Too funny!!! As if we don't have enough dialect in this country. Us Southerners ul tell ya how it's posed ta be Sade.
@Kitty Carmel - Ah, a gal with the same view - refreshing !! Judge Judy asked - 'what year were you born' answer - 1990 ??? Judy - why are you asking me - don't you know when you were born ! happens a lot on Judge Judy So stupid putting a question mark at the end of sentences
@Patsy Faye Judge Judy. I would be absolutely terrified to go in front of that woman! I'd be afraid of every word I said. But I know what you mean how some people end a sentence like they are asking a question.
I have such respect for Judy - very wise is she True - her patience wears thin but after many years of hearing garbage spoken, I'd be just the same
Do you remember Bruce Willis in Moonlighting - he 'mumbled his way through the scenes And, the result was followed by other actors doing the same !
Hello @Adam Jones , I hope we can tweak your interest, and maybe give you a few things to think about. So get a cup of coffee and settle in, check out a few threads, and maybe tell us a bit about yourself. We're a tolerant group as you'll see, so don't be shy.
Ha ha - only have a problem with 'so' when its used 'so' often and not appropriate And your question mark was appropriate too I admit I'm odd - as it doesn't bother me when written ................. so, its speech that it gets to me ? ? (growl)
I call it text talk or social media language or casual small talk. Maybe it's everyone's way of sounding "real" in cyberspace. I type things I know are grammatically incorrect on purpose...just cuz I wanna. I'll start a sentence with a conjunction like "And" or "But". Actually Merriam-Webster says that's okay. "People have been breaking that rule for a long time". Even the Bible does it, lol. Okay, so here's a better example...oops, I just did "okay so" without realizing it. I'm sooo busted.
@Lara Moss - Its mainly professional people doing the 'so' before a sentence, hear them on radio and TV The ?? is from all walks of life The growl - again, all walks of life