I do not want Trump to be the Antichrist either @Yvonne Smith but I also believe that we do not know for sure that he is not at this point. God allowed Trump to be Elected, but none of us know why God did this and even though I always pray God's Will to be done...we don't know His complete Will until it unfolds completely. What we do know is that God's Word tells us alot about what will happen in the end days before Christ returns, one of the really important things Jesus told us is that satan will deceive the whole world (even the elect if that were possible) with his plan to take over and rule the World instead of Jesus. We are also told that satan and his demons can and do appear as angels of light (or holy ones). The Antichrist is not going to appear to the World as the Antichrist at first, in fact many will believe he is Christ returned to earth. And that is part of satan's evil plan to deceive God's children. We are living in the end times where we are to stay awake and watch and look for the signs that were given in the Bible so we will not be deceived by satan. There are many of those signs happening now and we cannot close our eyes and ears just because we don't want someone we voted for to end up being evil instead of good, etc. Once again I am reminding everyone that I am not saying Trump is the Antichrist. But I remind those who do know Bible prophecy that anything is possible in these end times until it is a proven fact that it is not possible. I continue to pray that Trump is going to do good as our President...but that remains to be seen at this time. And I also will remind everyone that the Antichrist will also appear to do good for 3 and a half years before he will show people the evil side of him.
Isn't the anti-Christ supposed to survive a horrible head wound? So, start with Obama when you do the test.
Well @Gary McNeil you could be right about Obama being an antichrist, the New Testament tells us there have been and will be many antichrists' before Christ returns...but there will only be one Antichrist and who that man is at this time remains to be revealed.
Now this is the prophecy that I want to be correct about Trump. https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=1844402802471816
I read this because my wife said this of Trump way back when, maybe in the early part of this year, when his campaign was still yet uncertain. She's a religious believer. I on the other hand tell myself I am too intelligent to believe this religious jargon. I tell those who asked about my religion I am an agnostic. To speak seriously on the subject I suppose you'd have to believe the Bible has some validity. To believe seems a stretch but many, maybe most people in this country do give it some credibility even if they don't fully understand it. I've been hearing stories of the antichrist and the end tims since I was old enough to comprehend the subject matter. Based on what I think I know, too many people dislike Mr Trump enough for him to be such a character. Yet, Trump is relitively new on the political scene to earn such a title. Still there is much we yet don't know... It's always been an interesting subject among believers. My view is this: I am not too old to learn something.
Well...let`s face it. Mr. Trump certainly LOOKS the part...with his perpetual sneer, and basically sinister expression. Sinister when he is frowning. And, sneering when he is supposed to be smiling...(although, most times, it comes across as a grimace...) Personally, though. i think that he might well be better suited to the ''False Prophet'' role...you know, like, preparing the ground for the Real Deal, kind of thing....Stay tuned to what may happen next....The Plot continues....