
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    You are my kind of people Krystal. I am exactly the same way. I thank you for posting this, it lets me know that I'm OK. I'm happy too! Enjoying my elderly years!
  5. Mary Stetler

    Mary Stetler Veteran Member

    May 30, 2021
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    What?! You people don't have 800 friends????
    Facebook made friend have a different meaning.
    When a friend actually WAS a friend, it was a person who had similar interests and you could talk to, sometimes pour your heart out to, argue with a bit and still come back for coffee. Seems to me we have closer friends here than the kids with fat facebook accounts.
  6. Jaspurr Miller

    Jaspurr Miller Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2023
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    Yes, I agree that Facebook gives a different meaning to the word "friends." There's no way someone can have 800 friends. Most are, at best, acquaintances. I take friendship very seriously. I consider someone a friend if I can rely on them to lift me up when I'm down, celebrate life's wonderful moments with me, lend a helping hand if I need it, and vice-versa. Having said this, I don't consider people on forums like this as "friends." I don't know them. They are strangers. But it's interesting to talk with them, and share ideas and opinions.
    John Houlihan and Nancy Hart like this.
  7. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    In high school, I felt like I had a lot of friends and, indeed, there were a lot of people who were friendly with me, and who I would hang out with from time to time. Even then, however, there were only a couple of people who were actual friends, although I didn't refer to them by any other term. The truth probably was that three of my cousins were much better friends in elementary school than I had in high school, although the numbers were larger in high school.

    Not too long after high school, I moved to California and was mostly busy with work, church, and my son, who I adopted when I was in my twenties. Although there were a few people who I was friendly with, I probably had only one real friend during that time, and we still talk, although he's in Texas now and I'm in Maine.

    As a senior, I don't feel the need to have people to hang out with. There are people in town who I like well enough, and we'll have breakfast or lunch together sometimes, but usually only when we happen to be in the same restaurant at the same time. I miss the good relationships I once had with two of my neighbors, but one of them moved to an apartment here in town, and the other has Alzheimer's now and doesn't even know who I am half the time. My neighbor on the other side of me is a bit stand-offish. We say hi if we happen to be outside at the same time, but that's about it.

    The older I get, the less need I have for friends. I enjoy my life as it is. If I were single, perhaps I'd feel a greater need to reach out, but I'm happy with things as they are, except that I think I want to move back home to Michigan before I die.
  8. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I do not feel the need for adding a lot more friends, and some of the people that are online friends are just as much of a friend as many of the people who I knew in real life. Some people, we are just closer to, whether in life or online, and some people we do not have that special connection with, either way.

    I would like to find a friend here just to go places with and do things together. I miss being able to go shopping, to the thrift store, or just out for lunch together with someone that I enjoy being with. When my friend Evelyn lived here, we went places almost every day, or sometimes just had coffee or tea together and sat and visited.
    I met Evelyn when she was having a yard sale, we chatted, and soon became good friends.
    My kids all are busy and have their own life, so we do not see each other very often either, which makes me wish that I had gone to see my own mother and dad back when they were alive and probably lonely, too, and I just never realized it because I was busy being a wife and mom all the time.
  9. Leigh Petty

    Leigh Petty Active Member

    Jan 26, 2023
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    I feel the same. I wish I had someone to go meet for a tea, or for shopping, or even to go a garage sale...or just sit and visit. I think that would be a very nice thing.
  10. Marie Mallery

    Marie Mallery Veteran Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    I have a childhood friend who I talk to on phone almost weekly, she is the one I gave my first daughter her middle name, June after. been friends for 61 years now. She still lives in Georgia.
    I do miss acquaintances and like being around people. But I miss being so far from family the most.

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