I read this on apple news today , it’s referring to an area In New South Wales however I’d bet my last bag on mini snacks ( mini Kit Kats ) that Costco in Adelaide has decorations and wrapping paper on display in the shop . Most big stores would usually drag out the Christmas gear the week after Father’s Day which isn’t till about September 2nd but they are sure getting in early this year . https://apple.news/A3mllQqY3RVuGnQtLGf14UQ
I posted a pic a few years ago when Lowes had their stuff set up in early October. Doing this in August...or even September...is insane. It's actually disgusting.
We are off to Adelaide for 3 birthday parties for our 100 year old dancing friend this coming week… ( from tomorrow night ) so I will check out Costco in Adelaide Mind you last year all the Christmas gear was at the back of the store …..WHY ….because it offended a certain race / religion
Getting away from Christmas for one minute …why do we need this in Aussieland ?.? @John Brunner Do you …..way over there ……..know something we don’t …??? https://apple.news/AfYtLNZnoQgeR0b0ewb_CdA
I'm not authorized to discuss it. But seriously, there's nothing wrong with having some long-term storage food supplies on hand. Just make sure you got some water to hydrate it. I will say that the 5 year shelf life on that kit is pretty short.
I checked out Adelaide Costco today and they sure have got Christmas decorations set up in store …pretty but way way to early …..like I’ve said they are normally in store the day after Father’s Day that’s Sept 2 nd .,that’s almost 2 weeks away yet . Opps cause photos were taken with my phone I’ve got to adjust them otherwise they post sideways….. be right back
People lose jobs, get sick, have supply line interruptions...There are all sorts of reasons to have emergency food and money available. No matter what country you are in. When covid hit, I had plenty of toilet paper or anything I need. I was glad of the situation because it showed where I was short in my prep. Large bandages.
Here,we have an unwritten rule that nothing Christmas until after Rememberance Day and stores do respect it at least in this Province.